October 2024

Nuclear Diplomacy and Disarmament

Iran invites UN nuclear body chief to Tehran for talks


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), IAEA

Mains level: Nuclear disarmament

Iran has invited the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for talks after the UN official expressed concern over a lack of contact with Iranian authorities.

What is IAEA?

  • The IAEA is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons.
  • As the preeminent nuclear watchdog under the UN, the IAEA is entrusted with the task of upholding the principles of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) of 1970.
  • It was established as an autonomous organization on July 29, 1957, at the height of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
  • Though established independently of the UN through its own international treaty, the agency reports to both the UN General Assembly and the UNSC.

IAEA Missions

The IAEA is generally described as having three main missions:

  • Peaceful uses: Promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy by its member states,
  • Safeguards: Implementing safeguards to verify that nuclear energy is not used for military purposes, and
  • Nuclear safety: Promoting high standards for nuclear safety

What are its safeguards?

  • Safeguards are activities by which the IAEA can verify that a State is living up to its international commitments not to use nuclear programs for nuclear weapons purposes.
  • Safeguards are based on assessments of the correctness and completeness of a State’s declared nuclear material and nuclear-related activities.
  • Verification measures include on-site inspections, visits, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation.

Basically, two sets of measures are carried out in accordance with the type of safeguards agreements in force with a State.

  1. Verifying state reports of declared nuclear material and activities.
  2. Verifying the non-diversion of declared nuclear material and providing assurances as to the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in a State.

Try this question from CSP 2020:

Q.In India, why are some nuclear reactors kept under “IAEA Safeguards” while others are not?

(a) Some use Uranium and others use thorium.

(b) Some use imported uranium and others use domestic supplies.

(c) Some are operated by foreign enterprises and others are operated by domestic enterprises.

(d) Some are State- owned and others are privately-owned.


Post your answers here.


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Back2Basics: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

  • The NPT is a landmark international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
  • The Treaty represents the only binding commitment in a multilateral treaty to the goal of disarmament by the nuclear-weapon States.
  • Opened for signature in 1968, the Treaty entered into force in 1970.
  • India is one of the only five countries that either did not sign the NPT or signed but withdrew, thus becoming part of a list that includes Pakistan, Israel, North Korea, and South Sudan.
  • India always considered the NPT as discriminatory and had refused to sign it.


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Foreign Policy Watch: India-Pakistan

Reopening of the Kartarpur Corridor Project


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Kartarpur Corridor, R Ravi

Mains level: Pilgrim tourism and diplomacy

The government is considering reopening the Kartarpur Sahib Gurudwara corridor to Pakistan this week for Gurpurab or Prakash Parv.

Kartarpur Corridor

  • The Kartarpur corridor connects the Darbar Sahib Gurdwara in Narowal district of Pakistan with the Dera Baba Nanak shrine in Gurdaspur district in India’s Punjab province.
  • The name Kartarpur means “Place of God”.
  • The first guru of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, founded Kartarpur in 1504 AD on the right bank of the Ravi River.

Inception of the project

  • The Kartarpur Corridor was first proposed in early 1999 by then PMs Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Nawaz Sharif as part of the Delhi–Lahore Bus diplomacy.
  • The project is now compared to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, as it could help in easing tensions between the two countries.

Conditions for the pilgrimage (from Indian side)

  • Only Indians resident or overseas citizens can travel by corridor, Pakistanis cannot.
  • Children or aged persons of all ages can register to apply.
  • After 15 days of travel by corridor another registration can be done for second visit.
  • Registration can only be done online at a mentioned website of Indian Government

About Guru Nanak

  • Guru Nanak Dev (1469-1539) also referred to as Baba Nanak was the founder of Sikhism and is the first of the ten Sikh Gurus.
  • He advocated the ‘Nirguna’ form of Bhakti. He rejected sacrifices, ritual baths, image worship, austerities and the scriptures of both Hindus and Muslims.
  • He appointed one of his disciples, Angad, to succeed him as the preceptor (guru), and this practice was followed for nearly 200 years.
  • The fifth preceptor, Guru Arjan, compiled his hymns along with those of his four successors and also other religious poets, like Baba Farid, Ravidas, and Kabir, in the Adi Granth Sahib.


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Cyber Security – CERTs, Policy, etc

Creating safe digital spaces


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Paper 3- Creating safe digital spaces


Various reports have indicated increased incidence of cyberbullying and online child sexual exploitation by adults.

Tackling cyberbullying

  • School closures as a response to the COVID-19 lockdowns have led to an unprecedented rise in unsupervised screen time for children and young people, which in turn exposed them to a greater risk of online violence.
  • In India, an estimated 71 million children aged 5-11 years access the Internet on the devices of their family members, constituting about 14% of the country’s active Internet user base of over 500 million
  • There is growing scientific evidence which suggests that cyberbullying has negative consequences on the education, health and well-being of children and young people.
  • Published in 2019 and drawing on data from 144 countries, UNESCO’s report ‘Behind the numbers: Ending school violence and bullying’ highlighted the extent of the problem, with almost one in three students worldwide reporting being bullied at least once in the preceding month.
  • Therefore, cyberbullying prevention interventions should aim at tackling all types of bullying and victimisation experiences at the same time, as opposed to each in silo.

Cyberbullying prevention interventions

  • Although online violence is not limited to school premises, the education system plays a crucial role in addressing online safety.
  • To prevent and counter cyberbullying, the information booklet brought out by UNESCO in partnership with NCERT on Safe Online Learning in Times of COVID-19 can be a useful reference.
  • Effective interventions also require gender-sensitive and targeted approaches that respond to needs of learners who are most likely to be the victims of online violence.
  • Concerted efforts must be made to provide children and young people with the knowledge and skills to identify online violence so that they can protect themselves from its different forms, whether perpetrated by peers or adults.
  • Teachers also play a critical role by teaching students about online safety, and thus supporting parental involvement.


