With the economy swinging fast between structural and cyclical slowdowns, analyse the effects of potential changes that can be made to direct tax regime of the country on the economy of the country. (15 Marks)

Mentor’s comment:

  • https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/should-the-fm-tweak-direct-taxes-to-spur-the-economy/article30463062.ece
  • The article discuss the various possible changes that could be made to the direct tax structure and its effect on the current problem the economy is facing.
  • In intro, discuss the present conundrum which we are facing regarding the economy in which we are facing the cyclic and structural slowdown simultaneously.
  • In the main body discuss the various changes that can be made to the direct tax regime of the country and how that change could affect the overall economy of the country. Also cite certain facts and figures to flesh out your argument.
  •  Suggest the implementation of the changes as the way forward for the given situation of the economy in the question.
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