October 2024

Roads, Highways, Cargo, Air-Cargo and Logistics infrastructure – Bharatmala, LEEP, SetuBharatam, etc.

[pib] Fast Tracking Freight in India


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Freight transport in India

Mains level: NA

NITI Aayog, RMI and RMI India’s new report, Fast Tracking Freight in India: A Roadmap for Clean and Cost-Effective Goods Transport, presents key opportunities for India to reduce its logistics costs.

Freight transport in India

  • Freight transportation is a critical backbone of India’s growing economy, and now more than ever, it’s important to make this transport system more cost-effective, efficient, and cleaner.
  • Due to the rising demand for goods and services, freight transport demand is expected to grow rapidly in the future.
  • While freight transport is essential to economic development, it is plagued by high logistics costs and contributes to rising CO2 emissions and air pollution in cities.

Highlights of the Roadmap

  • According to the report, India has the potential to:
  1. Reduce its logistics cost by 4% of GDP
  2. Achieve 10 gigatonnes of cumulative CO2 emissions savings between 2020 and 2050
  3. Reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions by 35% and 28%, respectively, until 2050
  • The report outlines solutions for the freight sector related to policy, technology, market, business models, and infrastructure development.

Various recommendations

  • The recommendations include increasing the rail network’s capacity, promoting intermodal transport, improving warehousing and trucking practices, policy measures and pilot projects for clean technology adoption, and stricter fuel economy standards.
  • When successfully deployed at scale, the proposed solutions can help India establish itself as a leader in logistics innovation and efficiency in the Asia–Pacific region and beyond.

Transforming the system

  • As India’s freight activity grows five-fold by 2050 and about 400 million citizens move to cities, a whole system transformation can help uplift the freight sector.
  • This transformation will be defined by tapping into opportunities such as efficient rail-based transport, the optimization of logistics and supply chains, and a shift to electric and other clean-fuel vehicles.
  • These solutions can help India save ₹311 lakh crore cumulatively over the next three decades.

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Climate Change Impact on India and World – International Reports, Key Observations, etc.

Glacier melting in Hindu Kush Himalayas


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Hindu Kush Himalayas

Mains level: Melting of glaciers

Up to two billion people in southeast Asia can face food and water shortages even as the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) mountain ranges lose up to two-thirds of its ice by 2100, a United Nations-backed research flagged.

Hindu Kush Himalayas

  • The HKH region, often referred to as the ‘Third Pole’, is spread over 3,500 square kilometers across eight countries including India, Nepal, and China.
  • The range forms the western section of the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region (HKH) and is the westernmost extension of the Pamir Mountains, the Karakoram, and the Himalayas.
  • It divides the valley of the Amu Darya (the ancient Oxus) to the north from the Indus River valley to the south.
  • It contains the world’s third-largest storage of frozen water after the Antarctica and Arctic.
  • Over 240 million people live in the region’s mountains; 1.7 billion live in the river basins downstream, while food grown in these basins reaches three billion people.

Continuous warming

  • HKH region continues to warm through 21st century even if the world was able to limit global warming at the agreed 1.5 degrees Celsius.
  • Another study published in 2019 on the ice thickness of glaciers had estimated that glaciers in the HKH may contain 27 percent less ice than previously suggested.
  • The HKH region lies downwind from some of the most heavily polluted places on Earth. This threatens agriculture, climate as well as monsoon patterns.

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Coronavirus – Health and Governance Issues

South Asia’s healthcare burden


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Paper 2- Need for investment in public healthcare in South Asia

The article contrasts the public healthcare system in South Asian countries with that of their Southeast Asian peers and highlights the shortcomings.

Subpar public healthcare system

  • Super spreader events, a fragile health infrastructure neglected for decades, citizens not following health protocols, and logistical mismanagement were the factors responsible for the destruction in the second Covid-19 wave.
  • What has exacerbated the situation is a subpar public healthcare system running on a meagre contribution of a little over 1% of India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  • While the private medical sector is booming, the public healthcare sector has been operating at a pitiful 0.08 doctors per 1,000 people, World Health Organization’s (WHO) prescribed standard ois1:1000.
  • India has only half a bed available for every 1,000 people, which is a deficient figure even for normal days.
  • Bangladesh and Pakistan fare no better, with a bed to patient ratio of 0.8 and 0.6, respectively, and a doctor availability of less than one for every 1,000 people.
  • While ideally, out-of-pocket expenditure should not surpass 15% to 20% of the total health expenditure, for India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, this figure stands at an appalling 62.67%, 73.87% and 56.24%, respectively.

Lack of investment in healthcare

  • Major public sector investments by the ‘big three’ of South Asia, i.e., India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, are towards infrastructure and defence, with health taking a backseat.
  • While India has the world’s third-largest military expenditure, its health budget is the fourth-lowest.
  • Indian government in this year’s budget highlighted an increase of 137% in health and well-being expenditure, a closer look reveals a mismatch between facts and figures.
  • In Pakistan, even amidst the pandemic, the defence budget was increased while the spending on health remained around $151 million.
  • Not too far behind is Bangladesh, with decades of underfunding culminating in a crumbling public healthcare system.
  • Major public sector investments by the ‘big three’ of South Asia, i.e., India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, are towards infrastructure and defence, with health taking a backseat.
  • A quick look at pre-pandemic sectoral allocations explains the chronically low status of human development indicators in the three countries.

Learning from Southeast Asia

  • Southeast Asia has prioritised investments in healthcare systems while broadening equitable access through universal health coverage schemes.
  • Vietnam’s preventive measures focused on investments in disease surveillance and emergency response mechanisms.
  • Even countries like Laos and Cambodia are making a constant effort towards improving the healthcare ecosystem.
  • All have done much better than their South Asian peers.


Learning from the devastation unleashed by the pandemic, South Asian countries must step up investment in their public healthcare sectors to make them sustainable, up to date and pro-poor; most importantly, the system should not turn its back on citizens.

