Q.3 Tax reform introduced in the form of the GST is still in transition. What are the challenges in the implementation of GST? Suggest the necessary changes. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment-
  • https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/extending-gst-compensation-as-a-reform-catalyst/article38243062.ece
  • In the intro, mention the nearing end of the duration in which the Centre had agreed to pay compensation to the States for their revenue loss.
  • In the body, mention challenges such as misuse of input tax credit and fake invoices. Impact on certainty for the States about the tax revenue, complex nature of tax structure. In the suggestion mention the need to reduce the items in exempted list, bringing petroleum products, real estate, electricity in GST net, transition to single rate of GST, extending the period in which Centre provides the compensation to the states.
  • Conclude by mentioning the need to implement these changes to mitigate the problems.
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3 years ago

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