“Mentor’s Comments”
- https://www.thehindu.com/
opinion/lead/making-welfare- conditional-is-a-stamp-of- coercion/article35330850.ece - In the intro, mention the need for population control measures in India.
- In the body, mention issues with the Bill and policies based on coercive methods such as violation of the right to reproductive freedom, right to privacy, violation of international obligations, unintended consequences etc.
- Conclude by mentioning the use of more efficacious and alternative measures available such as improving public health and education.
Payment Id: pay HFrdyJMOEZ9967. Please review, Sir.
Introduction is good.
When writing about the bill,mention some of its provisions- Incentives such as 2 increments during service, house-purchase subsidy, extended paternity/maternity leaves, free healthcare and insurance for spouse etc. Disincentives such as- debarred from govt welfare schemes, can’t apply for state govt jobs, prohibits contesting elections to local bodies etc
Issues are fine. Also mention legal arguments to make the answer better. In Suchitra Srivastava vs Chandigarh Admin, SC held that right to reproductive freedom is an integral part of Ar 21. In KS Puttaswamy, SC mentioned person’s autonomy over body comes under right to privacy and it cannot be arbitrarily revoked, bill must pass the test of proportionality. Also you can mention Devika Biswas case where court pointed out the disparate impact of such measures on minorities and other vulnerable groups.
Suggestions are good, keep it concise for example public health is mentioned in both point 1 and 3, you can club them. Write a concluding statement.
Read some other answers. Keep writing. 🙂
Please review
Payment Id pay_HHWzC2O9xhkaqA
Regarding your doubt-
1. You can exceed the word limit by 15-20 words, that won’t be much of an issue if your answer is good.
2. You need to be smart while reading the question, for example in this question a hint is already given by using the term ‘Coercive measures’. It is quite a negative term and it gives you an insight into what the examiner is expecting. Plus, you have started with why population control bill is needed, there only some positives can be mentioned smartly for example high MMR of UP, need of sustainable development etc. Another way of writing is using 3rd person-for example you can mention that U.P. government has argued this–then write some positives.
3. Third approach is you can outrightly focus on positives but this is a very risky approach- your arguments must be superb and convincing.
4. Finally, if you have enough content for what the question is directly asking, address those sections first and in a detailed way, then you can move to expressing your holistic knowledge if word limit permits.
For example, in this answer-
Intro is good, you can mention some UP specific needs for the bill such as high MMR, need of sustainable development. Question is asking about provisions of bill, so aims are fine, also mention some incentives such as 2 increments during service, house-purchase subsidy, extended paternity/maternity leaves, free healthcare and insurance for spouse etc and disincentives such as- debarred from govt welfare schemes, can’t apply for state govt jobs, prohibits contesting elections to local bodies etc
Issues mentioned are good, no need to mention positives here after each point. Rather you can mention,in KS Puttaswamy, SC mentioned person’s autonomy over body comes under right to privacy and it cannot be arbitrarily revoked, bill must pass the test of proportionality. Also you can mention Devika Biswas case where court pointed out the disparate impact of such measures on minorities and other vulnerable groups.
Conclusion is fine.
Keep writing. 🙂
Kindly check
Payment ID- #0000440503
Nice attempt but your answer is very generic. Introduction is fine, you can also add some data about land and water resources compared to population.
When writing about the bill,mention some of its provisions- Incentives such as 2 increments during service, house-purchase subsidy, extended paternity/maternity leaves, free healthcare and insurance for spouse etc. Disincentives such as- debarred from govt welfare schemes, can’t apply for state govt jobs, prohibits contesting elections to local bodies etc
Give a seperate subheading for issues, write SC judgements along with points. In Suchitra Srivastava vs Chandigarh Admin, SC held that right to reproductive freedom is an integral part of Ar 21. In KS Puttaswamy, SC mentioned person’s autonomy over body comes under right to privacy and it cannot be arbitrarily revoked, bill must pass the test of proportionality. Also you can mention Devika Biswas case where court pointed out the disparate impact of such measures on minorities and other vulnerable groups.
Also it will have a negative impact on sex ratio as people might go for abortions.
Way forward and conclusion is fine.
Read some more about the topic. Keep writing. 🙂
Introduction is fine. Needs mentioned are fine too.
When writing about the bill before coming to issues ,mention some of its provisions- Incentives such as 2 increments during service, house-purchase subsidy, extended paternity/maternity leaves, free healthcare and insurance for spouse etc. Disincentives such as- debarred from govt welfare schemes, can’t apply for state govt jobs, prohibits contesting elections to local bodies etc
Issues written are good, you can also mention in KS Puttaswamy, SC mentioned person’s autonomy over body comes under right to privacy and it cannot be arbitrarily revoked, bill must pass the test of proportionality.