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Parliament – Sessions, Procedures, Motions, Committees etc

Holding states to account


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Paper 2- Scrutinising the States

The article highlights the excessive focus on the Union government and the lack of scrutiny of the functioning of the States in various areas.

Need for focus on the States

  • In discussions on reforms or debates about public expenditure, there is an excessive focus on the Union government.
  • This focus reflects our mindset that there is a “Centre”, though constitutionally, there is no “Centre”. There is the Union government.
  • There is not as much interest in State Finance Commissions and their recommendations as it is in the Union Finance Commission’s recommendations.
  • Alternatively, there is limited scrutiny of state-level expenditure, or fiscal devolution and decentralisation of decision-making within states, or tracking functioning of state legislatures.
  • Most factor markets we seek to reform are on the concurrent list or the state list.

The Annual Review of State Laws 2020: Key findings

  • PRS Legislative Research published this report and it focuses on the legislative work performed by states in the calendar year 2020.
  • The annual review has been done in the pandemic year as 2020 saw the first wave of the pandemic.
  • It covers 19 state legislatures, including the Union territory of Delhi, which together accounts for 90 per cent of the population of the country.

1) Low Productivity

  • As a benchmark, the Parliament met for 33 days in 2020.
  • Pre-2020, these 19 states met for an average of 29 days a year.
  • In 2020, they met for an average of 18 days.
  • When they met in 2020, States passed an average of 22 Bills (excluding Appropriation Bills).
  • Karnataka passed 61 Bills, the highest in the country.
  • The lowest was Delhi which passed one Bill, followed by West Bengal and Kerala, which passed two and three Bills respectively.

2) States pass Bills without scrutiny

  • The report states that the State legislatures pass most Bills without detailed scrutiny.
  • In 2020, 59 per cent of the Bills were passed on the same day that they were introduced in the legislature.
  • A further 14 per cent were passed within a day of being introduced.
  • In Parliament, Bills are often referred to Parliamentary Standing Committees for detailed examination.
  • In most states, such committees are non-existent.

3) Information not shared by the legislature

  • Information and data on state legislatures is not easily available.
  • While some state legislatures publish data on a regular basis, many do not have a systematic way of reporting legislative proceedings and business.”
  • Typically, information becomes available when countervailing pressure is generated.
  • Reports like this help to do that.

Consider the question “In discussions on reforms, or debates about public expenditure, there is an excessive focus on the Union government. However, on reforms and public expenditures, we also need to focus on scrutinising the states”. Comment.



Scrutinising States on various areas of their functioning is important to hold them accountable. The availability of data from state legislatures is an opportunity to monitor them better.


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Minimum Support Prices for Agricultural Produce

Centre announces hike in MSP


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: MSP system

Mains level: Issues over MSP

The Central government has hiked the minimum support price (MSP) for the coming Kharif season. The decision was taken by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.

Answer this PYQ from CSP 2018 in the comment box:

Q.Consider the following:

  1. Areca nut
  2. Barley
  3. Coffee
  4. Finger millet
  5. Groundnut
  6. Sesamum
  7. Turmeric

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has announced the Minimum Support Price for which of the above?

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 7 only

(b) 2, 4, 5 and 6 only

(c) 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 only

(d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7

What is the Minimum Support Price (MSP) system?

  • MSP is a form of market intervention by the Govt. of India to insure agricultural producers against any sharp fall in farm prices.
  • MSP is price fixed by GoI to protect the producer – farmers – against excessive fall in price during bumper production years.

Who announces it?

  • MSP is announced at the beginning of the sowing season for certain crops on recommendations by Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices(CACP) and announced by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired by the PM of India.

Why MSP?

  • The major objectives are to support the farmers from distress sales and to procure food grains for public distribution.
  • They are a guaranteed price for their produce from the Government.
  • In case the market price for the commodity falls below the announced MSP due to bumper production and glut in the market, government agencies purchase the entire quantity offered by the farmers at the announced MSP.

Historical perspective

  • Till the mid-1970s, Government announced two types of administered prices:
  1. Minimum Support Prices (MSP)
  2. Procurement Prices
  • The MSPs served as the floor prices and were fixed by the Govt. in the nature of a long-term guarantee for investment decisions of producers, with the assurance that prices of their commodities would not be allowed to fall below the level fixed by the Government, even in the case of a bumper crop.
  • Procurement prices were the prices of Kharif and rabi cereals at which the grain was to be domestically procured by public agencies (like the FCI) for release through PDS.
  • It was announced soon after harvest began.
  • Normally procurement price was lower than the open market price and higher than the MSP.

Crops Covered

  1. Government announces minimum support prices (MSPs) for 22 mandated crops and fair and remunerative price (FRP) for sugarcane.
  2. The mandated crops are 14 crops of the kharif season, 6 rabi crops and two other commercial crops.
  3. The list of crops is as follows:
  • Cereals (7) – paddy, wheat, barley, jowar, bajra, maize and ragi
  • Pulses (5) – gram, arhar/tur, moong, urad and lentil
  • Oilseeds (8) – groundnut, rapeseed/mustard, toria, soyabean, sunflower seed, sesamum, safflower seed and nigerseed
  • Raw cotton
  • Raw jute
  • Copra
  • De-husked coconut
  • Sugarcane (Fair and remunerative price)
  • Virginia flu cured (VFC) tobacco

Exception for Sugar

  • The pricing of sugarcane is governed by the statutory provisions of the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966 issued under the Essential Commodities Act (ECA), 1955.
  • Prior to 2009-10 sugar season, the Central Government was fixing the Statutory Minimum Price (SMP) of sugarcane and farmers were entitled to share profits of a sugar mill on 50:50 basis.
  • As this sharing of profits remained virtually unimplemented, the Sugarcane (Control) Order, 1966 was amended in October 2009 and the concept of SMP was replaced by the Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane.

