Mentor’s comment-
opinion/op-ed/the-scale-of- municipal-finances-is- inadequate/article65631481.ece - In the intro, mention that pandemic and implementation of GST have affected the fiscal health of the municipalities.
- In the body mention that after 74th Constitutional amendment, provisions were made for ULB’s fiscal empowerment. In the next part mention the challenges such as constraints in tax base expansion, weakening of institutional mechanisms, impact of GST on revenue etc. In the suggestions mention need for tapping into property tax, other land based resources and user charges, stable support from state and central government etc.
- Conclude by mentioning that sound municipal health will a crucial factor in determining whether India realises her economic and developmental goals.
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Introduction is fine, importance of finances is also written, you can use flowchart or circle diagram for this part.
Challenges mentioned are fine, but use some data to do value addition.
You can mention that 40% of the ULBs’ total revenue comes from inter-governmental transfers which makes them highly dependent.. Property tax, the most important component of ULB’s own revenue accounted for only about 0.15% of the GDP which is very low, also variations among various cities depending upon size can be mentioned.
Way forward is decent enough, however, things like property tax and municipal bonds can be mentioned..
Also, try to write a conclusion otherwise answer looks incomplete.
Keep practicing.
Introduction is fine, after that 1-2 line can be written on how finances play an important role in municipal governance.
Challenges mentioned are decent, increase in operations and maintenance expenditure, inter city variations can be mentioned.. Good that you have mentioned some data, it can be compared with developed countries to show the difference.
Way forward is fine, measures to augment tax revenue can be added.
Conclusion is fine, both paragraphs below and above the way forward contain similar points, avoiding the repetition and elaborating upon some of the challenges will be a better approach.
Overall decent answer, keep practicing.