Mentor’s comment-
article/opinion/columns/we- need-an-orderly-transition- from-coal-to-renewables- 8035406/lite/ - In the intro, mention the recent power crisis in India due to shortage of coal.
- In the body mention measures on the front of finance, regulation, quality of coal, removing financial burden due to cross subsidies etc.
- Conclude by mentioning that implementing the changes suggested above to reduce the exposure of domestic economy.
In intro, you can link it with some current affairs to show the requirement of coal( reduced powe plant stockpiles, fears of power crisis etc)
Reasons for price surge are good. However, you can integrate this with the importance of increasing coal production with price surge being one of the reasons. Easing inflationary pressures, shielding domestic economy, slow growth of renewables can be mentioned as other reasons.
Measures to reduce price volatility are good, rationalizing cross-subsidies, need of a regulator acting as a single point of contact for the industry and streamlining policy measures such as National Electricity Policy can also be mentioned.
Conclusion is fine.
Overall a decent attempt but some content enrichment can be done by adding the above mentioned points.
Keep practicing. 🙂