Mentor’s Comments-
opinion/op-ed/why-india- shouldnt-sign-on-to-net-zero/ article37180448.ece - In the intro, mention about the net zero campaign.
- In the body, mention the issues such as carbon budget, lack of scientific basis, not being part of Paris Agreement, lack of equity etc. Also mention the implications for India such as impact on development, cost of transition etc.
- Conclude by mentioning the need for India to form the coalition of countries sharing India’s concerns to tackle the pressure for adoption of ‘net-zero’ emission targets.
not checked
Nice answer. In introduction first mention what do you understand by net zero targets and which group of countries has committed. Then you can mention CoP 26 and pressure on India etc
Issues mentioned are good, you can also bring in Paris agreement- net zero was not mandatory, also it is not backed by climate science. Way forward is fine too. Some other positive steps taken by govt to combat climate change can also be mentioned in conclusion, in brief.
Keep writing. 🙂
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Nice attempt. Introduction is good, you have explained the concept well. Issues are also fine, you can also mention lack of financial contributions from global north, carbon budget etc
Arguments in favor and against are also good, you can take a clear stand in this question (yes/no) since the question specifically demands that from us. In arguments against you can add the financial cost of transition needed to convert to renewable, also India’s resource-strapped small industries sector needs expansion and modernisation.
Conclusion is fine, just before that you can mention some positive steps taken by the government in order to mitigate climate change.
Keep practicing. 🙂