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Blockchain Technology: Prospects and Challenges

Legalizing Bitcoin in El Salvador and takeaways for India


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Bitcoin

Mains level: Cryptocurrencies regulation in India

El Salvador, a small coastal country in Central America, on became the first in the world to make Bitcoin, a digital currency, legal.

Lessons for India

While there are many precedents El Salvador sets for a global debate on cryptocurrency, we explore what this means in the Indian context.

(1) Not a precedent for monetary policy

  • The development in El Salvador changes little in terms of Indian monetary calculations around cryptocurrencies.
  • The dynamic underpinning the whole move is that El Salvador has no monetary policy of its own and hence, no local currency to protect.
  • The country was officially ‘dollarized’ in 2001 and runs on the monetary policy of the US Federal Reserve.
  • The move is in part motivated by loose and expansionary Federal Reserve policy.

(2) Coexistence with USD

  • The dollar will continue to remain the dominant currency in the country and Bitcoin would exist side by side.
  • Indeed, some analysts have pointed out how bitcoinization might change nothing on the ground if “legal tender” is to be considered by its strict legal definition.
  • However, as a result of this development, El Salvador becomes a most interesting case study of how the dollar and bitcoin would coexist side by side, and how that would play out for Bitcoin adoption.

(3) Not merely currency but technology

  • The overall use of Bitcoin appears less motivated by its use as a currency and much more by the image and investment boost this could give the country towards innovation.
  • El Salvador believes that this move will be good for luring “technology, talent, and new ideas” into the country.
  • The move into Bitcoin ties in with larger efforts to revive a stalling economy and bring back growth into the country post-Covid.

(4) Potential shift in remittances

  • The impact Bitcoin has on these remittance inflows would be worth monitoring for India, which is home to the largest remittance market in the world.
  • Remittances make up close to 20% of El Salvador’s GDP with flows approximating $6 billion annually.
  • Many citizens lack a bank account and digital banking has low penetration.
  • In this scenario, there are multiple intermediaries in the remittance chain who take cuts of as high as 20%.

(5) Impact on money laundering

  • The implication of this move for money laundering is unclear at the moment.
  • Currently, El Salvador is not considered deficient under the FATF money laundering requirements.
  • However, with large scale cryptocurrency inflows and outflows, it would be expected that El Salvador would comply with the 2019 FATF guidance on Virtual Currencies.


  • The overall takeaway for India from the El Salvador case is not in the monetary sense at all.
  • This is the wealth that India has in spades and has barely protected with policy.
  • While deliberations continue in India on the monetary and financial regulations around cryptocurrency.
  • It is important that attention be paid to incentives for India’s developers working on key innovations in the space.

Back2Basics: Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, without a central bank or single administrator, that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries.
  • Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain.
  • The cryptocurrency was invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto.
  • The currency began to use in 2009 when its implementation was released as open-source software.

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Electric and Hybrid Cars – FAME, National Electric Mobility Mission, etc.

India’s ethanol roadmap: The targets and challenges


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Ethanol blended petrol

Mains level: Ethanol blended petrol (EBP) Program

The government of India has advanced the target for 20 per cent ethanol blending in petrol (also called E20) to 2025 from 2030. E20 will be rolled out from April 2023.

What is the move?

  • A government-appointed panel has recommended to the Centre to keep the price of ethanol-blended petrol lower than normal petrol in view of lower calorific value as also to incentivize people to go for the clean fuel.
  • This measure is aimed at reducing the country’s oil import bill and carbon dioxide pollution. This new initiative is also part of measures to improve energy security and self-sufficiency measures.

Roadmap for Ethanol Blending

  • The central government has released an expert committee report on the Roadmap for Ethanol Blending in India by 2025.
  • The roadmap proposes a gradual rollout of ethanol-blended fuel to achieve E10 fuel supply by April 2022 and phased rollout of E20 from April 2023 to April 2025.
  • Currently, 8.5 per cent of ethanol is blended with petrol in India.
  • In order to introduce vehicles that are compatible the committee recommends roll out of E20 material-compliant and E10 engine-tuned vehicles from April 2023 and production of E20-tuned engine vehicles from April 2025.

What is included in the roadmap?

(1) Energy security

  • The Union government has emphasized that increased use of ethanol can help reduce the oil import bill.
  • India’s net import cost stands at $551 billion in 2020-21. It is estimated that the E20 program can save the country $4 billion (Rs 30,000 crore) per annum.
  • Last year, oil companies procured ethanol worth about Rs 21,000 crore.
  • Hence it is benefitting the sugarcane farmers.
  • Further, the government plans to encourage the use of water-sparing crops, such as maize, to produce ethanol, and the production of ethanol from the non-food feedstock.

(2) Fuel efficiency

  • There is an estimated loss of six-seven per cent fuel efficiency for four-wheelers and three-four per cent for two-wheelers when using E20, the committee report noted.
  • These vehicles are originally designed for E0 and calibrated for E10.
  • The Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers informed the expert committee that with modifications in engines (hardware and tuning), the loss in efficiency due to blended fuel can be reduced.

(3) Recalibrating engines

  • The use of E20 will require new engine specifications and changes to the fuel lines, as well as some plastic and rubber parts due to the fuel’s corrosive nature.
  • The engines, moreover, will need to be recalibrated to achieve the required power-, efficiency- and emission-level balance due to the lower energy density of the fuel.
  • This can be taken care of by producing compatible vehicles.

(4) Vehicles rollout

  • E20 material compliant and E10 compliant vehicles may be rolled out across the country from April 2023, the committee noted.
  • These vehicles can tolerate 10 to 20 per cent of ethanol-blended petrol and also deliver optimal performance with E10 fuel.
  • Vehicles with E20-tuned engines can be rolled out all across the country from April 2025.
  • These vehicles would run on E20 only and will provide high performance.

