Mentor’s comment-
opinion/op-ed/master-and-the- roster/article33965207.ece - In the intro, mention in brief the meaning of Master of the Roaster.
- In the body, mention the roles played by the CJI as the Master of Roaster and how it could allow interference from the executive, allocation of cases to a particular bench is unchecked power.
- Conclude by mentioning the need for judicial reforms to deal with this issue.
Please review
order no- #0000392548
Hi Surya,
Define the term properly, you can write that ‘Master of Roster’ refers to the privilege of the Chief Justice to constitute Benches to hear cases.
After the introduction, try to give a heading.
In the issues, you can also write that this violates the basic principle of law: Nemo Judex In Causa Sua, that no one should be a judge in his own case.
Implications are discussed in a good manner.
Good conclusion.
Please review.
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