Make the best out of your Prelim mock attempts: Here are the solutions

When we launched the prelims mock series, our plan was not to give you a yet another test series (for the sake of it).

We guessed that most of you would have already joined or subscribed to one of the many available in the open space out there – institutes, online classes or (sigh!) the xerox shops. So, why bother?

But the idea was to get our questions to mimic the changing UPSC trends and make sure that the explanations are richer and meaningful (to both – those who solved them correctly and those who took an educated guess).

Read more on educated guesses on this post by Dr. V – Click here.

And then, one of the readers (Er S) suggested that the test takers include their comments on their attempts, just in case others can reap some benefits from their approach methodology.

And it was heartening to see that many of you agreed to that request and have added value to the test series by pitching in with interesting trivia!

Here’s how the explanation sheets (PDFs) are made richer by including some of your comments –

Great, so what next?

  1. Sign up for the rest of the prelims mocks by clicking this link
  2. Starting tomorrow, all mocks will be held there BUT a discussion blog would be open here so that you can share your thoughts on questions, answers and additional info
  3. Detailed explanations would be released on the blog page at a later date (every Sunday)
  4. For the 4 mocks already conducted, click here to download their detailed solutions:


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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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