(5) Flex-fuel

  • A flexible-fuel vehicle (FFV) is an alternative fuel vehicle with an internal combustion engine designed to run on more than one fuel and both fuels are stored in the same common tank.
  • The Union ministry of road transport and highways issued a gazette notification March 2021 mandating stickers on vehicles mentioning their E20, E85 or E100 compatibility.
  • This will pave the way for flex fuel vehicles.

Why such a move?

(1) Fuel efficiency

  • Considering just the end use also indicates that CO2 emissions from blended fuel are lower than that for petrol since ethanol contains less carbon than petrol and produces less CO2.
  • The blended fuel burns more efficiently with a more homogenous mixture, which leads to a decrease in CO2 emissions compared with pure petrol.
  • The carbon dioxide released by a vehicle when ethanol is burned is offset by the carbon dioxide captured when the feedstock crops are grown to produce ethanol.
  • Comparatively, no emissions are offset when these petroleum products are burned.

(2) Emission reduction

  • Use of ethanol-blended petrol decreases emissions such as carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), the expert committee noted.
  • Higher reductions in CO emissions were observed with E20 fuel — 50 per cent lower in two-wheelers and 30 per cent lower in four-wheelers.
  • HC emissions reduced by 20 per cent with ethanol blends compared to normal petrol.
  • Nitrous oxide emissions, however, did not show a significant trend as it depended on the vehicle / engine type and engine operating conditions.
  • The unregulated carbonyl emissions, such as acetaldehyde emission were, however, higher with E10 and E20 compared to normal petrol.
  • However, these emissions were relatively lower. Evaporative emission test results with E20 fuel were similar to E0.

Global shreds of evidence

  • An increase in the ethanol content in fuels reduced the emissions of some regulated pollutants such as CO, HC and CO2.
  • However, no such change in emissions was observed for nitrogen oxides emissions.
  • The addition of ethanol, with a high blending octane number, however, allowed a reduction in aromatics in petrol.
  • Such blends also burn cleaner as they have higher octane levels than pure petrol but have higher evaporative emissions from fuel tanks and dispensing equipment.

Challenges ahead

  • Petrol requires extra processing to reduce evaporative emissions before blending with ethanol.
  • It is crucial to study the emissions from flexible fuel vehicles not only for the regulated gases but also the unregulated ones.
  • But producing and burning ethanol results in CO2 emissions.
  • Hence, net CO2 emission benefit depends on how ethanol is made and whether or not indirect impacts on land use are included in the calculations.
  • In summary, as we progress towards higher blending of ethanol, careful monitoring and assessment of emissions changes will be needed to make sure that emission reduction potential can be enhanced.

Back2Basics: EBP Programme

  • Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) programme was launched in January, 2003 for supply of 5% ethanol blended petrol.
  • The programme sought to promote the use of alternative and environment-friendly fuels and to reduce import dependency for energy requirements.
  • OMCs are advised to continue according to priority of ethanol from 1) sugarcane juice/sugar/sugar syrup, 2) B-heavy molasses 3) C-heavy molasses and 4) damaged food grains/other sources.
  • At present, this programme has been extended to the whole of India except UTs of Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands with effect from 01st April 2019 wherein OMCs sell petrol blended with ethanol up to 10%.

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Higher Education – RUSA, NIRF, HEFA, etc.

[pib] QS World University Rankings 2022


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: QS World University Ranking

Mains level: State of higher education in India

The Prime Minister has congratulated IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi and  IISc Bengaluru for top-200 positions in QS World University Rankings 2022.

QS World University Rankings

  • QS World University Rankings is an annual publication of university rankings by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).
  • It comprises the global overall and subject rankings (which name the world’s top universities for the study of 51 different subjects and five composite faculty areas).
  • It announces ranking for five independent regional tables (Asia, Latin America, Emerging Europe and Central Asia, the Arab Region, and BRICS).

Highlights of the 2022 Report

  • IIT Bombay ranks joint-177 in the world, having fallen five places over the past year.
  • IIT Delhi has become India’s second-best university, having risen from 193 ranks in last year’s ranking to 185 in the latest ranking. It has overtaken IISc Bangalore, which ranks joint-186.
  • The Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, has been ranked the “world’s top research university.
  • The top three institutions globally are — Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Oxford, and Stanford University ranked at number one, two, and three respectively.

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Water Management – Institutional Reforms, Conservation Efforts, etc.

Places in news: Sardar Sarovar Dam


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Sardar Sarovar Dam

Mains level: NA

The Sardar Sarovar Dam is providing irrigation water in summer for the first time in history.

Sardar Sarovar Dam

  • The Sardar Sarovar Narmada Dam is a terminal dam built on the Narmada river at Kevadia in Gujarat’s Narmada district.
  • Four Indian states, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan, receive water and electricity supply from the dam.
  • The foundation stone of the project was laid out by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru on 5 April 1961.
  • The project took form in 1979 as part of a development scheme funded by the World Bank through their International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, to increase irrigation and produce hydroelectricity
  • Called the ‘lifeline of Gujarat’, it usually has no water for irrigation during summers.

Answer this PYQ in the comment box:

Q.Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?


Dam/Lake River

(a) Govind Sagar: Satluj

(b) Kolleru Lake: Krishna

(c) Ukai Reservoir: Tapi

(d) Wular Lake: Jhelum

A successful model of river water sharing

  • River Narmada is a classic case of Integrated River Basin Planning, Development, and Management, with water storage available in all major, medium, and minor dams on the main river and its tributaries.
  • Its water is shared amongst four party states – Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra — in the ratio stipulated by the 1979 award of the Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal.

How has it saved water for summers?

  • During the monsoon from July to October, the reservoir operation is well synchronized with the rain forecast in the catchment area.
  • The strategic operation of River Bed Power House (RPBH) ensures that minimum water flows downstream into the sea and maximum water is used during the dam overflow period, which is not calculated in the annual water share.
  • These measures help in maximizing the annual allocation of water share.
  • Similarly, in non-monsoon months, the measures for efficient use of the allocated share typically include minimizing the conventional and operational losses.
  • It includes: avoiding water wastage, restricting water-intensive perennial crops, adopting of Underground Pipelines (UGPL); proper maintenance and operation of canals on a rotational basis.

