Q.3 Recognising the power of technology to drive inclusion at a massive scale, the state is doubling down on technology to reach more citizens and serve them better. Large segments of Indians still can’t access or haven’t learned to trust digital artefacts. In the context of this, suggest the elements to make the “digital public” a reality. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment-
  • https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/how-to-create-a-truly-digital-public-digital-india-digital-certificates-7598043/
  • In the intro, mention the issue of digital exclusion.
  • In the body, mention the issue of digital exclusion of a large section of the population due to issue of lack of trust, the paradigm of technology is built around the elite citizen etc. In the suggestions mention understanding socio-cultural contexts and lived realities before designing tech solutions, harnessing trusted human interface,   institutionalise an anchor entity that brings together innovators, policymakers and researchers to push the frontier on citizen-centricity in GovTech.
  • In the conclusion mention that as India makes rapid strides in its digitalisation journey, it is time to invoke Gandhiji’s talisman and ensure that GovTech can serve its highest and greatest purpose, that is, serving those who are last in line.
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