It is imperative that digital and social media platforms are free of cyberbullying, if learners have to access quality education. More importantly, confidential reporting and redress services must be established.

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Climate Change Negotiations – UNFCCC, COP, Other Conventions and Protocols

Why Glasgow Climate Pact disappoints


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Paper 3- COP26 achievements and disappointments


The Glasgow Climate Pact was adopted on Saturday and, as was to be expected, it is a mixed bag of modest achievements and disappointed expectations.

Transition away from fossil fuel

  • The Pact is the first clear recognition of the need to transition away from fossil fuels, though the focus was on giving up coal-based power altogether.
  • India introduced an amendment at the last moment to replace this phrase with “phase down” and this played negatively with both the advanced as well as a large constituency of developing countries.
  • This amendment reportedly came as a result of consultations among India, China, the UK and the US.
  • As the largest producer and consumer of coal and coal-based thermal power, it is understandable that China would prefer a gradual reduction rather than total elimination.
  • India may have had similar concerns.

Recognition of Adaptation

  • There is a welcome recognition of the importance of Adaptation and there is a commitment to double the current finance available for this to developing countries.
  • Since this amount is currently only $15 billion, doubling will mean $ 30 billion.
  • This remains grossly inadequate.
  • According to UNEP, adaptation costs for developing countries are currently estimated at $70 billion annually and will rise to an estimated $130-300 billion annually by 2030.
  • A start is being made in formulating an adaptation plan and this puts the issue firmly on the Climate agenda, balancing the overwhelming focus hitherto on mitigation.

Disappointment on the issue of finance

  • The Paris Agreement target of $100 billion per annum between 2005-2020 was never met with the shortfall being more than half, according to some calculations.
  • There is now a renewed commitment to delivering on this pledge in the 2020-2025 period and there is a promise of an enhanced flow thereafter.
  • But in a post-pandemic global economic slowdown, it is unlikely these promises will be met.
  • In any event, it is unlikely that India will get even a small slice of the pie.
  • The same applies to the issue of compensation for loss and damage for developing countries who have suffered as a result of climate change for which they have not been responsible.

Initiatives on methane and deforestation

  • Two important plurilateral outcomes could potentially develop into more substantial measures.
  • The most important is an agreement among 100 countries to cut methane emissions by 30 per cent by 2030.
  • India is not a part of this group.
  • Cutting methane emissions, which is generated mainly by livestock, is certainly useful but there is a much bigger methane emergency around the corner as the earth’s permafrost areas in Siberia, Greenland and the Arctic littoral begin to melt due to global warming that has already taken place and will continue to take place in the coming years.
  • Another group of 100 countries has agreed to begin to reverse deforestation by 2030.
  • India did not join the group due to concerns over a clause on possible trade measures related to forest products.

Implications of US-China Joint Declaration on Climate Change for India

  • Declaration was a departure for China, which had held that bilateral cooperation on climate change could not be insulated from other aspects of their relations.
  • The declaration implies a shift in China’s hardline position.
  • It appears both countries are moving towards a less confrontational, more cooperative relationship overall.
  • This will have geopolitical implications, including for India, which may find its room for manoeuvre shrinking.


As in the past, the can has been kicked down the road, except that the climate road is fast approaching a dead-end. What provides a glimmer of light is the incredible and passionate advocacy of urgent action by young people across the world. This is putting enormous pressure on governments and leaders and if sustained, may become irresistible.

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Climate Change Negotiations – UNFCCC, COP, Other Conventions and Protocols

Glasgow Climate Pact (COP26)


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Glasgow Agreement

Mains level: Success and failures of Glasgow COP

The Glasgow Agreement was finally adopted after a last-minute intervention by India to water down language on “phasing out” coal to merely “phasing down”.

Glasgow Agreement

  • The Glasgow meeting was the 26th session of the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP26.
  • These meetings are held every year to construct a global response to climate change.
  • Each of these meetings produce a set of decisions which are given different names.
  • In the current case, this has been called the Glasgow Climate Pact.
  • Earlier, these meetings have also delivered two treaty-like international agreements, the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and the Paris Agreement in 2015.

What was achieved?

[1] Mitigation:

  • The Glasgow agreement has emphasised that stronger action in the current decade was most critical to achieving the 1.5-degree target.
  • Accordingly, it has asked/decided:
  1. To strengthen their 2030 climate action plans, or NDCs (nationally-determined contributions), by next year
  2. Establish a work programme to urgently scale-up mitigation ambition and implementation
  3. To convene an annual meeting of ministers to raise ambition of 2030 climate actions
  4. Annual synthesis report on what countries were doing
  5. To convene a meeting of world leaders in 2023 to scale-up ambition of climate action
  6. Countries to make efforts to reduce usage of coal as a source of fuel, and abolish “inefficient” subsidies on fossil fuels
  7. Phase-down of coal, and phase-out of fossil fuels. This is the first time that coal has been explicitly mentioned in any COP decision.

[2] Adaptation:

  • Most of the countries, especially the smaller and poorer ones, and the small island states, consider adaptation to be the most important component of climate action.
  • They have been demanding that at least half of all climate finance should be directed towards adaptation efforts.
  • As such, the Glasgow Climate Pact has:
  1. Asked the developed countries to at least double the money being provided for adaptation by 2025 from the 2019 levels.
  2. Created a two-year work programme to define a global goal on adaptation.

[3] Finance:

  • Every climate action has financial implications. It is now estimated that trillions of dollars are required every year to fund all the actions necessary to achieve the climate targets.
  • Developed countries are under an obligation, due to their historical responsibility in emitting greenhouse gases.
  • They need to provide finance and technology to the developing nations to help them deal with climate change.
  • In 2009, developed countries had promised to mobilise at least $100 billion every year from 2020.
  • The 2020 deadline has long passed but the $100 billion promise has not been fulfilled.
  • The developed nations have now said that they will arrange this amount by 2023.

