(Concluded Successfully) Mastering Self-Study for UPSC 2024: Phase I-II (April-Nov’23) | Building a Solid Base: GS Static and Current Affairs with 5hrs of daily prep
What you should expect in 1-1 LIVE with Areeba Ma’am
Preparing for UPSC 2024 and not sure what you should be doing in the month of April to Nov 2023?
Previously, we had discussed 5 phased UPSC strategies. It’s time now to go deeper. We will cover an in-depth session on Mastering Phases 1 and 2.
Toppers like Satyam Gandhi (AIR 10), Ria Dabi (AIR 15), Yash Jaluka (AIR 4), Mamta Yadav (AIR 5), and Shashwat Tripurari (AIR 19) always mention that success in the UPSC civil services exams is all about having a solid grip on Static Subjects and a crystal clear awareness of Current Affairs.
If your concept of static subjects is lacking, Current affairs will seem alien to you. On the other hand, if you try to study current affairs without knowing how the syllabus and the static subjects are directly or indirectly related to it, it will be nothing but a Fool’s Errand.
IPS officer (AIR-109, UPSC 2021) Areeba Ma’am, super mentor of Civilsdaily will take up a LIVE session to help you Master the most important Phases for UPSC 2024: GS Static and Current Affairs with 5hrs (3 Hrs for Static Subjects and 2 Hrs for Current Affairs) of daily prep.

What you should expect in this Recorded Session by Areeba Ma’am?
The LIVE Q&A session will cover the most important 2-phased UPSC Preparation strategy that will help you plan and utilize your time effectively in the next 12 months leading up to UPSC 2024.
Areeba will share her experience, how to understand the Nerve of UPSC, and how to prepare for the exam accordingly. She will also provide practical tips on how to prioritize your studies, make the most of your free time, and avoid burnout.
Phase 1 (April- Aug): Foundation building, core concepts, and topics- reading everything from 2-3 sources (NCERT + Standard books) + initiation of Current Affairs, Basic notes and answer writing started at this time
- How to divide time for Static subjects and what are the fundamentals of completing the syllabus in 5-6 months?
- Which among the 40 NCERTs do you have to read along with some standard BOOKS? What are the standard books and Yellow Books (Notes) are the most effective for UPSC
- Live demonstration of making the perfect notes from NCERTs and Standard Books. How to not copy line-by-line of everything you read & only note down the 5 dimensions of a topic?
- How to improve your accuracy per month even every week as per your preparation ratio?
- 5 times Revision strategy for Every subject. How do you study during each revision phase?
- How to build a habit of *2 hrs for Reading Newspaper. Besides newspapers, what are the most reliable and authentic sources for Current Affairs Preparation?
- How to keep a balance between Recognition of Information and Elaborating on a topic?
- How to follow the ritual of reading, writing summaries, and answering topic-wise previous year questions?
- Including statistics and relevant data. What are the subject-wise important committee reports you should read?
- How to catch and filter current affairs topics for Prelims and Mains?
- How to and where to link current affairs and static while writing Answer writing for Mains?
Phase 2: (Aug- Dec) Mains specific subjects + Optional + Essay
- How to start and with which subject to start Mains Specific subjects like; Essay Writing, Ethics, World History, Indian Society, ETC.
- Top 10 parameters to maintain while practicing answer writing for UPSC Mains.
- How to and When to start Optional Subject and when to keep aside and restart it after Prelims.
- 60:45:15 Revision Strategy for Answer Writing, and Optional Subject.
- Top 5 methods of Essay writing and the best process to improve step by step.
- Best sources, practice sets, and Mock Tests for Essay, Mains GS Papers and Optional
- Much more about a topper’s strategy to clear UPSC Mains in your very 1st Attempt.
CivilsDaily’s FREE Webinar package
Post-webinar we will share important PDFs, timetable framework, and notes.
Other than this a strategy package will be emailed to you.
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Register FREE for Recorded VIDEO:- UPSC Masterclass by IPS, Areeba Nomaan Ma’am