Mentor’s comment-
opinion/op-ed/a-plan-that-is- much-more-than-just-planting- trees/article65617158.ece - In the intro mention that according to IUCN, deforestation and forest degradation contribute to around 12% global greenhouse gas emission.
- In the body explain the approach and its elements.
- Conclude by mentioning that forest landscape restoration must be implemented proactively, bolstering landscapes and forest ecosystems to be durable and adjustable in the face of future challenges and societal needs.
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Decent attempt.
Introduction is fine, but if you could mention some data such as – acc to IUCN, deforestation and forest degradation contribute to around 12% global greenhouse gas emission- it would be impressive.
After explaining FLR, some of its benefits could be mentioned especially environmental and community benefits( acts as resource base, beneficial for agrarian cultures, prevents erosion and flooding, reduces food insecurity, prevents rural-urban migration etc).
Next part about difference is fine, you can make a table.. Also, role of community in FLR can be mentioned as compared to afforestation’s monoculture tree plantation approach.
Conclusion is fine.
Keep practicing. 🙂
Your knowledge is good, decent content, presentation could be better.
Introduction is good, features of landscape restoration are also fine. Some of its benefits could be mentioned especially environmental and community benefits (acts as resource base, beneficial for agrarian cultures, prevents erosion and flooding, reduces food insecurity, prevents rural-urban migration etc).
In next part, you can draw a table, showing difference between FLR and afforestation, that would be better.
Conclusion is fine.
Keep practicing. 🙂