How right Mentorship and assessment can instantly improve your Prelims and Mains score

As Prelims approaches fast, how do you make sure that you crack the Prelims exam in one attempt? By practicing mock tests…a lot of them. There are some distinct benefits of attempting mock tests that help students improve their performance in the exam. For example, it helps in simulating exam-like conditions, trains your mind to remain sharp under pressure, helps in the revision process, and provides the ideal condition to practice the tips and tricks you learned to improve your accuracy.

Most students, however, make one big mistake even if they practice a lot of mock tests. Once they complete the test, they simply check the answers to the questions they got wrong (or did not attempt) and move on. And this is where the importance of a mentor comes into play.

The comprehensive assessment of these tests is as important as the tests themselves. It’s the small details that matter the most. And here, we focus on HOW our mentors help students analyse the tests effectively to extract even more value out of these tests.

How to extract more value out of your tests:

  1. Revision strategy: The aim of your tests should be the clear identification of the areas where you are struggling. Make precise notes of chapters/topics that you struggled with or could not recall and mark those topics in your book. This will help you focus your time and energy into strengthening your weak areas in the next revision.
  2. Focus on all the options: When you are going through the solution don’t just focus on the right answer. Read through all the options and try to understand how they may be related to the topics. Quite often, UPSC has taken options from one year and framed a question on that in the next year. A question and the different options to it form a question ecosystem that you should completely explore before moving on.
  3. Identify types of questions: We have noticed that quite often, certain students face difficulty with certain kinds of questions (match the following, reasoning, comprehension, etc.). Identify the format of the question that you struggle with while you are practicing mock tests. Spend a few more minutes with these questions trying to frame a better way of solving them.
  4. Value addition: Use the solutions to find new points on the topic and add them to your handwritten notes. This will enrich your notes, add value to your preparation, and will act like a quick revision of that topic too.
  5. Don’t get dejected: Low marks in mock tests should not be a cause for dejection. You need to remember that the UPSC Prelims paper may be entirely different from the ones you attempted. The point of mock tests is not to focus on the marks but to identify the weak areas of your preparation and improve upon them. 

While you can use these methods to improve your self-assessment, a mentor’s presence adds another dimension to your preparation as we explain below in the highlights of our program.

Highlights of Ultimate Assessment Program

UAP is our flagship program which involves personal mentorship. During the mentorship, our mentors conduct a detailed analysis of your performance. They help you create targets based on your learning pace and help you remain focused. They enrich your preparation by correcting your mistakes, sharing tips and tricks to improve your performance, and identifying the weaknesses that are holding you back. Here’s what students had to say about the program:

This entire process helps you remain consistent with your studies and use your limited time judiciously. With the mountain of the syllabus to be covered for UPSC the expert guidance of our mentors can help you scale the summit in your first attempt itself.

Now, as you take the tests and assess your performance, remember to keep the above-mentioned guidelines in your mind to improve the chances of success in the Prelims. And if you feel like you need an added advantage or an edge over your competition, our mentors are always here to help. Just fill the Samanvaya form linked below to experience the highly successful 1-1 mentorship program. When you want to succeed, every bit of help matters!

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