Mentor’s comment-
article/opinion/columns/ parliament-session-opposition- farm-laws-repeal-7646332/ - In the intro, mention the recent announcement of the government about the repeal of the farm laws.
- In the body, mention issues such by-passing of the select committee in the passing of most of the law, lack of deliberation, lack of coordination among the opposition, disregard for public opinion etc. In the suggestions, mention coordination among the opposition, a probe by ruling party MPs, strengthening the role of civil society.
- Conclude by mentioning the need to play the part by all the stakeholders.
Try to give relevant introduction..mention about the repeal of farm laws or increasing disruption of parliament in recent times..constitution-making is too basic to start with- it eats up both your word limit and space.
Examples about repeal of laws is good but mention why are they being repealed- what are the issues with parliament functioning- by-passing of the select committee in the passing of most of the law, lack of deliberation, lack of coordination among the opposition etc
Also mention a way forward on how to avoid this.
Your answers are very superficial..need to build upon your content before writing…go through the article other answers too..address what the question is asking..go a bit into details..for example you have mentioned in way forward enable standardization(not clear what you mean by standardization); adequate legislature functioning(what steps need to be taken?)
Keep practicing but also read a bit about issues before writing..otherwise it will become will have to reorient your content when you read the topic afterwards. 🙂
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Introduction is good, instead of public better use the term ‘stakeholders’..public has already elected the government for making every time a referendum can’t be done..rather debate/discussion should be done in parliament itself which you can mention.
After that constitutionality of agri-laws is not the demand of the can avoid that part. Mention constitutionality not debated upon of various laws as one of the implications..court has to step in frequently.
Problems mentioned are you can also mention repeated adjournments(link with current- monsoon session); unruly opposition can be mentioned too
Other points are good.
Implications mentioned are fine too.
Way forward is nice- especially examples from different countries, mention the need to address changes in anti-defection law to enhance the role of ruling party MPs, role of civil society.
Conclusion is fine.
Keep practicing. 🙂
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