“Mentor’s Comments”
- https://indianexpress.com/
article/explained/open- network-for-digital-commerce- project-explained-7391486/ - https://indianexpress.com/
article/opinion/columns/how- open-network-for-digital- commerce-could-disrupt-indias- e-commerce-space-7417683/ - In the intro, briefly explain ONDC.
- In the body, mention its utility in dealing with the issues facing the e-commerce sector in India such as monopoly, lack of level playing field and misuse of dominant market position by few players. In the approach mention creation of three layers- tech, governance and community. Also mention the need for interoperability for ensuring success.
- You can conclude by mentioning the boldness of ONDC must be matched by the thoughtfulness of the approach.
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Nice attempt, in introduction mention that ONDC is about making e-commerce processes OPEN-SOURCE, thus creating a platform that can be utilised by all online retailers.
Advantages and approach to be adopted part is good. Most of the points are covered. You can also mention the need to explore the concept of “interoperability”, that is, mandating that private digital platforms like e-commerce firms to enable their users and suppliers to seamlessly solicit business on other platforms.
Conclusion is fine, overall good answer. Keep practicing. 🙂
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In introduction mention that it will be an open-source platform which will allow its use, redistribution and modification.
Advantages part is fine, in disadvantages avoid mentioning monopolization, in fact since the platform will be open-source it will be advantageous in dealing with monopoly and dominant practices of leading market-players. Rest of the points are fine.
In way forward, mention three layers of interventions that are needed- at technology level(minimal intervention, decentralisation, privacy aspect, use of blockchain tech etc); governance level(standards should be backed by laws to avoid misuse) and community level(feedback mechanism,stakeholder participation can be mentioned here). Points that you have written are fine, arranging under some keywords with a proper structure will give you some extra marks.
Conclusion is fine. Keep practicing.
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Introduction is good. Advantages part is also fine, but try to make it more concise. You need to give equal space to the 2nd part of the question about approaches that are required also.
In way forward, mention three layers of interventions that are needed- at technology level(minimal intervention, decentralisation, privacy aspect, use of blockchain tech etc); governance level(standards should be backed by laws to avoid misuse) and community level(feedback mechanism,inclusive and participatory approach-stakeholder participation can be mentioned here). Also briefly you can explain what do you understand by interoperability here.
Conclusion is fine.
Read some more about the topic. Keep practicing. 🙂
Introduction is fine, after writing about open-source nature you can briefly mention what do you understand by open-source nature.
Advantages mentioned are fine. Approaches that need to be adopted are also fine- you can add some points like use of blockchain, in-built mechanism of privacy maintenance in tech layer; need of consumer and supplier feedback mechanism, stakeholder consultations at community level. You can also mention the need to explore the concept of “interoperability”, that is, mandating that private digital platforms like e-commerce firms to enable their users and suppliers to seamlessly solicit business on other platforms.
Conclusion is fine. Nice attempt overall.
Keep practicing. 🙂