As you start your preparation for the IAS/ UPSC exam, you would be advised to give a good read to the standard NCERT textbooks before catching up on with the advanced material.
Recommended Books for IAS Prep (Amazon links on pics)
#1. Indian Polity by Laxmikanth
#2. Environment (Shankar’s IAS)

#3. Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong
#4. India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
India’s Struggle for Independence
#5. India Since Independence
#6. Indian Art and Culture
Download NCERTs (OLD & NEW) from these links
#1. History – Old NCERTs + TN Ncerts
- Ancient India – RS Sharma (NCERT | Class 11)
- Medieval India – Satish Chandra (NCERT | Class 11)
- Modern India – Bipan Chandra (NCERT | Class 11)
- Environment and Biodiversity NIOS material (Zip File – Use desktop/ laptop)
- Tamil Nadu History (11th)
- Tamil Nadu History (12th)
#2. History – NEW NCERTs (right click to download)
- Text book (History) Theme- I (NCERT +2)
- Text book (History) Theme- II (NCERT +2)
- Text book (History) Theme- III (NCERT +2)
#3. Indian Art & Culture (right click to download)
- An Introduction to Indian Art (NCERT | Class 11)
- Living Crafts Traditions of India (NCERT | Class 11)
- Crafts Tradition of India (NCERT | Class 12)
#4. Indian Polity (right click to download)
- Indian constitution at work (NCERT | Class 11)
- Politics in India since independence (NCERT | Class 12)
#5. Economics (right click to download)
- Understanding Economic Development (NCERT | Class 10)
- Indian Economic development (NCERT | Class 11)
- Introductory Macroeconomics (NCERT | Class 12)
- Introductory Microeconomics (NCERT | Class 12)
#6. Geography (right click to download)
- Fundamentals of Physical Geography (NCERT | Class 11)
- India – Physical Environment (NCERT | Class 11)
- Fundamentals of Human Geography (NCERT | Class 12)
- India – People and economy (NCERT | Class 12)
#7. Science NCERTs (Class 6 – 12) (click to access the folder)
#8. Sociology NCERTs (right click to download)
- Introducing sociology (NCERT | Class 11)
- Understanding Society (NCERT | Class 11)
- Indian Society (NCERT | Class 12)
- Social Changes in India (NCERT | Class 12)
#9. Other Reference Books
- Geography – GC Leong
- A Brief History of Modern India – Rajiv Ahir
- Indian Polity – Laxmikanth
- India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipin Chandra
- India Since Independence – Bipin Chandra
If you wish to start your preparation in the earnest, make sure you read this blog on Detailed strategy for cracking IAS examination for the beginners
Sir have you Kannada edition also
It is a good effort to enlighten through NCERT Books
How can i join your telegram grp for upsc preparation?
sir hindi edtion
hv u study material in hindi medium ?
Not able to download reference books