Q.3 While the sources of growth in an economy are aplenty, there are very few that can potentially address the twin objectives of growth and inclusion.In context of this, examine the impact of the telecom sector on Indian economy and challenges facing the sector. (10 Marks)

Mentor’s comment-
  • https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/growth-potential-india-telecom-space-7639938/
  • In the intro, mention the large growth dividend of the investment in the telecom sector.
  • In the body mention that every 10 per cent increase in investment in telecom sector leads to 3.2 per cent increase in GDP growth for India. Next mention the significance assumed by the mobile for sophisticated financial integration, JAM trinity, growing number of smartphone users and boom in the fintech etc. In the next part mention the challenges such as erratic nature of policy, AGR issue, and the threat of duopolicy in the sector.
  • Conclude by mentioning the need for reforms in the sector as it acts as a driver of growth for the economy.
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