While social movements seek to bring in social change, counter movements sometimes arise in defence of status quo. Comment and bring examples to support your point.       (150W/10M)

Approach: Since this is the basic question, a fair knowledge of NCERTs and other standard books will help in developing content and framing answer. Though some hints are as follow:

Main idea of the question: The movements which are being organised by the group for bringing social change and age old practices. However, in retaliation the counter movement do arise but the duo recognition is being given to more utilitarian one.
Key concept related to the answer: various social movements and their counter movement for maintaining the status quo.

Model Answer:


  • Social movementsare purposeful, organized groups striving to work toward a common goal. These groups might be attempting to create change (Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring), to resist change (anti-globalization movement), or to provide a political voice to those otherwise disenfranchised (civil rights movements, Anna Hazare on Lokpal). The purpose of such movements is to bring social change.

Main Body:

  • Social movements often arise with the aim of bringing about changes on apublic issue, such as ensuring the right of the tribal population to use the forests or the right of displaced people to settlement and compensation.
  • While social movements seek to bring in social change, counter movements sometimes arise in defence of status quo. There are many instances of such counter movements.
  • When Raja Rammohun Roy campaigned against sati and formed the Brahmo Samaj, defenders of sati formed Dharma Sabha and petitioned the British not to legislate against sati.
  • When reformers demanded education for girls, many protested that this would be disastrous for society. When reformers campaigned for widow remarriage, they were socially
  • When the so called ‘lower caste’ children enrolled in schools, someso called ‘upper caste’ children were withdrawn from the schools by their
  • Peasant movements have often been brutally suppressed. Morerecently the social movements of erstwhile excluded groups like the Dalitshave often invoked retaliatory action. Likewise proposals for extendingreservation in educational institutions have led to counter movements opposing
  • Social movements alone cannot change society easily. Since it goes againstboth entrenched interests and values, there is bound to be opposition and But over a period changes do take place.


  • Social movements are reforming machinery of the society. These movements seek co-operation from the members of the society or a group of society and help them form a bond of unity among them. Such unity provides platform and help the members of the society to raise their grievances and seek redressal.
  • Social movements and counter movements are like mirror of society. They reflect the status and image of society such that when large masses protest meaning they want some unlike changes. However, the entire masses may not support the move and hence they can raise their counter movement(s).
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prafull sharma
6 years ago


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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  prafull sharma

Hello prafull…
-Good introduction and points are beautifully explained…arranged…organised…try to mention the name of the movements and counter movement as well…this will show more specification…
-Conclusion is too big…and have been in one para only (too big para)…break the para…conclusion should be small…
-Though some of the ideas mentioned in conclusion are analysis part and must be incorporated in main body itself…(till status quo)…
-quoting thinkers in conclusion is okay….but it should also be furnished with your own view(s)…Personal opinion…
Overall a good attempt…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10

Harshal Deore
Harshal Deore
6 years ago

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Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Harshal Deore

Hi Harshal Deore…
-Ideas in introduction is good…but need to work on your way of presentation….more on language….we should not use colloquial language in answer…there should be a standard of language…
-we are writing answer in historical context…we must name some movement in history…and as well the counter movement…You have explained in general manner…
-Be cautious while writing words…sentences…
-Recent examples are good…however, more vocab and ideas will enable you to talk more in less words…

Though nice attempt…will certainly improve further…
Keep writing…

Xshay Anil Wakhare
Xshay Anil Wakhare
6 years ago

CDTEST 30897comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago

Hello…Xshay Anil Wakhare…
-Introduction is poor…there is no idea you are providing here…and you have repeated the same sentence of the question here…Introduction should be explaining about…what is social movement and why do such movements happen…etc..etc…
-Examples mentioned are very good with a beautiful idea in conclusion…However, try to incorporate more examples…The question is nothing but demands only evidence…and furnishing more examples in such question helps in acquiring good marks….Multiple ideas are required…

However, a nice attempt…well written…
Keep writing…
Marks awarded: 4.5/10

6 years ago

Please review sir and mam comment image comment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  SRP

-Introduction is very poor…you have furnished only examples here…and missed the essence and meaning of Social Movement…few problem in language and word selection must be taken seriously…
-You have provided good examples of social movements…however you lack in idas about their counter movements…Counter movements should also be mentioned in a bit detailed…
-Idea in conclusion is okay…but clarity in presentation needed…
-Learn to manipulate the words and sentences and form new ideas in few or very few words….expertise lies in writing big ideas in few words in complete sense…
However, your attempt is good…may surely improve further…keep writing…

Marks awarded: 4/10

Kindly mention your ID or get enrolled asap…

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank you sir. I will work on my vocabulary and grammar. Thank you.

6 years ago

CD test 20242comment imagecomment image

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Vin

-Your points are very good…with beautiful introduction and flow of ideas.
-Points are well arranged with brilliant examples.
-However…You can modify your conclusion and bring some broad ideas here…like the common masses come together…it help in their grievance redressal…also social movements are the reflecting mirror of society…etc…etc…etc…

However…an excellent attempt…well done…keep writing…
Marks awarded: 6.5/10

Naim Hassan
Naim Hassan
6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Can we use the example of Sabrimala?

Pritam Kumar
6 years ago
Reply to  Naim Hassan

Hello Naim Hassan…
Yes, we can use Sabrimala issue as an example but very cautiously…We need to act diplomatically while using sensitive examples means our presentation should not show biasness, extreme inclination towards one side or other…it should be very balanced…

6 years ago
Reply to  Pritam Kumar

Thank you sir. Please review my ethics answer. I haven’t started ethics part yet. So don’t know whether that is the proper way to write.


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