Mentor’s comment-
opinion/op-ed/sowing-better- to-eat-better/article36995739. ece - In the intro, mention the decline in nutrition-related indicators in surveys.
- In the body, mention the relation between the country’s agri-food system and its nutrition and food security. Also mention that addressing the problems of agri-food system will also help addressing country’s economic problems as well. In the suggestion, mention need for reorientation to minimise the cost on the environment and the climate, ensuring more diversity etc.
- Conclude by mentioning that sustainable agri-food systems can deliver food security and nutrition for all, without compromising the economic, social and environmental bases.
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Good attempt. Introduction is fine but don’t say that agriculture suffered due to pandemic, actually agriculture was one of the few sectors to show a positive growth. You can attribute malnutrition to increasing poverty, loss of livelihoods etc
Relationship between agri-food systems and food security are fine, challenges are also okay.
In changes, you can add multiple points, try to incorporate the keywords such as integrated farming, permaculture, ZBNF, post-harvest architecture, crop-diversification etc. Also mention a point regarding need to improve nutritional security- mention things like need of kitchen gardens, nutrition-sensitive safety net programmes, women’s empowerment, enforcement of standards, improving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, nutrition education, biofortification etc in that point.
Conclusion is good.
Keep practicing. 🙂