“Mentor’s Comments”
Write definition of Ethics.
First, mention the importance of having high standards of ethical behavior. Give examples.
Then write the importance of action in accordance to ethical standards and codes of conduct.
Examples can be related with good governance.
Finally, discuss the need for answerability, sanctions and punishment for compliance.
Conclude suitably
You need to refine your definition of Ethics.
You need to Improve your Expression and also your handwriting which is illegible at places . At times it becomes hard to make sense of what you have written. With simple language good answer can be Written.
Shlok that you have used doesn’t fit in the scope of the question.
In this question you had illustrate that the crux of ethical behavior does not lie in bold words and expressions enshrined as standards, but in their adoption in action.
For example,
Almost all will accept that Corruption is bad. Despite condemning it as immoral, many people engage in it, willfully or forcibly.
Similarly Sanctions against their violations is also Important.
For example, the government runs various campaigns for effecting a behavioral change, such as Swachh Bharat, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao, etc. However, in absence of sanctions – both social and legal, not much progress can be achieved.
So to ensure Ethical compliance having integrity and courage of conviction along with socal, moral and legal Sanctions are essential.
Write what is asked in the Question not what ever you know.
Do one exercise- read question carefully, frame answer than write it. After writing read your answer and do self evaluation you’ll be able to understand and rectify your mistake better.
Keep writing for further improvement 🙂
Ankita ,
You should write Introduction which is more relatable to the question.
You have the right content but You need to present it as per the demand of the question.
It doesn’t ask you to write Importance being Ethical.
In this question you had to write that the crux of ethical behavior does not lie in bold words and expressions enshrined as standards, but in their adoption in action.
For ex. Despite condemning corruption as immoral, many people engage in it, willfully or forcibly.
Similarly Sanctions against their violations is also Important. For example, the government runs various campaigns for effecting a behavioral change, such as Swachh Bharat, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao, etc. However, In absence of sanctions – both social and legal, not much progress can be achieved.
Read question properly understand the demand and mold your arugements as per the demand of the question.
Keep Practicing 🙂
Ref no 0000420120
Rajlaxmi ,
Your Introduction is fine.
After reading your answer i felt that you have just rewritten the question with using greater number of words.
Arguments are vague and there is lack of conviction in your answer.
Essentially In this question you had to write that the being ethical does not mean having only bold words and expressions enshrined as standards, but in their adoption in action.
For ex. Despite condemning corruption as immoral, many people engage in it, willfully or forcibly.
Similarly Sanctions against their violations is also Important. For example, the government runs various campaigns for effecting a behavioral change, such as Swachh Bharat, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao, etc. However, In absence of sanctions – both social and legal, not much progress can be achieved.
Similarly There are strong laws against corruption, sexual offence, environmental degradation, etc. Poor enforcement has led to continuous deterioration in respective areas. Unless strong standards are codified and values restored, nothing much can be done to improve the conduct of human beings.
you have understood the demand of the question but Be more specific.
Keep writing 🙂
You have given good Arguments. Overall you have written very well. Examples are aptly used.
But you need to bring out the issuing sanctions or taking action against their violation Aspect more clearly.
For ex, the government runs various campaigns for effecting a behavioral change, such as Swachh Bharat, Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao, etc. However, in absence of sanctions – both social and legal, not much progress can be achieved
Similarly There are strong laws against corruption, sexual offence, environmental degradation, etc. Poor enforcement has led to continuous deterioration in respective areas. Unless strong standards are codified and values restored, nothing much can be done to improve the conduct of human beings.
Overall good Attempt Keep practicing:)
Kindly review @Swatantra sir
Ref id 420326
pay_HH4AoVE2qPd386 please review @Swatantra