“Mentor’s Comments”
Write about the importance of Ethics connecting it with international relations.
Point out various current Ethical Challenges in International relations with Examples.
In next part write how ethical framework will address these challenges.
Conclude suitably.
Payment Id pay_HHlJ1R1WIIMdGT
Gauri Shankar ,
Introduction can be Written Better. Here you can point out importance of Ethics in IR as presently Nations thinks on the lines of National Economic, Strategic interests not with ethical concerns for world as a whole.
In your answer you have taken a very narrow approach. Here you should have talked in terms of Global Challenges not What a single nation faced like terrorism, climate change, poverty, Pandemic etc.
You need to mold on the same lines your second Part how Ethical framework based principles like Equity, Justice and Human Dignity,
Morality and not merely political, transparency, Cooperation between nations is crucial as number of human lives depend up on success/failure of decision, etc. Can help in resolving those challenges.
You must always conclude your answer. Keep practicing for further improvement:)
Your have written a fine answer overall.
First section of the the question articulated very well. Here you can add issues like climate change, pandemic etc.
How ever you couldn’t justify the second part satisfactorily.
Here you need to mold you Arguments and write how Ethical framework will resolve these challenges for example challenges of terrorism can be resolved as ethical framework in IR will promote inter-faith dialogue; Adopt a multicultural approach; Emphasize secular values like peace, truth, tolerance, honesty, non-violence etc.
Rest is fine. Keep Practicing 🙂
ref id- #0000422539
Mardul ,
You have written a good answer. However there is one issue with it. You have just mentioned word Ethics under each heading on the second page. Which is fine but very generic.
Here you need to talk about values
Involve that will guide IR to be practiced on ethical lines such as Equity, Justice and Human Dignity,
Morality and not merely national interests, transparency, Cooperation etc.
With above mentioned modification your answer will be far better.
Rest is Written well. Keep Practicing:)
Ref no 0000420120
Rajlaxmi ,
You have Written good arguments for each part of the answer. However your arrangement of parts is such that you could not satisfied the demand of the question.
After Introduction you should have written Challenges first then you should have written how Ethical framework in IR will help in resolution of these challenges.
Take help of Mentor’s Comments.
Also I have pointed out this earlier as well don’t write “what’sapp short form (Int Ethics)” write full spelling of word.
And your presentation on first page is haphazard. Purpose of Introducing such innovation in answer should be to make it easier to reading not promote difficulty. Give better structure.
You have write knowledge but you need to use it in right direction.
Keep Practicing for further development:)
Please review
Payment Id pay_HHWzC2O9xhkaqA
Utkarsha 2,
You have taken a very narrow approach In the answer. You have limited it to just current Covid19 crisis it’s just one of the Challenges infront of International community.
Cover Broader challenges such as terrorism, climate change, economic and strategic interests based approach in IR then write how Ethical framework based on values like Equity, Justice and Human Dignity, Morality and not merely political, transparency, Cooperation etc. can help resolving these challenges.
Also don’t write examples like you did with Russia and USA both nations are important for India. If you want to criticize do it for third part specially in question like this.
Read question properly, take help of Mentor’s Comments.
Keep Practicing 🙂
Please review @Swatantra sir
Vamshidhar ,
Introduction to the question very good and Aptly articulated.
Overall you have written a very good answer. Simple and direct in expression, correct arrangement of sections, nice flow in the arguments.
You just need to add more points in each part. Specially in Second Section you can Inculcate some examples or case study which depicts importance of Ethics in IR for eg UNESCO’s MAB programme.
Good efforts.
Keep Practicing on the same lines.
Payment I’d 115009045817
Better and simple Introduction can be written.
You have good content but you have given too much focus in challenge, there too is repetition. Concise this part and give more focus on the second section.
Bring out ethical values that must be part of Ethical framework. Then mold your arguments with respect to various challenges you have written so that you can clearly depict how Ethical framework will help in resolving those challenges.
Conclusion is well articulated.
Give equitable space to all the aspects.
Keep Practicing for further improvement:)
Ankita ,
Introduction can be Written Better. Here you can point out importance of Ethics in IR as presently Nations thinks on the lines of National Economic, Strategic interests not with ethical concerns for world as a whole.
In challenges section is written Fine here you need to add problems like terrorism, climate change, disarmament, Covid19 etc.as example to make it more effective and broader.
Second section is very generic in nature. Here you must Inculcate values like Equity, Justice and Human Dignity, Morality and not merely political, transparency, Cooperation etc. can help resolving these challenges to give broader outlook to your answer.
In present form it’s looks like a guide for a nation not to the world as a whole.
Conclusion is fine.
Keep Practicing 🙂
Please review sir
Payment Id: pay_HHNZ7RGmO4BG6P
Shushmita ,
You have written a very well articulated Introduction.
In main body for logical arrangement you should have written Challenges first. Then your write-up about Ethical framework would have made better sense.
Also you can add more points in challenges plus quote examples.
Rest is written Fine.
Keep Practicing:)
kindly review @Swatantra sir
ref id #420326
Deepali 1.
Your Introduction is fine. But you have failed in understanding the demand of the Question.
It’s not about ethics in India’s foreign policy.
It’s a broad question concerns whole world as it raises issue of ethical framework for harmony among nations and Welfare of humanity.
Read question properly take help of mentor’s comments. But write your answer in the right direction.
Read others answers for better understanding. Keep Practicing 🙂
pay_HH4AoVE2qPd386 please review @Swatantra
Shivanshu ,
Introduction is fine but can be better.
In main body you have written Challenges section fine but you have given it too much space.
In Second Section you need to write ‘ethical framework will help in resolving various challenges’ you have identified in first section.
Give detailed writeup for that.
You have fine understanding of the topic just address all the parts of the Question properly.
Keep Practicing for further improvement:)