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Wildlife Conservation Efforts

Dihing Patkai is Assam’s 7th National Park


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Dihing Patkai NP

Mains level: NA

The Assam government has notified Dihing Patkai as a National Park, four days after creating the 422-sq. km Raimona National Park in western Assam’s Kokrajhar district.

Dihing Patkai NP

  • Dihing Patkai, in focus a year ago for illegal coal mining in the vicinity, encompasses the erstwhile Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary, the Jeypore Reserve Forest and the western block of the Upper Dihing Reserve Forest.
  • The 234.26-sq. km Dihing Patkai straddling eastern Assam’s Dibrugarh and Tinsukia districts is a major elephant habitat and 310 species of butterflies have been recorded there.
  • The park has 47 species each of reptiles and mammals, including the tiger and clouded leopard.

Answer this PYQ in the comment box:

Q.Which one of the following National Parks has a climate that varies from tropical to subtropical, temperate and arctic?

(a) Khangchendzonga National Park

(b) Nandadevi National Park

(c) Neora Valley National Park

(d) Namdapha National Park

NPs in Assam

  • Assam now has the third most National Parks after the 12 in Madhya Pradesh and nine in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • The five older National Parks in the State are Kaziranga, Manas, Nameri, Orang and Dibru-Saikhowa.
  • Kaziranga and Manas are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
  • They are also tiger reserves along with Nameri and Orang.

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A clean, green future for Indian cities


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: AMRUT, SBM

Mains level: Paper 2- Clean and green future of Indian cities

This year, the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration is being launched, building towards the goals of this decade. In light of this, the article highlights the mitigating potentials of various missions undertaken by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.

A networked approach to achieving the SDG

  • The delicate balance between sustainable development and environmental protection is one of the core targets of the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
  • A networked approach to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals has been included in India’s policy and political discourse.
  • The motto of the 2030 agenda — “Leave no one behind” — very much embodies the essence of Gandhiji’s philosophy of sarvodaya through antyodaya.
  •  This guiding principle has long been a part of the execution of the national programmes and missions of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).

Achieving SDGs through flagship missions of MoHUA

  • In 2014 the Swachhata movement was launched.
  • It was, in effect, the harbinger of a total transformation of our urban landscape.
  • In June 2015, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs launched flagship mission — Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban), Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) and the Smart Cities Mission.
  • The SDGs are reflected in the core objectives of these missions.
  • They have achieved their set targets while ensuring that sustainable development is a non-negotiable part of them.

Ensuring sustainable development

1) Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)

  • It focuses on achieving an open-defecation-free India, building solid waste management capacity and bringing about behavioural change.
  • Cooperative and competitive federalism have become the driving force behind this citizen-led jan andolan.
  • It is estimated that the various initiatives under SBM-U can mitigate 17.42 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2022.

2) Smart Cities Mission

  • The Smart Cities Mission is aiding technological advancements of our cities to improve governance, sustainability and disaster risk resilience.
  • Smart solutions are being implemented to improve energy efficiency and non-motorised transport capacity in urban centres.
  • The Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework has been adopted which aims to help cities adapt, collaborate and exchange best practices to achieve international standards for green, sustainable and resilient urban habitats.


  • Under AMRUT, water supply and management, energy efficiency and increased green spaces have been part of the goal in 500 target cities.
  • As of today, 1,831 parks over 3,700 acres have been developed, 85 lakh street lights have been replaced, resulting in energy saving of 185.33 crore units (kWh), and 106 water bodies have been rejuvenated.
  • The mission is likely to result in the mitigation of 48.52 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent of GHG emissions by 2022.

4) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban)

  • With 1.12 crore houses sanctioned, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) has focused on new construction technologies that are innovative, environmentally friendly and disaster-resilien.
  • The Prime Minister launched six Light House Projects on January 1, 2021.
  • These are already under construction.
  • Additionally, about 43.3 lakh houses are being constructed where fly ash bricks/blocks and concrete blocks are being used.
  • Overall, the mission has the potential to mitigate around 12 million tonnes CO2 equivalent of GHG emissions by 2022.

5) Metro rail

  • An energy-efficient mass rapid transit system, is operational in 18 cities with over 720 km of line constructed.
  • Another 1,055 km of new lines is under construction in 27 cities.
  • This network is expected to mitigate around 21.58 million tonnes of CO2 eq GHG from 2015-2022.
  • Cumulatively, the national missions under the MoHUA are projected to mitigate GHG emissions equivalent to more than 93 million tonnes of CO2 by 2022.


A progressive track of urban development while keeping sustainability, disaster risk resilience and community building at its core has been the guiding principle of the government. It will help us preserve our environment, restore ecosystems and mitigate the risks posed by climate change in the coming decade.

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Freedom of Speech – Defamation, Sedition, etc.

Protecting human rights in digital era


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Not much

Mains level: Paper 2- Tackling disinformation

The article highlights the issues mentioned in the UNHRC report on disinformation and freedom of expression.

UNHRC Report: Upholding human rights helps dealing with falsehood

  • The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Special Rapporteur  submitted her report on “Disinformation and Freedom of Opinion and Expression” recently.
  • The UNHRC report specifically speaks of information disorder that arises from disinformation.
  • Impact of disinformation: Such information disorder leads to politically polarisation, hinders people from meaningfully exercising their human rights, and destroys their trust in governments and institutions.
  • Human rights provide a powerful and appropriate framework to challenge falsehoods and present alternative viewpoints.
  • Upholding human rights is useful in dealing with falsehood in two ways:
  • 1) Freedom of opinion and expression enables governance and development.
  • 2) Civil society, journalists and others are able to challenge falsehoods and present alternative viewpoints.
  • So, the report says that human rights friendly governance is both possible and doable; it is also desirable, as it protects political power against itself.