[4] Accounting earlier failures

The pact has:

  • Expressed “deep regrets” over the failure of the developed countries to deliver on their $100 billion promise.
  • It has asked them to arrange this money urgently and in every year till 2025
  • Initiated discussions on setting the new target for climate finance, beyond $100 billion for the post-2025 period
  • Asked the developed countries to provide transparent information about the money they plan to provide

[5] Loss and Damage:

The frequency of climate disasters has been rising rapidly, and many of these caused largescale devastation.

  • There is no institutional mechanism to compensate these nations for the losses, or provide them help in the form of relief and rehabilitation.
  • The loss and damage provision in the Paris Agreement seeks to address that.
  • Thanks to a push from many nations, substantive discussions on loss and damage could take place in Glasgow.
  • One of the earlier drafts included a provision for setting up of a facility to coordinate loss and damage activities.

[6] Carbon Markets:

  • Carbon markets facilitate the trading of emission reductions.
  • They are considered a very important and effective instrument to reduce overall emissions.
  • A carbon market existed under Kyoto Protocol but is no longer there because the Protocol itself expired last year.
  • Developing countries like India, China or Brazil have large amounts of carbon credits left over because of the lack of demand as many countries abandoned their emission reduction targets.
  • The Glasgow Pact has offered some reprieve to the developing nations.
  • It has allowed these carbon credits to be used in meeting countries’ first NDC targets.

Parallel Processes announced

A lot of substantial action in Glasgow happened in parallel processes that were not a part of the official COP discussions.

  • India announced a Panchamrita (a mixture of five elements) of climate actions.
  • Brazil would advance its net-zero target year from 2060 to 2050.
  • China promised to come out with a detailed roadmap for its commitment to let emissions peak in 2030, and also for its 2060 net-zero target. Israel announced a net zero target for 2050.
  • Over 100 countries pledged to reduce methane emissions by at least 30 per cent from present levels by 2030.
  • Another set of over 100 countries promised to arrest and reverse deforestation by 2030.
  • Over 30 countries signed on to a declaration promising to work towards a transition to 100 percent zero-emission cars by the year 2040, at least in the leading car markets of the world.


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Foreign Policy Watch: India-United States

Will U.S. sanction India for S-400 purchase?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: S-400 Triumf system

Mains level: India's assertion for Strategic Autonomy

The arrival of the $5.4-billion Russian long-range surface-to-air missile defence shield “S-400” is expected next month, which is likely to generate more international headlines.

About S-400

  • The S-400 is known as Russia’s most advanced long-range surface-to-air missile defence system, capable of destroying hostile strategic bombers, jets, missiles and drones at a range of 380-km.

US reservations against S-400 purchase

  • The US has made it clear that the delivery of the five S-400 systems is considered a “significant transaction”.
  • Such deals are considered under its Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) of 2017.
  • It could trigger sanctions against Indian officials and the Government.


  • The CAATSA is designed to ensure that no country is able to increase military engagement with Iran, North Korea and Russia without facing deterrent punitive action from the US.
  • The sanctions are unilateral, and not part of any United Nations decision, and therefore no country is bound to accept them.
  • Section 231 says the President shall impose no fewer than five different sanctions on any Government that enters into a significant defence or intelligence deal with Russia.
  • Section 235 lists 12 options, including stopping credit lines from US and international banks such as the IMF, blocking sales of licensed goods and technology, banning banks, manufacturers and suppliers, property transactions and even financial and visa sanctions on specific officials.
  • However, the law also empowers the President to waiver sanctions or delay them if the waiver is in the US’s “vital national security interests”.

Has the US used CAATSA before for S-400 sales?

  • The US has already placed sanctions on China and Turkey for purchase of the S-400.
  • The sanctions included denial of export licences, ban on foreign exchange transactions, blocking of all property and interests in property within the US jurisdiction and a visa ban.

Types of sanctions laid

  • In 2020, the US sanctioned its NATO partner Turkey, which it had warned about CAATSA sanctions for years, besides cancelling a deal to sell Ankara F-35 jets.
  • The sanctions on Turkey’s main defence procurement agency, also included a ban on licences and loans, and blocking of credit and visas to related officials.

Likely impacts after India’s purchase

  • The Biden administration has no firm indication on where it leans on India’s case.
  • However, several senators (US parliamentarians) have called upon the Biden administration to consider a special waiver for India.
  • This is on account of India’s importance as a defence partner, and as a strategic partner on US concerns over China and in the Quad.
  • Other US leaders thinks that giving a waiver to India would be the wrong signal for others seeking to go ahead with similar deals.

Why is the S-400 deal so important to India?

  • Security paradigm: S-400 is very important for India’s national security considerations due to the threats from China, Pakistan and now Afghanistan.
  • Air defence capability: The system will also offset the air defence capability gaps due to the IAF’s dwindling fighter squadron strength.
  • Russian legacy: Integrating the S-400 will be much easier as India has a large number of legacy Russian air defence systems.
  • Strategic autonomy: For both political as well as operational reasons, the deal is at a point of no return.


  • The deal is a way for the Government to assert its strategic autonomy.
  • India had earlier agreed to stop buying Iranian oil over the threat of sanctions in 2019, a move that caused India both financial and reputational damage.
  • Not giving in to the US’s unilateral sanctions would be one way to restore some of that.


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RBI Notifications

What is the Retail Direct Scheme for investors in G-Secs?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, RBI Retail Direct Scheme

Mains level: Not Much

The RBI has announced proposals for the Retail Direct Scheme for investors in government securities and the Integrated Ombudsman Scheme.

What is the Retail Direct Scheme?

  • Under the scheme, small investors can buy or sell government securities (G-Secs), or bonds, directly without an intermediary like a mutual fund.
  • It is similar to placing funds in debt instruments such as fixed deposits in banks.
  • However, the same tax rules apply to income from G-Secs.

