Q.4 A private company has proposed a large-scale hydel power project to tap the potential of a fast-flowing river in a state predominantly occupied by indigenous tribal groups. The state is backward and badly needs funds for socio-economic development. The state government is deliberating on the issue and is yet to take a final decision on the matter. While the project is expected to generate substantial revenue and employment, it will submerge the surrounding areas eventually displacing the tribals. Another issue of concern is that the tribal community regards this land and the river as sacred and integral to their cultural heritage. Thus, the tribals are not in favour of going ahead with the project and are already protesting against it. Their leader has threatened to initiate a hunger strike if the government goes ahead with the project. This has caught the attention of the mainstream media and social activists. Based on the information given above, answer the following: (a) Identify the stakeholders involved in the case and their respective interests. (b) Keeping in mind the issues involved, how can differing interests be reconciled for ensuring sustainable development in the area? (20 Marks)

Mentor’s Comments- Give a brief overview of the issues discussed in the case study. State the stakeholders involved in the… Continue reading Q.4 A private company has proposed a large-scale hydel power project to tap the potential of a fast-flowing river in a state predominantly occupied by indigenous tribal groups. The state is backward and badly needs funds for socio-economic development. The state government is deliberating on the issue and is yet to take a final decision on the matter. While the project is expected to generate substantial revenue and employment, it will submerge the surrounding areas eventually displacing the tribals. Another issue of concern is that the tribal community regards this land and the river as sacred and integral to their cultural heritage. Thus, the tribals are not in favour of going ahead with the project and are already protesting against it. Their leader has threatened to initiate a hunger strike if the government goes ahead with the project. This has caught the attention of the mainstream media and social activists. Based on the information given above, answer the following: (a) Identify the stakeholders involved in the case and their respective interests. (b) Keeping in mind the issues involved, how can differing interests be reconciled for ensuring sustainable development in the area? (20 Marks)

Q.3 Electricity Amendment Bill 2022 is a remedy worse than the disease afflicting India’s power sector. Critically analyse. (15 Marks)

Mentor’s comment: https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/somit-dasgupta-writes-electricity-amendment-bill-2022-a-mixed-bag-serc-discoms-power-sector-8123787/ In the introduction briefly discuss the purpose of the bill. In the body, analyse the apprehensions of… Continue reading Q.3 Electricity Amendment Bill 2022 is a remedy worse than the disease afflicting India’s power sector. Critically analyse. (15 Marks)


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