Mentor’s comment-
article/opinion/editorials/ extending-bsfs-powers-wont- resolve-policing-problems- security-threats-7582358/ - In the intro, mention the protest by the states against the order.
- In the body, explain the act under which the order extended the jurisdiction of the BSF and its implications such as the risk of civilian resentment, overstretching BSF, undermining the State police’s morale, issue of federalism etc. In suggestions, mention police reform, cooperation between different agencies, emphasis on intelligence etc.
- Conclude by stating that strengthening police capabilities, improving coordination between security agencies and cooperation with state law enforcement are needed to address these issues.
This is a 15 mark question; content is a bit less with regard to that. Plus try to write in points and cover all dimensions under one subheading.
Intro is fine, however mention clearly about the 3 states (Punjab, WB, Assam) for which jurisdiction has been enhanced; also write a bit about BSF and its mandate. Here in mandate you can cover some reasons why jurisdiction was enhanced (increase in cross-border terrorism, smuggling, illegal migration etc)
Then come to implications, other than issue of federalism you can also mention the issue of public order(in which state police is more capable) vs state security; this could also hamper morale of state police, overstretch BSF etc
Then give 2-3 points for way forward(police reforms, cooperation with states etc) and conclude.
Keep practicing. Read some other answers. 🙂
Razor payment ID: #0000466569
Nice answer. There are some factual errors in the introduction, I think BSF doesn’t guard the India- Nepal border, also jurisdiction has been increased in only 3 states- Punjab, WB and Assam.
Since this is a 15 mark question, after intro mention a bit about BSF also, its background and its mandate.
Need for the decision is well written, implications are also fine. Some negative implications are missing for example this will lower the morale of the state police force, might create public order problems, also overstretches the role of BSF, undermines capabilities of intelligence agencies etc.
You can incorporate these, rest of the points are fine.
Suggestions mentioned and conclusion are also okay.
Keep practicing. Also, try to keep improving a bit on your handwriting. 🙂
Razorpay: I8GfoK9Ze5ifgl
Pages are jumbled: order: 2-3-1
Decent attempt, but you have deviated a bit. Introduction is fine. Background about BSF and its jurisdiction need to be mentioned but keep it concise. That is not the core demand of the question.
Mention the need of this order, for example increase in cross-border terrorist activities, smuggling of drugs, illegal migration etc.
Also, implications part should be given more space- mention that state police morale will be lower as public order is a state subject, debate of public order vs state security, also it overstretches the role of BSF and undermines the role of intelligence agencies.
Way forward is fine, but again you can talk about urgent need of police reforms, collaborative approach with other security and intelligence agencies, states etc. Also. a proper conclusion is missing.
Keep practicing.:)
Introduction and mandate of BSF part is good. But this is a 15 mark question, in later part of the answer, you need to elaborate a bit on points.
Structure of the answers is good, add some points for example in positive implications, you can mention it will aid in curbing cross-border terrorist activities, smuggling of drugs, illegal migration etc.
In negatives, mention that state police morale will be lower as public order is a state subject, debate of public order vs state security, also it overstretches the role of BSF and undermines the role of intelligence agencies.
In way forward, you can talk about urgent need of police reforms and improving cooperation between various security agencies rather than giving overriding powers to one.
Keep practicing. 🙂