Also you can mention Devika Biswas case where court pointed out the disparate impact of such measures on minorities and other vulnerable groups (this can be integrated with your 1st point itself).
India’s international commitments can also be mentioned.
Measures and conclusion are good.
Nice attempt. Keep practicing. 🙂
Razor payment id : HHOoNABVzCCLcD
Very generic answer. In the introduction, mention why the need of a population control bill was felt at the first place. You can add some data about land and water resources compared to population.
When writing about the bill,mention some of its provisions first- Incentives such as 2 increments during service, house-purchase subsidy, extended paternity/maternity leaves, free healthcare and insurance for spouse etc. Disincentives such as- debarred from govt welfare schemes, can’t apply for state govt jobs, prohibits contesting elections to local bodies etc. Then come to issues.
Issues are fine. Also mention legal arguments to make the answer better. In Suchitra Srivastava vs Chandigarh Admin, SC held that right to reproductive freedom is an integral part of Ar 21. In KS Puttaswamy, SC mentioned person’s autonomy over body comes under right to privacy and it cannot be arbitrarily revoked, bill must pass the test of proportionality. Also you can mention Devika Biswas case where court pointed out the disparate impact of such measures on minorities and other vulnerable groups. Sex-selective abortions can also rise.
Instead of benefits it is better to write a way forward in such questions, benefits can be put as needs in intro itself.
Finally conclude. Read some other answers. Keep writing. 🙂
Please review 🙂
Payment Idpay_HSaWe94YQ68p61
You have tried to mention too many things and in that process left many things for the examiner to understand by himself.
No need to start comparing with China in so much detail, afterall China has become a superpower and its per capita income risen much compared to India.
Start by mentioning why need was felt for population control bill. (The points you have mentioned in population issues)
Provisions are fine. In constitutional and legal concerns mention that right to reproductive freedom is an integral part of Ar 21. In KS Puttaswamy, SC mentioned person’s autonomy over body comes under right to privacy and it cannot be arbitrarily revoked, bill must pass the test of proportionality. Also you can mention Devika Biswas case where court pointed out the disparate impact of such measures on minorities and other vulnerable groups. You have mentioned judgements but explanation is not adequate. Rest of the points in issues are fine.
In way forward mention the need of education, women empowerment and awareness about family planning also.
Read some other answers. Address those parts which are asked in question properly, after that you can go for extra info.
Keep writing. 🙂
Kindly review
Nice attempt. You have covered most points. Also write about the proposed disincentives in the bill which is a major cause of concern-debarred from govt welfare schemes, can’t apply for state govt jobs, prohibits contesting elections to local bodies etc.
Also mention SC cases like Suchitra Srivastava vs Chandigarh admin, KS Puttaswamy, Devika Biswas along with respective points. That will add value to the answer.
Alternative measures and conclusion are good. Try to make it a bit concise and don’t exceed the word limit by much. Keep practicing. 🙂
Introduction is fine. When writing about the bill,mention some of its provisions first- Incentives such as 2 increments during service, house-purchase subsidy, extended paternity/maternity leaves, free healthcare and insurance for spouse etc. Disincentives such as- debarred from govt welfare schemes, can’t apply for state govt jobs, prohibits contesting elections to local bodies etc. You have mentioned that approach is poor but what is the approach is not mentioned.
Issues are fine. Also mention legal arguments to make the answer better. In Suchitra Srivastava vs Chandigarh Admin, SC held that right to reproductive freedom is an integral part of Ar 21. In KS Puttaswamy, SC mentioned person’s autonomy over body comes under right to privacy and it cannot be arbitrarily revoked, bill must pass the test of proportionality. Also you can mention Devika Biswas case where court pointed out the disparate impact of such measures on minorities and other vulnerable groups.
Suggestions and conclusion are fine.
Keep practicing. 🙂
Ref no 0000420120
Introduction is fine. After that you can write some points on why the need of such a bill was felt- mention some data regarding high pressure on resources, poverty, high MMR, effect on sustainable development etc
Mention provisions and issues separately. Points mentioned are fine.
Also you can add that in KS Puttaswamy, SC mentioned person’s autonomy over body comes under right to privacy and it cannot be arbitrarily revoked, bill must pass the test of proportionality.
Way forward is fine, you can also mention about Cairo consensus and need to keep promoting awareness about family planning. Conclusion is okay.
Keep writing. 🙂