You are the director of a unit in a regulatory agency that is charged with monitoring the use of potentially harmful commercial chemicals. Geeta, a junior project manager under your supervision, is responsible for studying a broad-spectrum insecticide that is used not only in agriculture by small food-grain farmers and cotton farmers, but also in the livestock sector as an animal spray. She has been assigned to determine whether this product should be removed from the market. At a social event, Geeta met a man named Siddharth, who she later learned was the Mumbai representative for the insecticide manufacturer. After meeting Siddharth several times, she became rather fond of him and wanted to pursue the relationship further. However, Geeta realized that their professional roles created a potential conflict of interest for her, and she decided to tell you about the situation. She intended to continue seeing Siddharth and said she considered herself mature enough to maintain a separation between her professional and private lives. Geeta insisted that her feelings for Siddharth would not influence her judgment in any way; in fact she and Siddharth had never even discussed the chemical in question. What would you do in such a situation? While you evaluate the alternatives available to you, what are the moral codes and maxims that come to your mind as reference points for arriving at a decision? 10 marks

Mentor’s comment-

  • In the introduction briefly explain the case study.
  • In the body, explain various approches with respective merits and demerits. Also explain the ethical issues involved.
  • Conclude with a balanced solution.


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