Mentor’s comment-
opinion/op-ed/the-legal- challenges-in-recognising-the- taliban/article36087236.ece - In the intro, mention the takeover of the Afghanistan government by the Taliban and legal challenges in recognising it.
- In the body mention the two doctrines: effectiveness and legitimacy used for international recognition of the government. In India’s approach mention the need for developing policy that makes it possible to deal with Taliban as a de facto government of Afghanistan.
- Conclude by mentioning that none of the two doctrines is legally binding, so Russia and China can recognize the Taliban government based on effectiveness which other countries can deny based on legitimacy doctrine.
Please review sir
Please mention reference ID for reviews.
Answer is fine. Your knowledge is good. Introduction is fine.
You can explain the doctrine of effectiveness in a bit more detail. There should be a reasonable possibility of permanence in control, how has the control been taken doesn’t matter.
Also, mention that none of the two doctrines is legally binding, so Russia and China can recognize the Taliban government based on effectiveness which other countries can deny based on legitimacy doctrine.
In India’s approach you have talked about engagement, also mention in way forward itself whether India should give legitimacy or not. You can mention that legitimacy can be avoided since past history of Taliban is gruesome and India should first wait and watch whether principles of democracy/human rights are upheld or not.
Keep practicing. 🙂
Nice attempt. Content is good, you have covered most of the points.
Doctrines mentioned are also fine. In India’s approach, I don’t think power sharing is looking like a probable option now. You can mention that India should focus on democracy/ human rights in the Taliban regime and avoid giving them legal recognition until these principles are upheld. Point about de facto engagement you have already mentioned.
Conclusion is fine. Keep practicing. 🙂
Pay ID #0000440503
Introduction is fine. You need to explain both the doctrines better. Taliban has effective control but no democratic legitimacy. In effectiveness, mention that there should be a reasonable possibility of permanence in control, how has the control been taken doesn’t matter. In democratic legitimacy, consent of the people is involved.
Also, mention that these doctrines are not legally binding in international law.
Next part about India’s approach is fine. You can mention that legitimacy can be avoided since past history of Taliban is gruesome and India should first observe whether principles of democracy/human rights are upheld or not. Conclusion is good.
Keep practicing. 🙂