Review of the business model needed

  • The report asserts that reactive content moderation efforts” are unlikely to make any worthwhile difference in the absence of a serious review of the business model that underpins much of the drivers of disinformation and misinformation.
  • Problems of inconsistent application of companies’ terms of service, inadequate redress mechanisms and a lack of transparency and access to data re-emerge constantly.
  • Aalthough the platforms are global businesses, they do not appear to apply their policies consistently across all geographical areas or to uphold human rights in all jurisdictions to the same extent.

Need for legislative clarity on twin concept of misinformation and disinformation

  • The report highlights the lack of legislative and judicial clarity on the twin concepts of “disinformation” and “misinformation”.
  • It emphasises that the intention to harm is decisive to the disinformation.
  • “Disinformation” is false information disseminated intentionally to cause serious social harm.
  • In contrast, misinformation consists in the dissemination of false information unknowingly.
  • Nor are these terms to be used interchangeably.
  • Acknowledging the fact that “extremist or terrorist groups” frequently engage in the dissemination as part of their propaganda to radicalise and recruit members, the report disfavours any state response that adds to human rights concerns.

Other factors contributing to growth of disinformation

  • The growth of disinformation in recent times cannot be attributed solely to technology or malicious actors, according to the report.
  • Other factors such as digital transformation and competition from online platforms, state pressure, the absence of robust public information regimes, and digital and media literacy among the general public also matter.
  • Moreover, disinformation enhance the frustrations and grievances such as economic deprivation, market failures, political disenfranchisement, and social inequalities.
  • Disinformation is thus not the “cause but the consequence of societal crises and the breakdown of public trust in institutions”.
  • Strategies to address disinformation will succeed only when these underlying factors are tackled.

Issue of use of disinformation by states

  • A 2020 Oxford study of “Industrialised Disinformation” mentions that as many as “81 governments” use “social media to spread computational propaganda and disinformation about politics”.
  • Some authoritarian countries like Russia, China and Iran capitalised on coronavirus disinformation to amplify anti-democratic narratives.
  • Online disinformation also results in offline practices of violent social excursion on actually existing individuals and communities such as ethnic, gender, migrant, sexual minorities.

Consider the question “Reactive content moderation efforts are simply inadequate without a serious review of the business model that underpins much of the drivers of disinformation and misinformation on the social media platforms.” Critically examine.”


Will future itineraries of human rights in the digital era repeat past mistakes? The report offers grist to the mill for profound thought and conscientious action.

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Coronavirus – Disease, Medical Sciences Involved & Preventive Measures

Bring genomic sequencing into the pandemic fight


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Variants of coronavirus

Mains level: Paper 3- Importance of genomic sequencing in dealing with the pandemic

The article highlights the importance of genomic sequencing in dealing effectively with the pandemic and suggest the scaling up of genomic sequencing.

Why genomic sequencing is important

  • An effective COVID-19 pandemic response requires, inter alia, keeping track of emerging variants and then conducting further studies about their transmissibility, immune escape and potential to cause severe disease.
  • The success of the United States and the United Kingdom in containing the virus also goes to scaled-up genomic sequencing, tracking the emerging variants and using that evidence for timely actions.
  • The data from genomic sequencing has both policy and operational implications.
  • Our scientific knowledge and understanding about emerging strains is going to be the key to deploy public health interventions (vaccines included) to fight the pandemic.
  • The emerging variants — with early evidence of higher transmissibility, immune escape and breakthrough infections — demand continuous re-thinking and re-strategising of the pandemic response by every country.

Insufficient genomic sequencing in India

  • Though the procedural steps such as setting up the Indian SARS-CoV2 Genomic Consortia, or INSACOG have been taken, the sequencing has remained at a very low level of a few thousand cases only.
  • The challenge of insufficient genomic sequencing is further compounded by slow pace of data sharing.

Steps need to be taken

  • 1) Scale-up genomic sequencing: India needs to scale up genomic sequencing, across all States.
  •  More genomic sequencing is needed from large urban agglomerations.
  • A national-level analysis of collated genomic sequencing data should be done on a regular basis and findings shared publicly.
  • 2) Research on vaccine effectiveness: The Indian government needs to invest and support more scientific and operational research on vaccine effectiveness.
  • Rethink vaccine policy: There are early indications of immune escape and reduced vaccine effectiveness against the Delta variant (especially after one-shot).
  • These are the questions that experts need to deliberate and come up with the answers.

Consider the question “What is genomic sequencing and how it could help in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic? Suggest the steps India need to take to use genomic sequencing in curbing the pandemic.”


As India prepares for the third wave, increasing genomic sequencing and use of scientific evidence for decision making are not a choice but an absolute essential.

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Economic Indicators and Various Reports On It- GDP, FD, EODB, WIR etc

Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS) by the RBI


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS)

Mains level: Read the attached story

The highlights of the Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS) were recently released by the RBI pointing to some all-time lows.

Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS)

  • The RBI conducts this survey every couple of months by asking households in 13 major cities — such as Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Guwahati, Patna, Thiruvananthapuram — about their current perceptions and future expectations on a variety of economic variables.
  • These variables include the general economic situation, employment scenario, overall price situation, own income and spending levels.
  • Based on these specific responses, the RBI constructs two indices: the Current Situation Index (CSI) and the Future Expectations Index (FEI).
  • The main variables of the survey are- Economic situation, Employment, Price Level, Income and Spending.
  • The CSI maps how people view their current situation (on income, employment etc.) vis a vis a year ago. The FEI maps how people expect the situation to be (on the same variables) a year from now.
  • By looking at the two variables as well as their past performance, one can learn a lot about how Indians have seen themselves fairing over the years.

Why does it matter?

  • The CCS is a survey that indicates how optimistic or pessimistic consumers are regarding their expected financial situation.
  • If the consumers are optimistic, spending will be more, whereas if they are not so confident, then their poor consumption pattern may lead to recession.

