Q.2 It is said that those who hold the pen, write the rules. The time has come for India to both hold the pen and write the rules for a more equitable global economics and governance. Discuss in the context of India’s presidency of G20 summit with challenges and opportunities ahead. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s Comments-

  • https://epaper.thehindu.com/Home/ShareArticle?OrgId=G3UA6JES3.1&imageview=0
  • In the intro, mention India’s hosting of G20 Summit in 2023 and opportunity for India to shape the agenda.
  • In the body, mention the significance of G20 for the world. In the next part, mention the need for crafting new approaches to fix the global discord.
  • Conclude by mentioning the significant role India can play in the conference .
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