Q.3 Examine the performance of GST in India after 5 years. Suggest the way forward for increasing the revenue under GST. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://www.financialexpress.com/opinion/what-next-for-gst/2575850/ https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/gst-five-years-stronger-8001468/ In the intro, mention the completion of 5 years of GST regime. In the body, mention… Continue reading Q.3 Examine the performance of GST in India after 5 years. Suggest the way forward for increasing the revenue under GST. (10 Marks)

Q.2 Do you agree with the view that India is ahead of the US in terms of reproductive rights after the overturning of the Roe V. Wade judgement in the US? Give reasons in support of your argument. (15 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/abortion-laws-united-states-her-body-her-choice-8001845/ https://www.firstpost.com/opinion/india-should-now-help-us-on-reproductive-rights-laws-10837301.html In the intro, mention the recent US Supreme Court judgement in which Roe V. Wade judgement was… Continue reading Q.2 Do you agree with the view that India is ahead of the US in terms of reproductive rights after the overturning of the Roe V. Wade judgement in the US? Give reasons in support of your argument. (15 Marks)

Q.3 India exported the highest ever volume of rice in 2021-22. What are the concerns with this? Suggest the way forward. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/ashok-gulati-and-ritika-juneja-write-high-costs-of-agri-trade-bans-rice-wheat-exports-8007017/lite/ In the intro, mention the recently imposed export ban on wheat. In the body, mention India’s increase… Continue reading Q.3 India exported the highest ever volume of rice in 2021-22. What are the concerns with this? Suggest the way forward. (10 Marks)

Q.2 Is technology a solution to the deal with the custodial deaths? What are the issues with the use of technologies by law enforcement agencies? (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/technology-is-no-panacea-for-custodial-deaths/article65595779.ece In the intro, mention the menace of custodial torture and deaths in India. In the body mention… Continue reading Q.2 Is technology a solution to the deal with the custodial deaths? What are the issues with the use of technologies by law enforcement agencies? (10 Marks)

Q.4 The proliferation of social media platforms have empowered the citizens and enabled them to freely share their views, including criticism of the government and its functionaries. However, it has also given rise to serious concerns such as spread of fake news, hate speech, revenge porn etc., which have grown manifold in recent years. Moreover, there are growing issues related to lack of transparency, accountability and rights of users of such social media platforms. In this context, what should be the underlying principles to regulate the social media platforms? Also, suggest a framework to address the associated issues and concerns and make such platforms a safe place for its diverse users. (20 Marks)

Mentor’s Comments- Briefly, introduce the case. Discuss the ethical issues involved. Highlight the principles to regulate social media platforms. Suggest… Continue reading Q.4 The proliferation of social media platforms have empowered the citizens and enabled them to freely share their views, including criticism of the government and its functionaries. However, it has also given rise to serious concerns such as spread of fake news, hate speech, revenge porn etc., which have grown manifold in recent years. Moreover, there are growing issues related to lack of transparency, accountability and rights of users of such social media platforms. In this context, what should be the underlying principles to regulate the social media platforms? Also, suggest a framework to address the associated issues and concerns and make such platforms a safe place for its diverse users. (20 Marks)


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