Mentor’s comment-
article/opinion/columns/ chennai-floods-climate-crisis- 7618776/ - In the intro, mention the recent flood in Chennai.
- In the body, mention various factors such as increasing frequency of heavy precipitation due to climate change as noted in the IPCC’s sixth Assessment Report, poor planning urban planning, encroachment on drainage systems, clogging of the drainage system, violation of environmental laws and municipal by-law and natural factors such as high rainfall in short duration etc. In the suggestions mention changes in planning, implementation of laws and by-laws, cleaning and maintenance of drainage system, preparedness for floods etc.
- Conclude by mentioning the need to move away from land-centric urbanisation.
Razor ID: #0000466569
Decent attempt. Intro is fine. In reasons mention, IPCC 6th assessment report; some natural causes can also be mentioned such as heavy rains in short duration, unruly course of some rivers etc
Also talk a bit about clogging of drains due to improper waste management etc. Other points are good.
Suggestions are fine, conclusion is good, don’t limit it to Mumbai..the iFlood initiative is being expanded to other cities too.
Keep writing. 🙂
Razorpay I8GfoK9Ze5ifgl
Nice answer. You have covered most points. Presentation and content both are fine.
In reasons, you can mention some natural causes such as heavy rainfall in short duration, course of rivers also.
Suggestions are good, a bit about proper segregation and disposal of solid, liquid and e-waste can be included.
Conclusion is fine. Overall, very good attempt.
Keep writing. 🙂
I’d 0000486418
Nice attempt, in intro incorporate examples of some recent urban floods to link with current affairs.
Reasons mentioned are fine, also include climate change..mention increased frequency of rainfall as mentioned in recently released 6th IPCC report. High rainfall in short duration, unruly course of some rivers can also be mentioned.
Other points are good, example of Tamil Nadu govt encroaching urban waterways and wetlands can be given.
Suggestions are fine.
A bit about proper segregation and disposal of solid, liquid and e-waste can be included.
Conclusion is fine.
Keep writing. 🙂
Nice attempt, you have covered most of the points. However, more focus is on coastal cities and natural water bodies, also talk about poor planning in design in cities, clogging of drains, many drains have vanished as a result of encroachment, concretization in the name of urbanization, violation of environmental laws and municipal by-laws etc. Example of Tamil Nadu govt encroaching urban waterways and wetlands can be given.
In suggestions too, include proper planning..other points are good.
Intro, conclusion is fine.
Incorporate the above points, rest of the answer is fine.
Keep writing. 🙂