Mentor’s Comments-
- In the first part, define aptitude.
- Next, mention some differences between attitude and aptitude.
- Then, briefly describe intellectual aptitude.
- Mention that a civil servant requires emotional and moral aptitude too along with intellectual aptitude.
- Use examples to illustrate.
@Staff – ISyOdQANazdk6B
Decent attempt, introduction is good.
In differences, I think you have given the heading wrong. Left side should be attitude and right one aptitude.
Use of table is good.
Emotional aptitude can also be mentioned in next part along with intellectual and moral, your understanding is fine.
You can use some examples to substantiate for example, moral aptitude in a civil servant will allow him to better understand why integrity, accountability etc on the job are necessary.
Also you can improve a bit on handwriting.
Keep practicing. 🙂
Razorpay: I8GfoK9Ze5ifgl
Introduction is fine. You can also write a working definition for attitude.
Differences part is good. Use of table is nice.
Mention that attitude is hard to change whereas aptitude can be changed relatively easily through training, skilling etc.
Other points are good.
Examples can be mentioned for example, mention CSAT.
Intellectual attitude has been explained well, however after that you can mention moral aptitude, emotional aptitude etc and relate the values that you have written with these two. For example, moral aptitude in a civil servant will allow him to better understand why integrity, accountability etc on the job are necessary.
Conclusion is good.
Keep writing. 🙂