Q.3 What are the factors responsible for recurring floods in major cities in India? Suggest the measures to deal with the issue. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/chennai-floods-climate-crisis-7618776/ In the intro, mention the recent flood in Chennai. In the body, mention various factors such as… Continue reading Q.3 What are the factors responsible for recurring floods in major cities in India? Suggest the measures to deal with the issue. (10 Marks)

Q.4 Literacy levels have been increasing in India over the past few decades, and the literacy rate was found to be 74.04 per cent after the 2011 census. Though this increase in literacy rate seems like a very great accomplishment, it is a matter of concern that still so many people in India cannot even read and write. Children are going to school but not learning much beyond “floor level tasks”. Moreover, the higher literacy level has not resulted in better human values and this is manifested in the troubled atmosphere in the society at large. This failure of the education system to reform human behavior is troubling for a young democracy, like India. Given this situation, answer the following: (a) What role is education expected to play in reforming human behaviour and inculcating human values? (b) Do you think only the government is responsible for this state of the education system? If not, identify the stakeholders who should press for a change in the education system in this regard. (20 Marks)

Mentor’s Comments- Briefly highlight the state of education system in India. Discuss the role of education in reforming human behaviour… Continue reading Q.4 Literacy levels have been increasing in India over the past few decades, and the literacy rate was found to be 74.04 per cent after the 2011 census. Though this increase in literacy rate seems like a very great accomplishment, it is a matter of concern that still so many people in India cannot even read and write. Children are going to school but not learning much beyond “floor level tasks”. Moreover, the higher literacy level has not resulted in better human values and this is manifested in the troubled atmosphere in the society at large. This failure of the education system to reform human behavior is troubling for a young democracy, like India. Given this situation, answer the following: (a) What role is education expected to play in reforming human behaviour and inculcating human values? (b) Do you think only the government is responsible for this state of the education system? If not, identify the stakeholders who should press for a change in the education system in this regard. (20 Marks)

Q.2 What are the factors leading states to formulate domicile based job policies? What are the implications of such policies? (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/editorials/haryana-local-reservation-jobs-7617296/ In the intro, mention Haryana government’s move to reserve jobs for locals. In the body mention factors… Continue reading Q.2 What are the factors leading states to formulate domicile based job policies? What are the implications of such policies? (10 Marks)

Q.3 What are the challenges and opportunities presented by India’s commitment to net-zero emission targets? (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/net-zero-presents-many-opportunities-for-india-and-challenges/ In the intro, mention India’s commitment to net-zero emission made at COP26. In the body, in opportunities… Continue reading Q.3 What are the challenges and opportunities presented by India’s commitment to net-zero emission targets? (10 Marks)


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