‘This year India is about to be the largest cotton producer surpassing China in output, yet for all that India lags behind the other major cotton-producing countries in terms of productivity (yield per unit area)’. In light of the above statement explain the reason for the low productivity of cotton and suggest ways to increase it. (15 Marks)

Mentor’s Comment:

  • https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/the-flawed-spin-to-indias-cotton-story/article30627778.ece
  • In the intro, briefly state the importance of cotton as a crop to the farmers of India.
  • In the body, explain the various reason behind the low productivity like lack of irrigation, use of unsuitable seeds in water-stressed areas, lack of use of technology, lack of information etc. After that suggest the ways which would help in increasing the productivity.
  • In conclusion, state why it is important to address the issue of low productivity in the face of farmers distress in the cotton-producing areas.
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