Q.1 Bring out the constructive programmes of Mahatma Gandhi during Non-Cooperation Movement and Civil Disobedience Movement.(15 Marks)

Mentor’s Comments-

  • In the introduction, mention what do you understand by constructive programmes.
  • In the body, write down the features of Gandhi’s constructive programme.
  • Next, mention the impacts of the programme on the freedom struggle in general and NCM/CDM in particular.
  • Conclude suitably.
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3 years ago

Constructive programmes are the social work initiatives of Mahatma Gandhi launched during inactive phase of freedom struggle. Constructive programmes are said to have played role of keeping moral of congress workers high, widening the meaning of swaraj, and preparation for the next phase of struggle. 

The constructive programme of Mahatma Gandhi during non-cooperation and civil disobedience movement, consisted of following work: 

Satygraha Sabha made from members of Home Rule Leagues was organized before non-cooperation movement. Methods of strike were combined with fasting and praying.  
Promotion of Khadi and village industries through use of spinning wheel, khadi bhandars, and boycott of foreign cloth. 
Promotion of Hindu-Muslim unity was emphasised in messaging and symbolism, through network of Ashrams across villages. 
Removal of untouchability was worked upon through work among lower castes and tribals. For example, the Bardoli Sayagraha. 
Role played by constructive programme in non-cooperation and civil disobedience movement: 

Volunteers promoting use of Khadi provided ground workers and support during civil disobedience movement. 
During non-cooperation movement, constructive programme kept up the spirit of people in wake of disappointment due to suspension of movement. 
Constructive work expanded the reach of the national movement across caste and class barriers 
Constructive programme of Mahatma Gandhi provided the cadre for freedom struggle, created training arena for them and expanded the social basis of the national movement

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3 years ago

Please sir evaluate and suggest tips for improvement and for notes making too.. Please sir



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