Mentor’s Comments-
- In the introduction, define attitude and mention some factors shaping it.
- In the body, first, briefly mention role of attitude in development of a human being.
- Next, mention ways to build a suitable attitude needed for a civil servant- imbibing ethical values, practical approach to problem-solving, being compassionate etc
- Conclude appropriately.
Order ID: IqNPqsKSFI4p44
Nice attempt.
Introduction is good, factors shaping attitude are also mentioned.
Example is good.
In next part, other than desirable attitude, also suggest ways in which we can build attitude such as imbibing moral values, inculcating patriotism, adopting a problem-solving approach, being flexible and innovative etc
Points mentioned by you are fine too. You can add the above points.
Conclusion is decent.
Keep practicing. 🙂
Decent attempt.
Content is a bit less. Try to write in 2 pages.
Introduction is fine, alternatively you can also begin by defining attitude.
Use of diagram is good.
Also mention some factors shaping attitude.
Points in next part is good, presentation is also fine. Some other points can be added such as imbibing moral values; learning from the lives of great leaders like Mahatama Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Bose etc; inculcating patriotism; adopting a problem-solving approach; being flexible and innovative etc
Conclusion is decent.
Keep practicing. 🙂