Mission Karmayogi is aiming for maintaining a very high standard of conduct and behaviour to ensure efficiency for serving citizens and in turn developing oneself. How will this scheme empower the civil servants in enhancing productive efficiency and delivering the services at the grassroots level?

The National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB)- Mission Karmayogi, launched in 2020,  aims to create a competent civil service rooted in Indian ethos, with a shared understanding of India’s priorities, working in harmonization for effective and efficient public service delivery. 

Key Aims of Mission Karmayogi

  1. Capacity Building at All Levels: building a robust capacity framework for all civil servants across ranks. 
  2. Continuous Learning and Development: lifelong learning culture through the iGOT Karmayogi platform.
  3. Behavioral and Attitudinal Transformation: promoting values such as integrity, empathy, and citizen-centric governance.
  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: improve governance efficiency and accountability.
  5. Better government-citizen interaction– make government officials more supportive of citizens and businesses.

Empowering Civil Servants to Enhance Productive Efficiency

  1. Aligning work allocation of civil servants by matching their competencies to the requirements of the post, such that transition from ‘Rule based’ to ‘Role based’ HR Management is smoothly attained
  2. Digital Learning Platform (iGOT-Karmayogi): Platform offers five functional hubs for online learning, career management, and networking. Eg- Over 15 lakh officers completed modules on data analytics and governance.
  3. Behavioral and Functional Reforms: Promotes empathy, teamwork, and ethical conduct in civil servants. Eg- Emphasizes merit-based progression with 360-degree feedback.
  4. Emphasizing on ‘on-site’ learning to complement the ‘off-site’ learning.
  5. Collaborative Learning Ecosystem: Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), Karmayogi Bharat, manages digital training infrastructure and program implementation.
  6. Calibrating all Civil Service positions to a Framework of Roles, Activities, and Competencies (FRAC) approach and to create and deliver learning content relevant to the identified FRAC in every Government entity.
  7. Making available to all civil servants, an opportunity to continuously build and strengthen their Behavioral, Functional, and Domain Competencies in their self-driven and mandated learning paths.

John Maynard Keynes once noted, “The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.” Mission Karmayogi tries to address this by equipping civil servants with the skills, knowledge, and ethics needed for effective governance. 

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