Naxalism Problem faced by India


Prevalence of peace is the one the pre requisite for the development. Left wing extremism had engulfed many developmental efforts with its sheer coercive action. A civil administration–police coordinated action is required to bring the peace in the red corridor. Home ministry’s new policy of SAMADHAN tries to achieve a multi-dimensional development agenda through affirmative action.


  1. India is the largest democracy in the world. However, Left Wing Extremism desires to weaken and make the roots of democracy hollow.
  2. A Naxal or Naxalite is a member of the Communist Party of India (Maoist). The term Naxal derives from the name of the village Naxalbari in West Bengal, where the movement had its origin. Naxalites are considered far-left radical communists, supportive of Maoist political sentiment and ideology.

Problems Faced By government:

  1. 12000 citizens of our country have lost their lives in violent activities of the Left Wing Extremists
  2. Out of these 12000 people, 2700 are jawans of the Security Forces and the remaining 9300 are innocent and simple common people who are not guilty.
  3. The anti-development Left Wing Extremism not only target the Security Forces but also public property like roads, culverts, railway tracks, electricity and telephone towers, hospitals, schools, anganwadi and panchayat bhawans etc, that are created by the Government for benefit of the common man.
  4. It is evident from the destruction caused by the Left Wing Extremists that they do not want people to get facilities and access to the development, in the remote and inaccessible areas, because these facilities provide the path of economic and social progress, to the local people
  5. It also joins them to the mainstream of the nation. The cancer of LWE flourishes in poverty or backwardness.
  6. Therefore, the LWE strategy is to ensure that the people of this area stay without electricity, without road, without education, so that the vested interest of the Left Wing Extremists continues unabated.


Recents Developements:

  1. The whole country is agitated with the martyrdom of 25 CRPF personnel in the incident of April 24, 2017 in Burkapal, Sukma district of Chhattisgarh. In such situations, the challenge before us is to maintain focus and move towards our goal with speed, in a planned manner.
  2. The Government was concerned but not perturbed by the attack on the CRPF Camp by the Left Wing Extremists and
  3. new formula of SAMADHAN has been evolved to tackle the Naxalites problem.

The solution to the LWE problem is not possible with any silver bullet. There is no short-cut for it. For this short term, medium term and long term policies need to be formulated at different levels. There is need to find a solution for this problem and the strategy is available and encompassed in the word ‘SAMADHAN’ which means-

S– Smart Leadership

A– Aggressive Strategy

M- Motivation and Training

A– Actionable Intelligence

D– Dashboard Based KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and KRAs (Key Result Areas)

H– Harnessing Technology

A– Action plan for each Theatre

N– No access to Financing


S – Smart Leadership-

The key properties of ‘Smart Leadership’ are:

  • Vision,
  • Mission,
  • Passion and
  • Self belief
  1. A leadership full of self confidence should have a solid vision on how he would envisage the challenges of the future and prepare his team and energise his team to a mission mode, in order to achieve his objectives. To make his team secure, disciplined and victorious, should be of paramount importance for him.
  2. The success stories of many police officers in India are inscribed in the minds of the common people, as to how they kept their teams alive with energy. On the Left Wing Extremism front, we also need such leadership, who despite adversity, keep their jawans full of enthusiasm and teach them only to win.
  3. Be it Central Forces or the district police, they will have to work under a coordinated strategy and plan. The most important thing is that the officers will have to lead from the front. Success in this regard cannot be achieved only by sitting in Delhi, Ranchi or Raipur..
  4. Unified Co-Ordination and Command is needed in the LWE Front. Along with Strategic Command, Unified Command is also required at the Operational and Tactical Level. Intelligence sharing is important too.


