Managing The Unmanageable Current Affairs Through CIVILSDAILY


Why The Current Affairs at CivilsDaily Is The Most Suited For The Demand Of The UPSC

  • We Cover Issues And Not Just News: Civil servants aspirants should look beyond news and headlines. They must have a nose for issues. UPSC generally asks questions on issues that are in the news. So we make sure that you must understand the issues in the news thoroughly and make notes on them. Usually, coaching institutions cover just the news and while missing out the underlying issues in them.
  • Issues Highlighted Under Wide Range Of Stories: In recent times, UPSC has been asking questions, both in prelims and mains examinations, from events which were in news 2 or 3 years ago. To tackle this problem for aspirants, CivilsDaily tag all the issues and news under relevant stories and you can find these news items and articles under a single story, even if they are 3-4 years old. For example, all the news and articles pertaining to India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change can be accessed in the story section of “NAPCC: India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (” Similarly, if you want to access the news items regarding Tribes, you just have to visit Tribes in News story on the CivilsDaily website or app.
  • Usability: UPSC aspirants must develop the ability about the usability of the information and data they are obtaining from Current Affairs. Hence, at CivilsDaily, we tend to keep it as simple as possible, for all of you so that you can understand various dimensions involved with the issue.
  • Note making: Making notes online or offline comes handy during exams as they help in quick revisions. Therefore, it is advised that aspirants must make short notes for the revisions. CivilsDaily’s easy user interface helps you make notes in a lucid manner, be it online or offline.
  • Revisions: Mark Twain said that there is nothing as good as rewriting. With the same token clause, there is nothing as good as revision in civil service preparation. The aforementioned methods will ensure that you capture 90-95 per cent of current affairs in a manner relevant to this exam. But current affairs are a continuous and evolving field that keeps piling up by the day. The best way to retain the content is through constant revision. Hence our Current Affair coverage brings you the background of the issue as well as the Back2Basic concept so that you do not have to refer to the past content afresh.

Keeping in mind all these considerations, we have made our current affairs web accordingly and 

  • with them, you can make daily notes OR
  • follow the threads of news of in a particular story OR
  • bookmark the news OR
  • categorize all such news according to the respective GS Subject

The above features allow you assimilate to any of the above mentioned Current Affairs strategies without losing the pace.

How Is The News Selection Done In Civilsdaily?

  • CivilsDaily selects a wide range of news and op-eds covering all major newspaper headings from the Hindu, Indian Express, Livemint, Wire, PIB etc.
  • We, at CivilsDaily, filter out unnecessary and repetitive inputs and news coverage while some of the other websites burden the aspirant with over the top news coverage and bulky data.
  • More emphasis is laid on what not to read. More or less, the entire newspaper is of vitality. But we opt for a targeted approach.
  • Many of the recurring news is intentionally avoided to unload the aspirants from unnecessary readings.
  • “The Hindu” is the default reference newspaper for all our newcards selections.
  • “The Indian Express Explained” section is referred for in-depth understanding of an issue.
  • All the bills acts, and laws under popular discussion are curated with inputs from PRS India.
  • Similarly, major policy initiatives, programs, and schemes are covered from PIB with independent critical analysis provided with each of them.

What Does CivilsDaily Focus For Prelims Current Affairs:

Preparation of current affairs for UPSC Prelims is the key to unlock the exam. It requires practice and revision in a well-connected manner. Hence, we at Civilsdaily, refine the current affairs for the students keeping prelims specific information in mind. Our broad coverage of the prelims can be summarized in these heads:

  • Events/Announcements
  • Organizations and their Reports
  • Govt. Schemes/ Policies
  • Micro-economics related terms
  • Advancement in Science and Tech
  • Miscellaneous/ Trivial facts (mostly found on last pages, Sunday
  • Magazines)
  • Flora and Fauna in news

What Does CivilsDaily Focus For Mains Examination Current Affairs:

All the General Studies Papers, especially paper I, II, and III contain more than 50% questions from current affairs. Even in other papers like Essay and Optional you can not complete without having sound knowledge of current affairs. UPSC usually does not ask direct and static questions from current affairs in Mains. Questions are written by combining current affairs with conventional knowledge. The demand, with respect to Current Affairs, in the Mains Examination is totally different from what UPSC Prelims expected from an aspirant. Keeping this in mind, we at CivilsDaily, curate current affairs for the mains examination in a certain manner in order for the aspirant to become the master of this field. We cover major headings like:

  • Evaluations of certain govt. schemes/policies
  • Analysis/Evaluations of certain Organizations and their Reports
  • The Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgements and its significance
  • Major stories related to various sectors of the economy at large
  • World news with vested Indian interests

Feature of the CD’s Current Affairs Web

  • Targeted Coverage: Considering the abundance of stuff available in the market, the CD gives you a selectively classified and limited number of news.
  • Freely Available: CD news never disappoints you with some kind of paid content. One can find top highlighted news under free subscription of any portal while the most vital content to be referred needs a pricking payment. CD has a uniform standard of current affairs with no latency of payment compulsion to access the core and sorted content.
  • Earliest Update: This wide range of coverage of all news is done at the earliest hours.
  • Most Wide News Coverage: CD covers almost all newspapers (depending upon the quality of information), Press Info. Bureau, Nature Magazine, Down2Earth etc. Pick out a random day, sit and compare. You will find all the important stuff, that too in a crisp manner.
  • Comprehensive News: CD covers all topics with a decent amount of subject matter, with zero ambiguity. Even a layman aspirant who has taken up Current Affairs for the first time in his/her preparation will find it lucid. 

Success in Current Affairs depends mostly on REVISION even if you have covered every news. As you tend to forget what you read more easily in Current Affairs than in the static portion, hence keep visiting the CivilsDaily Website and App on a regular basis. Apart from this, there is no need to go after Xerox piles of ORN or multiple websites and their Current Affairs compilations.

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