New Initiative: Back 2 Basics – Static Syllabus Through Dynamic News


For the last 8 months or so, we have been continuously providing daily current affairs in form of Newscards over our awesomely clutter free android app.

And every now and then a good product needs to reinvent itself and think of how to best serve its audience, AND THAT IS YOU!

YES, YOU! You right now sitting across the computer or a tiny miny mobile device, trying to make sense of the sudden onslaught of CAPSLOCK AND SENTENCES MAKING NO PRACTICAL sense. Kidding! Okay. Digression ends.



What is awesome?

Current affairs from the best sources in ONE SINGLE APP.

What is awesomer still?

The ability to revise static portion of GS syllabus while reading the current affairs. In the same APP!



This is what we were experimenting in the past few days. We believe that it is always good for an aspirant (new and old) to keep in touch with the basics. 

  • You know about a scheme on congestion tax being thought by the delhi government – Good. You get to revisit the basic of congestion tax – Great!
  • Government launches a scheme for financial turnaround of Power Distribution Companies – Good. You get to revisit the reasons why these companies are usually so stressed? – Great!
  • Scientist develop a 3D printing method to produce embryonic stem cells? Good. But what is this 3D printing stuff? What else can I get to know in 2-3 points? That’s what we call going back 2 basics!

Let us know what you guys think? It is heartening to see that you guys are pitching in with relevant points and helping each other out with sincere questions/ answers.

A community is only as strong as its members and you guys make us wanna innovate more and more and more on content!

Keep the spirit going and yes, do do do RATE THE APP!


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By Root

Caretaker @civilsdaily

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