Q.2 What are the various suggestions made in the new National Water Policy (NWP)? How these suggestions can help India deal with the water crisis. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment-
  • https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/what-indias-new-water-policy-seeks-to-deliver-7595819/
  • In the intro, mention that the new National Water Policy suggest wide-ranging changes and reforms in water governance to deal with the challenge.
  • In the body, mention suggestions such as diversification of crops, use of technology such as SCADA and pressurised closed conveyance pipelines to utilise utilised water in the dams, participatory groundwater management, emphasis on the water quality and constitution of National Water Commission etc.
  • Conclude by mentioning that the new NWP calls for a multi-disciplinary multi-stakeholder approach to water management.
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