A-Aggressive Strategy-

  1. Need to consider whether to react only after the occurrence of such events? Should our role not be Proactive?
  2. Learning from the old incidents, we need to bring aggression into our policy. Aggression in thinking, Aggression in strategy, Aggression in deployment of forces, Aggression in operations, Aggression in development and Aggression in road construction.
  3. Have to be cautious that extremely defensive deployment may result in reduction of operational offensive.
  4. Have to consider that although the figures of the surrenders of the Left Wing Extremisms are increasing, but whether benefit of intelligence from these surrendered LWE cadres is being derived.
  5. Must ensure that the States take the ownership of LWE operations and CAPFs cooperate with them fully. At the same time, the forces on the Ground level should not lack leadership. “Unity of Purpose” and “Unity of Action” are essential for the success of operations.


M – Motivation and Training –

  1. The Government has superior resources, training, technology, than the Left Wing Extremists. But there is a need for better coordinated efforts to counter the strategy of the LWE.
  2. Success on this front cannot be achieved only by being emotional in this regard. The right vision, right strategy, efficient use of resources, knowledge of enemy strengths and weaknesses, training of their security forces, their facilities and arrangements of tools are necessary for success.
  3. In the camps where the security forces are residing, proper facilities of power, water, connectivity should be provided so that the Security Forces may remain stress free. They should also be able to contact their family as per requirement.
  4. In addition to information about the place of posting, security forces should also have knowledge of language, dialects, traditions and culture so that they can adapt to the local conditions and earn the trust of the local people.
  5. Security forces must adhere to Standard Operating Procedures so that they are conscious about their own security.


A-Actionable Intelligence

  1. To develop actionable intelligence it is important that all intelligence agencies and security forces establish a good network with local people.
  2. Surrendered LWE cadre should be used for intelligence collection to the maximum possible.
  3. Need to depute Shadow Intelligence Officers to trace the prominent targets associated with Left Wing Extremism.
  4. There is a need to establish specific procedures between State Police and Central Forces for the exchange and use of intelligence.


D-Dashboard based KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and KRAs (Key Result Areas):-

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Result Areas (KRAs) should be determined both for the State Police and the CAPFs. This would not only help to assess the preparedness but also their performance, regular progress of its unit and individual abilities of each police officer.


H – Harnessing Technology –

  1. Technology is a Force Multiplier.
  2. Many technologies including Space, IT and Communication have brought revolutionary changes in the world. Many new techniques are also being used in dealing with law and order and the crime. On the LWE  front, there is a need to use more of such latest technologies.
  3. Use of some Cutting edge Technologies
  4. The use of the UAV is sub-optimal, that needs to be augmented both by numbers and by use in the right place.
  5. The Mini UAVs are extremely useful. Therefore, they should be procured and available in more quantities. We must try that with every battalion there must be atleast one UAV / Mini UAV.
  6. Use high resolution PTZ Cameras, GPS Tracking, Handheld Thermal Imaging, Radar, Satellite Image etc.
  7. Trackers in Weapons
  8. Biometrics in smart gun triggers.
  9. Trackers should also be embedded in Shoes, BP jackets etc.
  10. In addition, unique identification numbers should also be used in Gelatine and other explosive materials.
  11. States that do not have expertise in such state of the art technology, the Central Government can assist in this regard


A-Action plan for each theatre:- 

  1. The situation of Left Wing Extremism in different States is not the same.
  2. In different States, to fight Left extremism, there is a need to fight on multiple fronts and to create a specific action plan for each of such fronts, in order to achieve success on a systematic basis.
  3. There is a need to create separate short-term, medium-term, long-term strategies, whose goals and deadlines are clearly defined.
  4. The Implementation should be done on a Mission Mode defining the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for continuous monitoring and Key Result Areas (KRAs), that should also be aligned with these strategies.


N-No access to financing:-

  1. Economic resources play an important role in any war or any such exercise, because when money is available, only then will it be possible to buy, eat, drink and possess ammunition and weapons. Therefore, choking the financial resources of the LWE is the most basic mantra in this fight.


  1. We have come a long way in defeating the fight with Left Wing Extremists. In the remote areas, our young men are constantly working for the development and protection of the area endangering their lives.
  2. That day is not far when this mindless violence will be completely finished and once again the atmosphere of peace and prosperity will prevail and people will rapidly join the main stream along with enjoying the fruits of development.


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