Q.2 Is Iron-fortified rice an answer to the anaemia prevalence in India? What are the issues with such a policy? (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment-
  • https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/rice-fortification-programme-iron-anaemia-7470938/
  • In the intro, mention the recent announcement by the government about iron-fortified rice to deal with the prevalence of anaemia in India.
  • In the body, mention the reasons for anaemia and next mention issues with a policy of fortification risk involved due to excess iron intake, higher WHO cutoff for haemoglobin, iron not being solely responsible for anaemia and challenges in fortifications etc.
  • Conclude by mentioning the need to explore the solution through other ways by promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle instead of fortification of fortification of rice.
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