Q.2 What are the implications of the low public spending on health in India? The National Health Accounts (NHA) report for 2017-18 shows that total public spending on health as a percentage of GDP has increased. In this context, examine the issues with the findings of increased spending in the report. (15 Marks)

Mentor’s comment- https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/health-account-numbers-that-require-closer-scrutiny/article37889514.ece In the intro, mention the low public spending as a percentage of GDP in India.  In the … Continue reading Q.2 What are the implications of the low public spending on health in India? The National Health Accounts (NHA) report for 2017-18 shows that total public spending on health as a percentage of GDP has increased. In this context, examine the issues with the findings of increased spending in the report. (15 Marks)