Benefits of RDS

  • With the government being the borrower, there is a sovereign guarantee for the funds and hence zero risk of default.
  • Also, government securities may offer better interest rates than bank fixed deposits, depending on prevailing interest rate trends.
  • For example, the latest yield on the benchmark 10-year government securities is 6.366%.

How can individuals access G-Sec offerings?

  • Investors wishing to open a Retail Direct Gilt account directly with the RBI can do so through an online portal set up for the purpose of the scheme.
  • Once the account is activated with the aid of a password sent to the user’s mobile phone, investors will be permitted to buy securities either in the primary market or in the secondary market.
  • The minimum amount for a bid is ₹10,000 and in multiples of ₹10,000 thereafter. Payments may be made through Net banking or the UPI platform.

Why was it necessary to introduce this scheme?

  • Broader investor base: The scheme would help broaden the investor base and provide retail investors with enhanced access to the government securities market — both primary and secondary.
  • Institutional investment: Accessing retail investors could free up room for companies to bring funds from institutional investors which may otherwise have been cornered by the government.
  • Diverse borrowing for government: This scheme would facilitate smooth completion of the Government borrowing programme in 2021-22.
  • Structural reform: It is a major structural reform placing India among select few countries which have similar facilities.

Why is the RBI setting up an Integrated Ombudsman?

  • Prior to the introduction of this scheme, the RBI had three different ombudsman schemes to aid dispute resolution with respect to banks, NBFCs, and non-bank pre-paid payment issuers (PPIs).
  • They were operated by the RBI through 22 ombudsman offices.
  • The RBI would now appoint the Ombudsman and a Deputy Ombudsman for three years.
  • Complaints may be made either physically to the Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre or the RBI’s offices; or electronically through the regulator’s complaint management system.

Back2Basics: Government Securities

  • These are debt instruments issued by the government to borrow money.
  • The two key categories are:
  1. Treasury bills (T-Bills) – short-term instruments which mature in 91 days, 182 days, or 364 days, and
  2. Dated securities – long-term instruments, which mature anywhere between 5 years and 40 years
  • T-Bills are issued only by the central government, and the interest on them is determined by market forces.


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Gravitational Wave Observations

Was it really a black hole that the EHT imaged in 2019?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), Black Hole

Mains level: Not Much

A new research says that M87* which was imaged by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is not necessarily a black hole but could even be a naked singularity with a gravitomagnetic monopole.

About M-87*

  • In 2019, astronomers of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) captured the first ever image of a supermassive black hole (M87*) which was located at the centre of a galaxy Messier 87.
  • This black hole was calculated to be 6.5 billion times the Sun’s mass and is 55 million light years away from the Earth.
  • The discovery set the world of astronomy on fire and also found a mention in the “popular information” section of the announcement of the Nobel Prize in physics for 2020.
  • Andrea Ghez and Rheinhard Genzel were awarded half the share of the prize for their study of the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way galaxy, Sagittarius A*.

A black hole has two parts:

  1. Singularity at its core– a point that is infinitely dense, as all the remnant mass of the star is compressed into this point.
  2. Event horizon – an imaginary surface surrounding the singularity, and the gravity of the object is such that once anything enters this surface, it is trapped forever.
  • Not even light can escape the pull of the singularity once it crosses the event horizon.
  • That is why, we cannot see the singularity at the heart of a black hole but only see points outside the event horizon.
  • Hence, all the physics happening within the black hole’s event horizon is indeed blocked from the view of the observer.

What is the recent explanation of M87*?

Ans. Naked Singularity

  • When stars much more massive than the Sun reach the end of their lives, they collapse under their own gravity, and the product of this collapse is a black hole.
  • In many scenarios of stellar collapse, the event horizon does not form, and the singularity is exposed to the outside, without any event horizon shielding it.
  • This is called naked singularity.

Monopoles and gravity

  • In the nineteenth century, James Clerk Maxwell unified electricity and magnetism as one combined phenomenon, showing that light is an electromagnetic wave.
  • But there is an asymmetry between electricity and magnetism.
  • While positive and negative electric charges can be found to exist independently, the poles of a magnet are always found in pairs, north and south bound together.
  • There is an analogy between gravitational force and electromagnetism to say that mass is like electric charge and can exist independently, thus it can be called a “gravito-electric charge”.

But then, what is the gravito-magnetic charge?

  • In 1963, Newman, Tamburino and Unti (NUT) proposed a theoretical concept called a “gravito-magnetic charge” also called a gravitomagnetic monopole.
  • The new research has shown that M87* could be a black hole (with or without gravitomagnetic monopole) or a naked singularity (with or without gravitomagnetic monopole).

Try this PYQ:

Q. “Event Horizon” is related to:

(a) Telescope

(b) Black hole

(c) Solar glares

(d) None of the above


Post your answers here.

Back2Basics: Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)

  • The EHT project is an international partnership formed in 2012.
  • It is a network of 10 radio telescopes on four continents that collectively operate like a single instrument nearly the size of the Earth.
  • Its main objective is to directly observe the immediate environment of a black hole.


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Wildlife Conservation Efforts

Kaiser-i-Hind is Arunachal’s State butterfly


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Kaiser-i-Hind

Mains level: Not Much

An elusive swallowtail butterfly carrying ‘India’ in its name and found in next-door China will become the State butterfly of Arunachal Pradesh.


Protection status: Schedule II of Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

  • Kaiser-i-Hind (Teinopalpus imperialis) literally means Emperor of India.
  • This butterfly with a 90-120 mm wingspan is found in six States along the Eastern Himalayas at elevations from 6,000-10,000 feet in well-wooded terrain.
  • The butterfly also flutters in Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and southern China.
  • The move was made with a view to boosting butterfly tourism and saving the species from extinction in the State.

