Mentor’s comment-
opinion/op-ed/ploughing-a-new- channel-for-indias-food- systems/article65081135.ece - In the intro, mention that although India is now self-sufficient in food grains production in the macro sense, it has about a quarter of the world’s food-insecure people.
- In the body mention the need to move away from siloed approach of agriculture serving food security and adopting ‘food systems’ for ‘sustainability’ and ‘better nutrition and embrace the range of activities and actors involved in food production, aggregation, processing, distribution and consumption embedded in their socio-economic and physical context.
- Conclude by mentioning that for science to be relevant to societal outcomes, it has to be planned and executed within the theory of change.
Bro I think answer sheet didn’t got attached.
Introduction is fine, but after that mention a section on the need for changes.
You can mention the increasing population, climate change, reduction in land and water availability, soil fertility etc. This will give the context to your answer as you have mostly mentioned the approach going forward.
In first part, point no. 4 is not clear, otherwise most points are fine, you can also talk briefly about the approach to distribution systems.. Issue of exclusion in PDS, over-subsidized, need to include more diverse crops etc
Conclusion is fine.
Keep practicing.