What was the main finding?

  • As Chart 1 shows, the CSI has fallen to an all-time low of 48.5 in May.
  • An index value of 100 is crucial here, as it distinguishes between positive and negative sentiment.
  • At 48.5, the current consumer sentiment is more than 50 points adrift from being neutral — the farthest it has ever been. It is important to note that even a year ago, the CSI had hit an all-time low.
  • The FEI moved to the pessimistic territory for the second time since the onset of the pandemic.

What are the factors responsible for pulling down the CSI and FEI respectively?

  • The RBI states that CSI is being pulled down because of falling consumer sentiments on the “general economic situation” and “employment” scenario.
  • So, on the “general economic situation”, RBI finds that there has been a largely secular decline in both current consumer sentiment and future expectations since PM Modi’s re-election in 2019.
  • What is equally worse is that more people expect the employment situation to worsen a year from now — that is why the one year ahead expectation line is below the zero marks.

Big takeaways

  • These data layout the tricky challenge facing the Indian economy.
  • If the government’s strategy for fast economic growth — expecting the private sector to lead India out of this trough by investing in new capacities — is to succeed, then consumer spending (especially on non-essentials) has to go up sharply.
  • But for that to happen, household incomes have to go up; and for that to happen, the employment prospects have to brighten; and for that to happen, again, companies have to invest in new capacities.

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North-East India – Security and Developmental Issues

Autonomous Councils in India


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Autonomous districts, Sixth Schedule

Mains level: Sixth Schedule of Indian constitution

The Rengma Nagas in Assam have written to Union Home Minister demanding an autonomous district council amid a decision by the Central and the State governments to upgrade the Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC) into a territorial council.

Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council

  • KAAC is an autonomous district council in the state of Assam, India for the development and protection of tribals living in area namely Karbi Anglong and West Karbi Anglong district.
  • The council is constituted under the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India and administratively functions under the Government of Assam.

Answer this PYQ in the comment box:

Q.The Government enacted the Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act in 1996. Which one of the following is not identified as its objective?

(a) To provide self-governance

(b) To recognize traditional rights

(c) To create autonomous regions in tribal areas

(d) To free tribal people from exploitation

What are such Autonomous Council?

  • The Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India allows for the formation of autonomous administrative divisions which have been given autonomy within their respective states.
  • Most of these autonomous district councils are located in North East India but two are in Ladakh, a region administered by India as a union territory.
  • Presently, 10 Autonomous Councils in Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura are formed by virtue of the Sixth Schedule with the rest being formed as a result of other legislation.

Powers and competencies

Under the provisions of the Sixth Schedule, autonomous district councils can make laws, rules and regulations in the following areas:

  • Land management
  • Forest management
  • Water resources
  • Agriculture and cultivation
  • Formation of village councils
  • Public health
  • Sanitation
  • Village and town level policing
  • Appointment of traditional chiefs and headmen
  • Inheritance of property
  • Marriage and divorce
  • Social customs
  • Money lending and trading
  • Mining and minerals

Judicial powers

  • Autonomous district councils have powers to form courts to hear cases where both parties are members of Scheduled Tribes and the maximum sentence is less than 5 years in prison.

Taxation and revenue

  • Autonomous district councils have powers to levy taxes, fees and tolls on; building and land, animals, vehicles, boats, entry of goods into the area, roads, ferries, bridges, employment and income and general taxes for the maintenance of schools and roads.

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Electoral Reforms In India

Appointment of Election Commissioners


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Election Commission

Mains level: Appointment in constitutional bodies

President Ram Nath Kovind on Tuesday appointed of Anup Chandra Pandey, a retired Uttar Pradesh cadre IAS officer, to the post of Election Commissioner.

Election Commission of India (ECI)

  • The ECI is a constitutional body responsible for administering elections in India according to the rules and regulations mentioned in the Constitution of India.
  • It was established on January 25, 1950.
  • The major aim of the election commission of India is to define and control the process for elections conducted at various levels, Parliament, State Legislatures, and the offices of the President and Vice President of India.
  • It can be said that the Election Commission of India ensures the smooth and successful operation of the democracy.


According to Article 324 of the Indian Constitution:

  • the ECI has superintendence, direction, and control of the entire process for conduct of elections to Parliament and Legislature (state legislative assembly & state legislative council) of every State and to
  • the offices of President and Vice-President of India

Answer this PYQ in the comment box:

Q.Consider the following statements:

  1. The Election Commission of India is a five-member body.
  2. Union Ministry of Home Affairs decides the election schedule for the conduct of both general elections and bye-elections.
  3. Election Commission resolves the disputes relating to splits/mergers of recognized political parties.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (CSP 2017)

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) 3 only

Its composition

  • Initially, the commission had only a Chief Election Commissioner. Presently, it consists of a Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners.
  • For the first time, two additional Commissioners were appointed on 16th October 1989 but they had a very short term till 1st January 1990.
  • Afterward, on 1st October 1993, two additional Election Commissioners were appointed.
  • The concept of a multi-member Commission has been in operation since then, with decision-making power by majority vote.

Appointment & Tenure of Commissioners

  • The President has the power to select Chief Election Commissioner and Election Commissioners.
  • They have a tenure of six years, or up to the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
  • They have the same status and receive pay and perks as available to Judges of the Supreme Court of India.
  • The CEC can be removed from office only through accusation by Parliament.
  • The election commissioner or a regional commissioner shall not be removed from office except on the recommendation of the CEC.

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Child Rights – POSCO, Child Labour Laws, NAPC, etc.

Adoption of COVID-19-orphaned children


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: CARA

Mains level: Child Adoption

The Supreme Court has directed the States and Union Territories (UTs) to take stringent action against private individuals and NGOs who invite people to illegally adopt children orphaned by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Also read

Legal issues involved in adoption pleas for Covid-19 orphans

SC ruling against illegal adoption

  • The court ordered the government to step in and prevent private entities from revealing the identities of COVID-19 affected children, usually on social media and inviting people to adopt them.
  • No adoption of affected children should be permitted contrary to the provisions of the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 the court-ordered.
  • It was illegal to invite strangers to adopt children, already traumatized by their personal losses, without the involvement of the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA).