Other butterflies in news

  • The Malabar Banded Peacock or the Buddha Mayoori which was recently declared the ‘State Butterfly’ of Kerala will have a dedicated butterfly park in Kochi.
  • Tamil Nadu has also recently declared Tamil Yeoman (Cirrochroa Thais) as its state butterfly to symbolize its rich natural and cultural heritage.
  • Other states to have state butterflies are Maharashtra (Blue Mormon), Uttarakhand (Common peacock), Karnataka (Southern birdwings).


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NAM at 60 marks an age of Indian alignment


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Paper 2- Non-Aligned Movement


The birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru this month and the 60th anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement prompt reflection on Nehru’s major contribution to the field of international relations.

Background of NAM

  • In 1946, six days after Nehru formed the national government, he stated, “we propose… to keep away from the power politics of groups aligned against one another… it is for One World that free India will work.”
  •  Nehru was opposed to the conformity required by both sides in the Cold War, and his opposition to alliances was justified by American weapons to Pakistan from 1954 and the creation of western-led military blocs in Asia.
  •  Non-alignment was the least costly policy for promoting India’s diplomatic presence, a sensible approach when India was weak and looked at askance by both blocs, and the best means of securing economic assistance from abroad.
  • India played a lone hand against colonialism and racism until many African states achieved independence after 1960.
  • India played a surprisingly prominent role as facilitator at the 1954 Geneva Peace Conference on Indochina, whereafter non-alignment appeared to have come of age.
  •  Indian equidistance to both Koreas and both Vietnams was shown by India recognising neither; yet it recognised one party in the two Chinas and two Germanies.
  • The Treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation between India and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of 1971, fashioned with the liberation war of Bangladesh in view, come dangerously close to a military alliance.

Failures of NAM

  • Only two members of Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, Cyprus and Ethiopia, supported India in the war with China.
  • Among the Non-Aligned Movement’s members was a plenitude of varying alignments, a weakness aggravated by not internalising their own precepts of human rights and peaceful settlement of disputes on the grounds of not violating the sacred principle of sovereign domestic jurisdiction.
  • Other failures were lack of collective action and collective self-reliance, and the non-establishment of an equitable international economic or information order.
  • The Movement could not dent, let alone break, the prevailing world order.


In essence, Indian non-alignment’s ideological moorings began, lived and died along with Nehru’s idealism, though some features that characterised his foreign policy were retained to sustain diplomatic flexibility and promote India while its economic situation improved sufficiently to be described as an ‘emerging’ power.

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Minority Issues – SC, ST, Dalits, OBC, Reservations, etc.

Dalit capitalism and Dalit entrepreneurship


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Stand Up India

Mains level: Paper 2- Encouraging Dalit entrepreneurship


In a departure from the fixation on traditional parameters for the study of Dalit rights and empowerment, there is now a focus on how market forces can be expanded to address social exclusion.

How Dalit entrepreneurship can help in Dalit entrepreneurship

  • While entrepreneurship alone isn’t the panacea to caste-based exclusion or marginalisation, Dalit entrepreneurship is the new narrative changing the discourse of Dalit empowerment.
  • Entrepreneurship can shape access to rights and push against entrenched social hierarchies.
  • The circulation of material benefits and the relative autonomy that comes with entrepreneurship are added advantages.
  • As per the reports by the MSME ministry, Dalit-owned ventures are still minimal in terms of numbers as well as revenue.
  • To overcome hindrances to the establishment of networks across various social groups, Dalit entrepreneurs take recourse to their internal ties and use them to sustain their economic gains.
  • It is increasingly becoming clear that supporting Dalits entrepreneurs is integral to the nation’s inclusive development and this is why institutional aid is required in this regard.

Steps taken so far

  • The District Industries Centre (DIC) stipulates that to nurture entrepreneurs, the government must increase the share of goods produced by Dalits in its procurement.
  • State financial corporations have also been instructed to increase financial support to Scheduled Caste entrepreneurs.
  • The Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation has allocated 16.2 per cent of plots to SC entrepreneurs, while the Small Industries Development Bank of India offers an additional subsidy to them.
  • One of the focussed financial interventions for SC/ST entrepreneurs is the Stand Up India initiative, guaranteeing credit up to Rs 1 crore.


  • Stand Up India initiative failed to deliver the expected results due to the unavailability of so-called eligible SC/ST entrepreneurship, with most of the fund lying unutilised.
  • This was primarily due to the apathy of loaning branches and officials towards proposals by Dalit entrepreneurs.
  • It is evident that despite the existence of government schemes and policies to support such initiatives, the actual benefit could never reach the beneficiaries due to the artificial inaccessibility created by inherent social and caste biases.

Way forward

  • There is a need for Dalit-focussed alternate investment finance (AIF) and private equity (PE) funds to create a vibrant and inclusive MSME ecosystem.
  • It is evident that despite the existence of government schemes and policies to support such initiatives, the actual benefit could never reach the beneficiaries due to the artificial inaccessibility created by inherent social and caste biases.
  • There is a need to formulate multiple credit guarantee trusts by raising contributions from MNCs, FDIs, portfolio investors, corporates, etc.
  • A social vulnerability index also needs to be introduced, addressed and assessed.


Dalit entrepreneurship today holds the promise of an exciting and uncharted future for social transformation.

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Air Pollution

Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP)


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP)

Mains level: Air quality issue in New Delhi


States in the National Capital Region were directed to be ready to implement actions under the ‘emergency’ category of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) to control air pollution, said an official order.

Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP)

  • In 2014, when a study by the WHO found that Delhi was the most polluted city in the world, panic spread in the Centre and the state government.
  • Approved by the Supreme Court in 2016, the plan was formulated after several meetings that the Environment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority (EPCA) held with state government and experts.
  • The result was a plan that institutionalized measures to be taken when air quality deteriorates.
  • GRAP works only as an emergency measure.

How does it work?

