Mentor’s Comments-
- In the introduction, define malnourishment and the various forms in which it exists.
- In the body, briefly mention some of the causes of malnourishment.
- Also, mention some data to show the status of malnourishment in India.
- List down the various initiatives taken by the government to address the issue.
- Conclude by invoking the SDGs and mentioning that a lot more needs to be done.
Razor ID: #0000466569
Content is less for a 15-mark question; you need to answer the question holistically. Use 3 pages. Intro is have mentioned working definition.
After that mention some causes of malnourishment, then briefly mention the status in India- then come to government interventions.
In causes you can mention- Vicious cycle of poverty; Inadequate food consumption; Inequitable food distribution; Hidden hunger i.e. food is deficient in micronutrients such as the vitamins and minerals; Improper maternal, infant and child feeding, and care practices; Inequity and gender imbalances etc
In status you can mention facts from any report such as Hunger index or FAO’s report which mentions that 14.5% of India’s population is undernourished.
Government interventions part is fine; however some flagship schemes have been missed- Poshan abhiyan, ICDS. Mid-day meal etc
Conclusion is fine.
Keep writing.
Razorpay: I8GfoK9Ze5ifgl
Very good answer, each part is handled well. Content and presentation both are fine.
Introduction is good, working definition is well written. Causes are also good; you can mention some of the effects too- especially relate it to vicious cycle of poverty.
Government interventions have also been written in an elaborate manner- that is nice. Way forward and conclusion are fine. Not much changes required.
Keep writing consistently 🙂
Nice attempt. Introduction is good. You have explained malnutrition well too. Also mention obesity, being overweight and having diet-related non-communicable diseases too as one component of malnourishment.
Causes and effects mentioned are fine.
Govt intervention part is also good and well explained. You can also mention about food security. PDS, national nutrition mission, ICDS etc
Overall good answer; covered holistically.
Keep writing. 🙂