What do you understand by an earthquake swarm. Discuss the reasons behind the earthquake swarms being witnessed across India. (15 Marks)

Mentors Comments:

  • https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/natural-disasters/-earthquake-swarm-in-palghar-why-maharashtra-district-is-being-hit-since-november-63073
  • The question wants us to write in detail about the meaning and give a brief description of the term earthquake swarm. It also wants us to discuss in detail about the reasons behind the Earthquake Swarms being witnessed across many parts of India.
  • In the introduction, write a few introductory lines about the term earthquake swarm. E.g ‘earthquake swarm’ which is a series of low magnitude earthquakes that occur in a localised region and over a period of time ranging from days, weeks to even months.
  • In the main body describe the term in detail. E.g  
    • “When seismic energy piles up inside the Earth and is released in small amounts from certain points, such a series of earthquakes can occur,”
    • Sometimes, these rumblings of the Earth are also accompanied by acoustic or sound emissions.
    • The situation cannot be taken lightly as many earthquakes have been preceded by earthquake swarm activity.
    • They come as foreshocks to the main earthquake which could be much greater in magnitude etc.
  • Discuss the reasons behind earthquake swarms being witnessed across India. E.g
    • Latur and Koyna earthquakes of 1993 and 1967, respectively.
    • Deccan plateau
    • an earthquake swarm near Bamhori village of Seoni district in Madhya Pradesh between February and May 2000. The swarm consisted of as many as 350 tremors.
    • Rampur area of Himachal Pradesh. This Himalayan swarm was later attributed to low strength of the earth’s crust in the area which could not hold the tectonic energy etc.


Earthquake swarms are generally defined as a sequence of events closely clustered in time and space without a single outstanding shock. 

Earthquake Swarms:

  • There are a series of low magnitude earthquakes that occur in a localised region and over a period of time ranging from days, weeks to even months. When seismic energy piles up inside the Earth and is released in small amounts from certain points, such a series of earthquakes can occur.
  • They are differentiated from earthquakes succeeded by a series of aftershocks.
  • When seismic energy piles up inside the Earth and is released in small amounts from certain points, such a series of earthquakes can occur.
  • Sometimes, these rumblings of the Earth are also accompanied by acoustic or sound emissions.
  • The situation cannot be taken lightly as many earthquakes have been preceded by earthquake swarm activity.

Reasons why earthquake swarms take place:

  • Swarms are observed in volcanic environments, hydrothermal systems, and other active geothermal areas, according to geophysicists.
  • In India, sequences of low-intensity quakes are common in areas that have been hit previously, like Saurashtra in Gujarat and Koyna in Maharashtra, but they are also seen in areas without a history of seismic activity. 
  • They are the result of seismic activity, hydro-seismicity due to water percolation post-monsoon, or magmatic activity in the region.
  • In the Rampur area of Himachal Pradesh the earthquake swarm was later attributed to low strength of the earth’s crust in the area which could not hold the tectonic energy etc.


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@Parth verma NOT CHECKED

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Which book to refer for swarms unable to find


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