About CARA

  • Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) is an autonomous and statutory body of the Ministry of Women and Child Development. It was set up in 1990.
  • It functions as the nodal body for the adoption of Indian children and is mandated to monitor and regulate in-country and inter-country adoptions.
  • CARA is designated as the Central Authority to deal with inter-country adoptions in accordance with the provisions of the 1993 Hague Convention on Inter-country Adoption, ratified India in 2003.
  • It primarily deals with the adoption of orphaned, abandoned and surrendered children through its associated and recognized adoption agencies.
  • In 2018, CARA has allowed individuals in a live-in relationship to adopt children from and within India.

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Pharma Sector – Drug Pricing, NPPA, FDC, Generics, etc.

Operation Pangea XIV


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Operation Pangea XIV

Mains level: NA

More than 1.10 lakh web links, including websites and online marketplaces, have been taken down in the operation Pangea XIV.

Operation Pangea XIV

  • Code-named “Operation Pangea XIV”, the exercise was coordinated by Interpol.
  • It involved the police, customs, and health regulatory authorities of 92 countries against the sale of fake and illicit medicines and medical products.
  • Indian agencies also participated in the operation, said an official of the Central Bureau of Investigation that is the nodal body for the Interpol in the country.
  • It showed that criminals were continuing to cash in on the huge demand for personal protection and hygiene products due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Wildlife Conservation Efforts

Degradation of Aravalis


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Aravali Range and its geophysics

Mains level: NA

The Supreme Court has ordered the Haryana government to take “all essential measures” to remove encroachments, including some residential constructions, in the ecologically fragile Aravali forest land near a village.

Aravali Range

  • The Aravali is a mountain range in Northwestern India, running approximately 670 km in a southwest direction, starting near Delhi, passing through southern Haryana and Rajasthan, and ending in Gujarat.
  • The highest peak is Guru Shikhar at 1,722 meters.
  • The Aravalli Range, an eroded stub of ancient mountains, is the oldest range of fold mountains in India.
  • The natural history of the Aravalli Range dates back to times when the Indian Plate was separated from the Eurasian Plate by an ocean.
  • Three major rivers and their tributaries flow from the Aravalli, namely Banas and Sahibi rivers which are tributaries of Yamuna, as well as Luni River which flows into the Rann of Kutch.
  • The Sariska-Delhi leopard wildlife corridor is a 200 km long important biodiversity and wildlife corridor which runs from the Sariska Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan to Delhi Ridge.

Threats to its existence

  • Ecological degradation in the Aravalli region is in an alarming situation.
  • This is due to the increasing population of humans and cattle, injudicious use of natural resources, unscientific mining, uncontrolled grazing, and felling of trees.

Answer this PYQ in the comment box:

Q.With reference to the river Luni, which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) It fl ows into Gulf of Khambhat

(b) It fl ows into Gulf of Kuchchh

(c) It fl ows into Pakistan and merges with a tributary of Indus

(d) It is lost in the marshy land of the Rann of Kuchchh

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Foreign Policy Watch: India-China

Pushback against China more likely as Quad gains momentum


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Quad

Mains level: Paper 2- Pushback against China

The article discusses the future pushback against China in South Asia and Indo-Pacific as Quad gains more momentum. 


Recently, the Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh, Li Jiming, warned Dhaka that there will be “substantial damage” in bilateral ties between China and Bangladesh if the latter joins the Quad.

Bangladesh’s reaction

  • Bangladesh Foreign Minister A.K. Abdul Momen promptly and publicly challenged the Chinese envoy’s statement, underlining categorically that Dhaka pursues an independent foreign policy. 
  • That China’s remarks would reverberate far beyond South Asia was expected and perhaps intended.
  • The spokesperson of U.S. State Department remarked, “What we would say is that we respect Bangladesh’s sovereignty and we respect Bangladesh’s right to make foreign policy decisions for itself.”

Implications for South Asia and Info-Pacific

  • With its message to Bangladesh, Beijing was laying down a marker that nations should desist from engaging with the Quad.
  • This episode captures the emerging fault lines in South Asia and the wider Indo-Pacific.
  • For all its attempts to play down the relevance of the Quad, Beijing realises that the grouping, with all its weaknesses, is emerging as a reality and there is little it can do to prevent that.
  • And so, it is agitated about Quad’s future role and its potential success in offering the regional states an alternative to its own strong-arm tactics.

About Quad’s agenda

  • The Quad member states are figuring out a cohesive agenda amongst themselves and there are no plans for an expansion.
  • There is a desire to work with like-minded nations but that can only happen if the four members of the Quad can build a credible platform first.
  • Quad has not asked any country to join and no one has shown an interest.
  • But China wants to ensure that after failing in its initial attempt to prevent the Quad from gaining any traction.
  • Its message is well understood by other states who may harbour any desire of working closely with the Quad members.

Way forward

  • Beijing has failed to prevent nations from the West to the East from coming out with their Indo-Pacific strategies.
  • It has failed to prevent the operationalisation of the Quad, and now it might be worried about other nations in the region thinking of engaging with the Quad more proactively.
  • Even Bangladesh is planning to come out with its own Indo-Pacific strategy and Beijing has now warned Dhaka that a close cooperation with the Quad should not be part of the policy mix.
  •  As the Quad gains more momentum and the churn in the waters of the Indo-Pacific leads to new countervailing coalitions against China, Beijing’s belligerence can only be expected to grow.


Beijing is more likely to demand clear-cut foreign policy choices from its regional interlocutors, as its warning to Bangladesh underscores. But as Dhaka’s robust response makes it clear, states are more likely to push back than become subservient to Chinese largesse.

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