  • As such, the plan does not include action by various state governments to be taken throughout the year to tackle industrial, vehicular and combustion emissions.
  • When the air quality shifts from poor to very poor, the measures listed under both sections have to be followed since the plan is incremental in nature.
  • If air quality reaches the severe+ stage, GRAP talks about shutting down schools and implementing the odd-even road-space rationing scheme.

Measures taken under GRAP

1) Severe+ or Emergency

(PM 2.5 over 300 µg/cubic metre or PM10 over 500 µg/cu. m. for 48+ hours)

  • Stop entry of trucks into Delhi (except essential commodities)
  • Stop construction work
  • Introduce odd/even scheme for private vehicles and minimise exemptions
  • Task Force to decide any additional steps including shutting of schools

2) Severe

(PM 2.5 over 250 µg/cu. m. or PM10 over 430 µg/cu. m.)

  • Close brick kilns, hot mix plants, stone crushers
  • Maximise power generation from natural gas to reduce generation from coal
  • Encourage public transport, with differential rates
  • More frequent mechanized cleaning of road and sprinkling of water

3) Very Poor

(PM2.5 121-250 µg/cu. m. or PM10 351-430 µg/cu. m.)

  • Stop use of diesel generator sets
  • Enhance parking fee by 3-4 times
  • Increase bus and Metro services
  • Apartment owners to discourage burning fires in winter by providing electric heaters during winter
  • Advisories to people with respiratory and cardiac conditions to restrict outdoor movement

4) Moderate to poor

(PM2.5 61-120 µg/cu. m. or PM10 101-350 µg/cu. m.)

  • Heavy fines for garbage burning
  • Close/enforce pollution control regulations in brick kilns and industries
  • Mechanized sweeping on roads with heavy traffic and water sprinkling
  • Strictly enforce a ban on firecrackers

Has GRAP helped?

  • The biggest success of GRAP has been in fixing accountability and deadlines.
  • For each action to be taken under a particular air quality category, executing agencies are clearly marked.
  • In a territory like Delhi, where a multiplicity of authorities has been a long-standing impediment to effective governance, this step made a crucial difference.


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Primary and Secondary Education – RTE, Education Policy, SEQI, RMSA, Committee Reports, etc.

First National Achievement Survey (NAS) held


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: National Achievement Survey (NAS)

Mains level: Not Much

The first National Achievement Survey (NAS) in four years was conducted, in a bid to assess the competencies of children in Class 3, 5 and 8.

National Achievement Survey (NAS)

  • NAS is a nationally representative large-scale survey of students’ learning undertaken by the Ministry of Education.
  • It is implemented on a sample size aiming to assess students of 3rd, 5th, 8th and 10th
  • It gives a system level reflection on effectiveness of school education.
  • The NCERT has developed the Assessment Framework for gauging the competencies attained by the student’s vis-a-vis learning outcomes.

Features of the Survey

  • The Survey goes beyond the scorecard and includes the background variables to correlate student’s performance in different learning outcomes vis-a-vis contextual variables.
  • The Survey was conducted in a monitored environment in the sampled schools.
  • Selection of sampled schools was based on UDISE+ (Unified District Information System for Education) 2019-20 data.

Significance of NAS

  • NAS findings would help diagnose learning gaps of students and determine interventions required in education policies, teaching practices and learning.
  • Through its diagnostic report cards, NAS findings help in capacity building for teachers, officials involved in the delivery of education.
  • This will help to assess the learning interruptions and new learnings during the COVID pandemic and help to take remedial measures.


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Modern Indian History-Events and Personalities

Mosques to honour 1921 Malabar Rebellion martyrs


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Malabar Rebellion

Mains level: Not Much

Granite plaquettes featuring the names of Variamkunnathu Kunjahamad Haji, Ali Musliyar, and other martyrs of the 1921 Malabar Rebellion will be put up at the precincts of a few mosques in Ernakulam.

Malabar Rebellion

  • The Malabar Rebellion in 1921 started as resistance against the British colonial rule and the feudal system in southern Malabar but ended in communal violence between Hindus and Muslims.
  • There were a series of clashes between Mappila peasantry and their landlords, supported by the British, throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • It began as a reaction against a heavy-handed crackdown on the Khilafat Movement, a campaign in defence of the Ottoman Caliphate by the British authorities in the Eranad and Valluvanad taluks of Malabar.
  • The Mappilas attacked and took control of police stations, British government offices, courts and government treasuries.

Who was Variyankunna Kunjahammed Haji?

  • He was one of the leaders of the Malabar Rebellion of 1921.
  • He raised 75000 natives, seized control of large territory from the British rule and set up a parallel government.
  • In January 1922, under the guise of a treaty, the British betrayed Haji through his close friend Unyan Musaliyar, arresting him from his hideout and producing him before a British judge.
  • He was sentenced to death along with his compatriots.


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Terrorism and Challenges Related To It

UAPA enacts process as punishment


Application of the UAPA in certain cases has caused concerns regarding its alleged “misuse”, and the rational answer would be to find ways to check “misuse”.

Issues with UAPA

  • The police often use Section 13 in conjunction with other sections of the law.
  • Vague and undefined terms: Besides the usual inventory of well-defined verbs in S.13(1), such as “commits”, “advocates”, “abets”, “advises”, “incites” or “takes part”, there is S.13(2) which reads: “Whoever, in any way, assists any unlawful activity of any association declared unlawful… shall be punished.”
  • What does “in any way” mean? S.2(o), which defines “unlawful activity” does so in even more vague terms, as anything done by a person, whether as an act, or words, verbally, through signs or otherwise.
  • What does “otherwise” mean? Likewise, S.39 criminalises support to a terrorist organisation, where “support” is not even defined!
  • Wide and arbitrary powers: The semantic slippages are politically convenient as the UAPA vests extremely wide and arbitrary powers in the government to label something an “unlawful activity”.
  •  The political “use” of UAPA is scripted into the law itself, and the question of “misuse” does not arise.
  • Application of UAPA triggers a host of draconian procedures effectively barring bail, reversing burden of proof.


