Political power is the key to all social progress. Critically comment in the context of lack of women political representative in India? (150 W/ 10 M)

Mentor’s Comment:

This issue was highlighted by the Economic Survey of 2017-18. Introduction should mention general discussion on lack of women representation in politics despite they constituting 50% of population.  Also bring examples to support your argument. This connotes gender inequality leading to deprivation of power.

Further, bring arguments about the need for more women participation in politics. Their participation will bring more empowerment economically as well as participatory decision making. Gender equality, equal say, decreased role of patriarchy, have positive impact on children etc. Bring example to support your points like women participation in panchayats.  

Next, Mention about challenges women face in political representation. Lack of political will, 108th amendment bill, lack of confidence, they are being considered weak gender, cultural environment, patriarchal mindsets etc.

Next, mention about way forward. Like politics as a career of life, passing of 108th amendment bill, support to women from political parties, families, as well as society and electors. Encouraging to participate in politics since schools and colleges etc.

Bring conclusion based on the points of main part.


Model Answer:

Even though a significantly large number of women vote in the country, yet only a few of them assume the reins of power. Gender inequality leading to deprivation of power among women continues to be a political reality in India today. Although the Constitution of India attempts to remove gender inequalities by interdicting discrimination based on sex and class, and enshrining fundamental rights for all citizens, women still have only de jure rather than de facto access to political representation. There is no denying the fact that greater participation of women in the political process would be a pre-condition for their economic and social emancipation. This issue was highlighted by the economic survey of 2017-2018.

Need for more women participation in politics:

  • The absence of critical mass of women representatives has pushed women to the fringes in power sharing and has adverse impacts on their overall political status. We need to change it.
  • Gender perspective in politics gets a boost. Ex: gender budgeting and gender-sensitive laws and policies.
  • Inclusive growth becomes a reality. Nordic countries have the highest women representation – they top almost all development indicators.
  • Women-headed panchayats in India have greater number of and better performing social schemes/projects – like drinking water, education, nutrition etc.
  • It will help in women empowerment, decrease the role of patriarchy and elevate the equality.
  • It’s a democratic right as women constitute almost 50% of human population.
  • It can have impact on outcomes for women and children especially in the distribution of community resources.
  • Their participation in peace negotiations and post-conflict reconstruction is important to ensure the safety and protection of children and vulnerable sections of populations.

Challenges women face in political representation:

  • Lack of political will by all parties to give tickets to women candidates.
  • For a common woman, its not that easy to raise the ladders of politics without a strong political background. Therefore, the elected women mostly come from the 3B brigade – beti, bahu, biwi.
  • 108th Amendment Bill, calling for reservation for women in legislature, is languishing for 2 decades.
  • The empowerment of the women at the top has not trickled down while the achievements of 73rd and 74th CAA have not moved up towards state legislatures and parliaments.
  • Lack of confidence and finance are the other major deterring factors that prevent women from entering politics.
  • Lack of support from the electorate, support of political parties and experience in ‘representative functions’ public speaking, constituency relations and confidence are among the major deterring factors.
  • Many women have expressed their dislike for political process and has opted for the gentler working atmosphere provided by social welfare work.
  • Cultural environment puts maximum emphasis on men. Apart from it criminalization of politics and the political environment of instability and personality traits are the primary causes for marginal participation of women in politics.

Way Forward:

  • Politics should be seen as a career rather than a muddy affair where only rogue elements participate. It will be a first and a much needed step.
  • Political parties should come forward to increase women representatives.
  • Gender stereotypes which perceive women as weak representatives should be changes through awareness and education.
  • Efforts need to be taken to enhance the participation of women in governance in large numbers.
  • 108th CAA or Women’s Reservation Bill which reserves 33% of seats for Indian women at the legislatures has to be passed soon in the Parliament.
  • Women’s leadership and communication skills need to be enhanced by increasing female literacy especially in rural areas. They should be empowered in order to break socio-cultural barriers and improve their status in the society.
  • Women panchayati members have to be trained to analyse and understand their roles and responsibilities given in the 73rdamendment act.
  • Thanks to the university and colleges elections, some from student politics have made their mark but their examples are miniscule and we need more like them.
  • Some form of political activity like elections for unions or head girl should be encouraged at the school level, so that girl children can have a taste of how democracy works and they should be realized that politics is not a bad thing after all.

Increase in women representation in the politics is a reflection of the health of a democracy. It will fulfill the promises of ‘justice’ and ‘equality’ made by the preamble. Recognizing the significance of roles of women in decision making process in the society is critical to strengthen women’s agencies for building a progressive society with equality of opportunities among all citizens.


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