Mentor’s Comments-
- Introduce by highlighting the contrast between lack of resources and opportunities as measure of poverty. Give a wholistic definition of poverty.
- In body, list points highlighting how lack of opportunities creates poverty such as through exclusion, social capital, gender discrimination, lack of industrialization etc.
- Conclude with way forward such as through Amartya Sen’s capability approach.
Payment ID : #0000612929
Decent attempt.
Introduction is fine but if you can give some proper related definition it would be better; for example, you could mention that World Bank defines poverty in terms of both deprivation in well-being as well as lack of voice and insufficient capacity and opportunity.
Points mentioned in the body are good. A flow chart showing the vicious cycle between lack of opportunity and poverty can be drawn. Further, you can add a dimension by talking about lack of opportunities to women and feminization of poverty. Regional disparity due to various reasons such as absence of infrastructure, lack of resources etc and the ensuing lack of opportunity leading to poverty can also be mentioned.
In conclusion, try to give some futuristic solution rather than just summarising as this is a topic where there is enough content and it can be used to advantage. Amartya Sen’s capability approach, access to healthcare, education and other social services and guarantee of a basic level of opportunities for all etc could be mentioned.
Keep practicing. 🙂
Payment id : #0000629049
Introduction is fine, but stretches a bit long. You can avoid mentioning the list, just mention 1 or 2 of them as examples and move on.
Points in the body are decent. First, a flow chart showing the vicious cycle between lack of opportunity and poverty can be drawn to show the relationship between both. Lack of healthcare, food, education, investment (skilling could be included here), exclusion are good points. However, one of the main reasons of lack of opportunity is lack of resources, regional disparity in access to resources, infrastructure etc could be mentioned. Further, you can add a dimension by talking about lack of opportunities to women and feminization of poverty. Sector wise also you can elaborate- for example, lack of opportunities in agriculture sector due to historical reasons, fragmentation of land; in industrial sector due to jump from agriculture to services etc
Conclusion is good.
Keep practicing. Try to include more dimensions in the answer. 🙂
Payment ID : CICAgJCkl-y8dw
Good attempt, structure of the answer is good, content is fine too.
Decent introduction. Flowchart is can complete the vicious cycle by showing that lack of opportunities again leads to poverty.
In next part, points are good, however, lack of opportunity could also arise due to lack of resources- both tangible and intangible. This could be mentioned. Lack of food, healthcare, education & skills can be mentioned. Accessibility to resources is also lacking due to regional disparity, poor infrastructure and sectoral inefficiencies ( fragmentation of land, historical reasons in agriculture; inadequate industrialisation etc) which can be talked about. This part is the crux of the answer, so try to cover more points here in multiple dimensions. Good that you have mentioned social exclusion and gender discrimination.
Conclusion is good, but can be made more crisp.
Keep practicing. 🙂
Introduction is a bit long, just mention the contrasting definitions and move ahead.
Points in the next part are fine. You can present it better. First, show the relationship between lack of opportunity and poverty, then mention how there is a lack of opportunity. This part is the crux of the answer, so should be addressed properly.
Points are fine, some explanation can be given- for example, social exclusion (caste,class differences etc) could be explained a bit, in gender discrimination you can mention how there has been a feminization of poverty due to lack of opportunities for women. Lack of resources due to regional disparity and absence of infrastructure could also be mentioned.
Next part about schemes can be avoided if you are short of time or word limit is exceeding as it is not asked.
In conclusion, you can take a positive approach by talking about a way forward. Sen’s capability approach is good, access to healthcare, education and other social services and guarantee of a basic level of opportunities for all etc could be mentioned. You have talked about per capita income declining, that’s not true(pandemic years might be an exception when GDP itself declined), it is low but not declining.
Keep practicing. 🙂