The conviction rate of 2.2 per cent testifies to how the UAPA enacts the process as punishment. It is time for political parties to eschew their blinkered approach and make an effort to repeal this unlawful law.

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Urban Floods

Recurring urban floods point to need for moving away from land-centric urbanism


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Paper 3- Urban floods


Flood in Chennai has revived memories of the devastating Chennai floods of 2015, a collective trauma that its residents are yet to outlive.

Role of climate change

  • In August this year, as monsoon floods raged across the subcontinent, IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report (AR6) was published.
  • The report noted the increasing frequency of heavy precipitation events since the 1950s and inferred that they were being driven by human-induced climate change.
  • The climate crisis, is here.
  • It has made extreme rainfall events more severe and unpredictable than ever before.

Role of poor planning and encroachment

  • In 2015, the National Green Tribunal in India formed a committee to report on the status of natural stormwater drains in Delhi.
  • On inspection, out of the 201 “drains” recorded in 1976, 44 were found to be “missing.
  • Geospatial imaging established that 376 km of natural storm drains — encroached on and paved over — had disappeared from Bengaluru.
  • In both cases, these “missing” waterways were either encroached and built over or connected to sewage drains.
  • Poor design and corruption significantly contribute to urban floods.
  • By violating environmental laws and municipal bye-laws, open spaces, wetlands and floodplains have been mercilessly built over, making cities impermeable and hostile to rainwater.

Way forward

  • We need to move away from land-centric urbanisation and recognise cities as waterscapes.
  • We need to let urban rivers breathe by returning them to their floodplains.
  • The entire urban watershed needs to heal, and for that to happen, we need less concrete and more democracy and science at the grassroots.


Ever since concretisation became shorthand for urbanisation, rainfall in a changing climate no longer finds its way towards subterranean capillaries or surface water bodies.

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Parliament – Sessions, Procedures, Motions, Committees etc

What is Privilege Motion?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Privilege Motion

Mains level: Various reasons to move Privilege Motion

A chief whip of the largest party in opposition in the Rajya Sabha has moved a privilege motion against Culture Minister over the appointment of the chairperson of the National Monuments Authority.

What is Parliamentary Privilege?

  • Parliamentary privilege refers to the right and immunity enjoyed by legislatures.
  • The legislators are granted protection against civil or criminal liability for actions done or statements made in the course of their legislative duties.
  • They are granted so that the MPs/MLAs can effectively discharge their functions.
  • The powers, privileges and immunities of either House of the Indian Parliament and of its members and committees are laid down in Article 105 of the Constitution.
  • Article 194 deals with the powers, privileges and immunities of the State Legislatures, their members and their committees.

What is a privilege motion?

  • When any of the rights and immunities are disregarded, the offence is called a breach of privilege and is punishable under law of Parliament.
  • A notice is moved in the form of a motion by any member of either House against those being held guilty of breach of privilege.
  • Each House also claims the right to punish as contempt actions which, while not breach of any specific privilege, are offences against its authority and dignity.

What are the rules governing privilege?

  • Rule No 222 in Chapter 20 of the Lok Sabha Rule Book and correspondingly Rule 187 in Chapter 16 of the Rajya Sabha rulebook govern privilege.
  • It says that a member may, with the consent of the Speaker or the Chairperson, raise a question involving a breach of privilege either of a member or of the House or of a committee thereof.
  • The rules however mandate that any notice should be relating to an incident of recent occurrence and should need the intervention of the House.
  • Notices have to be given before 10 am to the Speaker or the Chairperson.

What is the role of the Speaker/Rajya Sabha Chair?

  • The Speaker/RS chairperson is the first level of scrutiny of a privilege motion.
  • The Speaker/Chair can decide on the privilege motion himself or herself or refer it to the privileges committee of Parliament.
  • If the Speaker/Chair gives consent under Rule 222, the member concerned is given an opportunity to make a short statement.

What is the privileges committee?

  • In the Lok Sabha, the Speaker nominates a committee of privileges consisting of 15 members as per respective party strengths.
  • A report is then presented to the House for its consideration. The Speaker may permit a half-hour debate while considering the report.
  • The Speaker may then pass final orders or direct that the report be tabled before the House.
  • A resolution may then be moved relating to the breach of privilege that has to be unanimously passed.
  • In the Rajya Sabha, the deputy chairperson heads the committee of privileges, which consists of 10 members.

Answer this PYQ in the comment box:

Q.With reference to the Parliament of India, which of the following Parliamentary Committees scrutinizes and reports to the House whether the powers to make regulations, rules, sub-rules, by-laws etc. conferred by the constitution of delegated by the Parliament are being properly exercised by the Executive within the scope of such delegation?

(a) Committee on Government Assurances

(b) Committee on Subordinate Legislation

(c) Rules Committee

(d) Business Advisory Committee


Post your answers here.


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Mumbai-Karnataka Region renamed as Kittur Karnataka


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Maharashtra-Karnataka Boundary Dispute

Karnataka has renamed the Mumbai-Karnataka region, consisting of seven districts, as Kittur Karnataka.

What is the Mumbai-Karnataka Region?

  • The erstwhile Mumbai-Karnataka region consisted of Uttara Kannada, Belagavi, Dharwad, Vijayapura, Bagalkote, Gadag and Haveri districts.

Reasons behind renaming

  • The Karnataka government has meant to dissociate itself from any ties with the erstwhile Presidency or colonial-era nomenclature in regions that came under the newly formed state of Karnataka in 1956.
  • The renaming is also to detach itself from any ties with Maharashtra.

