What is your conception of Good Life? How can it be attained? (150 W/ 10 M)

Mentor’s Comment:

Explain about good life. Mention the general conception of good life which everyone pursues or desires to pursues.

Further, give your views of good life. One can talk about taking the best from everything.  Protection of basic rights, liberties, freedom etc. can also be the prospects of good life.

Model Answer:

  • A good life is when we learn to enjoy every minute of it. A good life is when everyone you know associates your name or your image with kindness, goodness, warmth and love. A good life is inevitable when you stay healthy, positive and happy. When you work hard and never give up hope.
  • In nut and shell, the good life is: experiencing pleasure, avoiding negative experience, seeking self-development, or making contributions to others.
  • The conception of good life varies across time and space and cultures. The western idea of good draws from the liberal tradition focusing on individualism maximizing liberty, equality and freedom. For them, community values are secondary.
  • My conception of a good life differs from the above. For me, a good life should involve taking the best from everything – traditional and modern, east and west, liberal and communitarian, capitalism and communism.
  • Personally, I would want basic rights, liberties and freedoms to be protected and secured at all costs. Limitations, if rational and justified, are welcome. But arbitrariness and privileges are not. Today, we see many instances where basic rights are not protected and arbitrary use of force and authority is prevalent.
  • Socially, a good life would be if I am never isolated. I am a part of a community that provides me with a conducive environment. I feel a sense of security, a sense of belonging and have a fall-back option in case I need it. This community does not have a basis on identity markers like caste, religion, etc. but because of shared values and futuristic outlook. Cleavages on caste and communal lines are non-existent.
  • Politically, I look for very active engagement in my local affairs. There should be institutions and frameworks which allow me to be a part of decisions having a direct impact on me – a form of decentralization that truely ensures people’s participation. At the higher levels, the governments are responsive to people’s needs and ensures timely delivery of services.
  • Economically, a good life would be where I’m awarded for the hard work I put in. Where everyone who works hard has an equal chance of moving out of poverty and providing a better future for his kids and family. It would ensure opportunities for all and better opportunities for the ones who take risks. At the same time, it will go against the idea of disproportionate wealth accumulation. More than materialistic pleasures, what drives people is the will to advance, to change to move forward and to create a better world.
  • Technologically, I want to embrace state of the art technology and infrastructure but not at the cost of our environment.
  • Such a life would be a good life free from deprivation and most egalitarian in its approach.


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