Till age old stigma exists within the majority sections of the Indian society, where women are treated with the patriarchal mindset, crime against women will continue in India? Comment. (200 W/ 12½ M)

Mentor’s Comment:

Since ancient women are treated as object and continues to be the victim of violence in this male dominated society. The introduction should explain in general about the status of women in society and their potential to contribute in contrary.

Further, explain about the role of patriarchy in crimes against women. Violent crimes against women got increased since last few years at various places like home, public place or office etc…

Violence is related to the societal norms and economic dependency. Criminal attitude, gender based treatment since birth, less favour to girl child, enhanced misogynistic characteristics against girl child etc. This is further added by weak rule of law and male oriented political structure. Dowry, child infanticide on the rise, insensitiveness of government and government officials towards dealing with women etc. make women more vulnerable.

Next, mention steps taken by Indian Government. Social movement educating women and their rights more focused in rural areas. Justice Verma panel recommendation, creation of Juvenile Justice (care and protection of children) law – 2015, Criminal Law Amendment Act – 2013, and various other protectionist measures need to mention.

Next, mention what more should be done. Education, awareness of rights, effective response from government officials, speedy judicial delivery of cases related to crime against women etc.

Bring conclusion based on the content.

Model Answer:

India  is  a traditional male-dominated country  where  women have to  face  much  violence in  the society  from the  ancient time. As the world is leading to the technological improvement, advancement of material prosperity, etc. but there is also increase in the rate of unnatural sex and violence with women. This big issue related to women which cannot be ignored as  it  is  harming  almost  one-half  growth  of  the  country.  Women in the  India  have  the  great  contribution  in  the development growth of the country.

Role of patriarchy in crimes against women:

Violent crimes and crimes against women showed an increment from the previous year. There was an increase of 2.6% in  crimes  against  women  in  2016  compared  to  the  previous  year,  according  to  the  data  released  by  the  National  Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) recently.

Crimes against the women are of various types and can happen at any place like home, public place or office. But one of the biggest role is played by the majoritarian attitude of Indian society which is engraved under patriarchy system.

  • Violence against women in India is an old social issue which has taken its roots deeply to the societal norms and economic dependence.
  • It is very complex and deeply rooted in the Indian Society even after increasing education level of the people.
  • The criminal attitude & gender based discrimination is directly related to the psychology of a child which baffled dominating patriarchal  environment  in  the  house  with  the  biased  lowering  treatment  to  girl  child  vis-à-vis  the preferential treatment to boy,  which in turn enhance misogynistic characteristics that may lead to commit  crime against fair sex.
  • This is  happening  because  of  the  inefficient  legal  justice  system,  weak  rules  of  law  and  male-dominated  social and political structures.
  • According to the research, it is found that crimes against women begin at home in the early age especially in the rural areas by the family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
  • Public values  like  women  honor  seems  to  be  eroded,  yet  demand  for  stronger  laws  for  women  gets  weakened due to public’s own complicity in evil practices like dowry and girl child infanticide.
  • Entrenched patriarchy as an institutional force which makes even women patriarchal.
  • There are quite a few female police officers to look after the women specific crimes.
  • Therefore police station system of interrogation and criminal procedure is localised according to the local societal norms, which makes the justice for a woman victim difficult. Therefore a major part of crimes against women do unreported.
  • Stereotypes deriving from historical, social attitudes which did not accept women’s status as equal, autonomous citizens continue to be used.

Steps taken by Indian Government:

  • In order to reduce the number of offences and crimes against women in India, another Juvenile Justice (care and protection of children) law, 2015 has been made by the Indian government.
  • Justice J.S.Verma panel provided a valuable blueprint for women’s safety on the basis of which the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 was enacted which provides not only the severest punishment for heinous crime against women but  also  added  new  specific  crimes  (though  less  heinous)  as  Sexual  harassment,  Stalking,  Voyeurism, Disrobing of women at public places, Acid throwing, and Trafficking to be dealt with penal provisions.
  • In 2016, the union government of India has unveiled the Draft National Policy for Women aimed at “re-scripting” women’s empowerment by following a “socially inclusive rights-based approach.”

What more should be done:

  • A wider social movement of educating women of their rights, to conquer the menace, is needed more particularly in rural  areas  where  women  are  still  largely  uneducated  and  less  aware  of  their  rights  and  fall  an  easy  prey  to their exploitation.
  • We must  not  hesitate  to  impart  sex  education  in  order  to  create  gender  friendly  co-educational  system  which may be useful for their future life making fruitful in the modern perspective.
  • The confidence  can  be  generated  in  the  women  and  girls  through  proper  training  in  the  schools  and  colleges keeping  the  perspective  of  non  discrimination  and  gender  equality  and  organizing  regular  workshops  and  other programmes on the issues related to them.
  • Another fact  is  delay  in  filing of F.I.R. in a  case of  rape  it  is  dependent upon  the facts  of  each case. The victim does  not  immediately  rush  to  the  police  station  to  lodge  an  I.R.  she  has  too  overcome  the  trauma.  There is consultation with the family members and a decision is taken. All these circumstances are to be kept in mind.
  • Law enforcement  agencies  must  be  provided  gender  sensitization  during  their  training  so  the  perception  in dealing the cases against women reflect descent attitude towards fair sex.
  • The long  pending  Police  Reforms  must  be  regulated  and  implemented  and  the  cops  including  women  should increasingly be recruited to maintain the police-population ratio.
  • It is expected that the courts would deal with such  cases in a more realistic manner and not allow the criminals to  escape  on  account  of  procedural  technicalities,  as otherwise  the  criminals  would  receive  encouragement  and the victims of the crime would be totally discouraged by the crime going unpunished.
  • The courts are expected to be sensitive in cases involving crime against women.

To sum up, the mindset of people, society, police, elders of the community and entire criminal justice delivery mechanism needs to be changed, as it is very much notorious and insensitive to maintain the dignity of women in the country. If our social,  political  and  judicial  systems  as  a  composite  society  are  able  to  sensitize  ourselves  to  inflict  severe  deserved punishment to all culprits; justice can be delivered to the female victims of various crimes.


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