Claims made by Maharashtra

  • Maharashtra has staked claim to an area of over 7,000 sq. km along its border with Karnataka.
  • It comprised 814 villages in the districts of Belagavi, Uttara Kannada, Bidar and Gulbarga, and the towns of Belagavi, Karwar and Nippani.
  • Maharashtra wants to annex all these areas.
  • The erstwhile Bombay Presidency, a multilingual province, included present-day Karnataka districts of Vijayapura, Belagavi, Dharwad and Uttara Kannada.
  • The States Reorganisation Act of 1956 made Belagavi and 10 talukas of Bombay State a part of the then Mysore State (which was renamed Karnataka in 1973).

A case pending in the Supreme Court

  • Successive governments in Maharashtra have demanded their inclusion within the state– a claim that Karnataka contests.
  • In 2004, the Maharashtra government moved the Supreme Court for a settlement of the border dispute under Article 131(b) of the Constitution.
  • It demanded 814 villages from Karnataka on the basis of the theory of village being the unit of calculation, contiguity and enumerating linguistic population in each village.
  • The case is pending in the apex court.


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Roads, Highways, Cargo, Air-Cargo and Logistics infrastructure – Bharatmala, LEEP, SetuBharatam, etc.

Char Dham Road Project


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Char Dham Project

Mains level: Environmental issues with the project

The needs of defence and environment have to be balanced and a “nuanced” approach is required, said the Supreme Court while hearing an appeal against the widening of roads in Uttarakhand hills for the “Char Dham project”.

What is Char Dham?
  • The Char Dham is a set of four pilgrimage sites in India.
  • It is believed that visiting these sites helps achieve moksha (salvation).
  • The four Dhams are, Badrinath, Dwaraka, Puri and Rameswaram.

The highway project

  • The Char Dham highway project connects the four himalayan shrines of Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath in Garhwal Himalayas.
  • It has 899-km road which the Centre wants to broaden near Dehradun.

What is the controversy?

The Supreme Court formed a high-powered committee (HPC) to examine the issues. In July 2020, the HPC submitted two reports after members disagreed on the ideal width for hill roads.

  • Deforestation: In 2018, the road-expansion project was challenged by an NGO for its potential impact on the Himalayan ecology due to felling trees, cutting hills and dumping muck (excavated material).
  • Terrain damage: It was observed that a wider road requires additional slope cutting, blasting, tunnelling, dumping and deforestation.
  • Increasing vulnerability: All of this will further destabilise the Himalayan terrain, and increase vulnerability to landslides and flash floods.

Criticism of the Project

  • Work without clearance: Project work and felling of trees on different stretches, adding up to over 250 km, has been continuing illegally since 2017-18.
  • Misusing old clearance: Work started on stretches adding up to over 200 km on the basis of old forest clearances issued to the Border Roads Organisation during 2002-2012.
  • False declaration: The work began by falsely declaring that these stretches did not fall in the Eco Sensitive Zones of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajaji National Park, Valley of Flowers National Park etc.

The defence angle

  • Even as the project grappled to come clean, it garnered support from the MoD seeking a double-lane road to meet the requirement of the Army.
  • The project always had a strategic angle to it as the highways would facilitate troop movement to areas closer to the China border.
  • Suddenly, this became the sole justification for building wider roads.


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Global Geological And Climatic Events

Earth’s first landmass emerged in Singhbhum: Study


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Emergence of landmass on Earth

Mains level: Not Much

A new study has challenged the widely accepted view that the continents rose from the oceans about 2.5 billion years ago.

About Singhbhum

  • Singhbhum district of Jharkhand is part of the Chhota Nagpur Division.
  • It is one of the leading producers of copper in India.

First landmass to emerge

  • The study suggests that the earliest continental landmass to emerge may have been Jharkhand’s Singhbhum region.
  • Scientists have found sandstones in Singhbhum with geological signatures of ancient river channels, tidal plains and beaches over 3.2 billion years old.
  • They somewhat represent the earliest crust exposed to air.

Studying the sandstones

  • The research studies a sedimentary rock, called granite. They tried to find their age and in which conditions they have formed.
  • They found the age by analysing the uranium and lead contents of tiny minerals.
  • These rocks are 3.1 billion years old, and were formed in ancient rivers, beaches, and shallow seas.
  • All these water bodies could have only existed if there was continental land.
  • Thus, they inferred that the Singhbhum region was above the ocean before 3.1 billion years ago.

How did they analyse?

  • The researchers studied the granites that form the continental crust of Singhbhum region.
  • These granites are 3.5 to 3.1 billion years old and formed through extensive volcanism that happened about 35-45 km deep inside the Earth.
  • This process continued on-and-off for hundreds of millions of years until all the magma solidified to form a thick continental crust in the area.
  • Due to the thickness and less density, the continental crust emerged above surrounding oceanic crust owing to buoyancy.

Back2Basics: Emergence of Landmass

  • In the beginning, more than 4.6-billion years ago, the world was a ball of burning gas, spinning through space.
  • It took hundreds of millions of years for the first land masses to emerge.
  • About 250-million years ago, long, long after the Earth had formed, all the continents of the time had joined together to form a super-continent called Pangaea.
  • This super-continent broke up about 200-million years ago to form two giant continents, Gondwana and Laurasia.
  • Gondwana comprised what is now Africa, South America, Australia, Antarctica and India.
  • The Indian sub-continent lay off the east coast of Africa, before it broke off and moved north rapidly.


  • Huge plates of crustal and upper mantle material (lithosphere) “float” on more dense, plastically flowing rocks of the asthenosphere.
  • The “depth” to which a plate, or block of crust, sinks is a function of its weight and varies as the weight changes.
  • This equilibrium, or balance, between blocks of crust and the underlying mantle is called isostasy.
  • The taller a block of crust is, the deeper it penetrates into the mantle because of its greater mass and weight. Isostasy occurs when each block settles into an equilibrium with the underlying mantle.
  • Blocks of crust that are separated by faults will “settle” at different elevations according to their relative mass.


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