Q.2 “Amid Turkey’s quest for regional dominance and hostility towards India, the deepening engagement between India, the UAE and Israel can be converted into a formal coalition on the lines of Abraham Accords” Comment. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment-
  • https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/india-middle-east-relations-israel-uae-abraham-accords-7435298/
  •  In the intro, mention the Abraham Accords between UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco with Israel.
  • In the body, mention the factors such as Turkey’s hostility toward India on Kashmir issue and blocking of NSG membership at the behest of Pakistan, growing inclination of Pakistan towards Turkey, the transformation of India’s relations with UAE and Israel and convergence of interest between the three countries, the scope for cooperation in aerospace, defence and digital innovation etc.
  • Conclude by mentioning that the idea of a Greater Middle East can provide a huge fillip to India’s engagement with the extended neighbourhood to the west.
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3 years ago

kindly review

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