September 2022

Electronic System Design and Manufacturing Sector – M-SIPS, National Policy on Electronics, etc.

Why Should India choose manufacturing over services?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: PLI scheme

Mains level: sectors of economy


  • Manufacturing can create higher productivity jobs.

What is service sector?

  • The service sector, also known as the tertiary sector, is the third tier in the three-sector economy. Instead of product production, this sector produces services maintenance and repairs, training, or consulting. Examples of service sector jobs include housekeeping, tours, nursing, and teaching.

What is called manufacturing sector?

  • Manufacturing is the making of goods by hand or by machine that upon completion the business sells to a customer. Items used in manufacture may be raw materials or component parts of a larger product. The manufacturing usually happens on a large-scale production line of machinery and skilled labor.

ManufacturingShould India focus on manufacturing over services?

  • Services sector failed to create more jobs: So far, in services, we have certainly developed some advantage and we are doing rather well. Services’ share of the economy has gone up to over 50% of the GDP. However, this sector has not been able to create enough jobs in a commensurate manner. The result is that agriculture still continues to sustain nearly half of India’s workforce, which means that 15% of GDP is supporting some 45% of the workforce.
  • Manufacturing can provide productive jobs: We need more productive job opportunities for the workforce to shift away from agriculture. We need to focus attention on the manufacturing sector because of the direct and indirect jobs that it can create.
  • Empirical fact: It is an empirical fact that manufacturing of all productive sectors has the highest backward and forward linkages.
  • Significant potential: So, all together, there is significant potential for the manufacturing sector to create higher productivity jobs for people stuck in agricultural activities. That is the future for India.

ManufacturingWhat is PLI Scheme?

  • As the name suggests, the scheme provides incentives to companies for enhancing their domestic manufacturing apart from focusing on reducing import bills and improving the cost competitiveness of local goods.
  • PLI scheme offers incentives on incremental sales for products manufactured in India.
  • The scheme for respective sectors has to be implemented by the concerned ministries and departments.

Criteria laid for the scheme

  • Eligibility criteria for businesses under the PLI scheme vary based on the sector approved under the scheme.
  • For instance, the eligibility for telecom units is subject to the achievement of a minimum threshold of cumulative incremental investment and incremental sales of manufactured goods.
  • The minimum investment threshold for MSME is Rs 10 crore and Rs 100 crores for others.
  • Under food processing, SMEs and others must hold over 50 per cent of the stock of their subsidiaries, if any.
  • On the other hand, for businesses under pharmaceuticals, the project has to be a green-field project while the net worth of the company should not be less than 30 per cent of the total committed investment.

What are the incentives offered?

  • An incentive of 4-6 per cent was offered last year on mobile and electronic components manufacturers such as resistors, transistors, diodes, etc.
  • Similarly, 10 percent incentives were offered for six years (FY22-27) of the scheme for the food processing industry.
  • For white goods too, the incentive of 4-6 per cent on incremental sales of goods manufactured in India for a period of five years was offered to companies engaged in the manufacturing of air conditioners and LED lights.

Benefits of PLI

  • The scheme has a direct employment generation potential of over 2,00,000 jobs over 5 years.
  • It would lead to large scale electronics manufacturing in the country and open tremendous employment opportunities. Indirect employment will be about 3 times of direct employment as per industry estimates.
  • Thus, the total employment potential of the scheme is approximately 8,00,000.


  • In order to integrate India as a pivotal part of this modern economy, there is a strong need to step up our manufacturing capabilities.

Mains question

Q.Should India focus on manufacturing over services for job creation? Discuss the role Production Linked Incentive Scheme could play in boosting manufacturing in India.

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Foreign Policy Watch: India-Russia

Eastern Economic Forum (EEF)


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: EEF

Mains level: Read the attached story


Russia hosted the seventh Eastern Economic Forum- EEF Vladivostok from September 5 to 8. The four-day forum is a platform for entrepreneurs to expand their businesses into Russia’s Far East (RFE).

What is the Eastern Economic Forum-EEF?

  • The EEF was established in 2015 aiming to encourage foreign investments in the RFE to display:
  1. Economic potential
  2. Suitable business conditions and
  3. Investment opportunities in the region
  • Focus areas: The agreements focus on infrastructure, transportation projects, mineral excavations, construction, industry and agriculture.
  • With EEF, Russia is trying to attract the Asian economies in investing and developing the Far East.
  • This year, the Forum aimed at connecting the Far East with the Asia-Pacific

What does the EEF aim for?


  • FDI inflows: The primary objective of the EEF is to increase the Foreign Direct Investments in the RFE.
  • Natural resource exploitation: The region encompasses one-third of Russia’s territory and is rich with natural resources such as fish, oil, natural gas, wood, diamonds and other minerals.
  • Demographic revamp: The sparse population living in the region is another factor for encouraging people to move and work in the Far East.
  • Unleashing economic potential: The region’s riches and resources contribute to five percent of Russia’s GDP.

Success of EEF

  • Agreements signed at the EEF increased from 217 in 2017 to 380 agreements in 2021, worth 3.6 trillion roubles.
  • As of 2022, almost 2,729 investment projects are being planned in the region.
Who are the major actors in the EEF?
  • China is the biggest investor in the region as it sees potential in promoting the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and the Polar Sea Route in the RFE.
  • China’s investments in the region account for 90% of the total investments.
  • South Korea has invested in shipbuilding projects, manufacturing of electrical equipment, gas-liquefying plants, agricultural production and fisheries.
  • Japan is another key trading partner. In 2017, its investments through 21 projects amounted to $16 billion.

How does Russia see Chinese investment in EEF?

  • Russia has been welcoming Chinese investments since 2015; more now than ever due to the economic pressures caused by the war in Ukraine.
  • The Trans-Siberian Railway has further helped Russia and China in advancing trade ties.
  • The countries share a 4000-km-long border, which enables them to tap into each other’s resources with some infrastructural assistance.
  • China is also looking to develop its Heilongjiang Province which connects with the RFE.
  • Both nations have invested in a fund to develop connectivity between the cities of Blagoveshchensk and Heihe.

India and Russia’s Far East

  • India seeks to expand its influence in the RFE.
  • In 2019, India also offered a $1 billion line of credit to develop infrastructure in the region.
  • During the forum, PM Modi expressed the country’s readiness in expanding trade, connectivity and investments in Russia.
  • India is keen to deepen its cooperation in energy, pharmaceuticals, maritime connectivity, healthcare, tourism, the diamond industry and the Arctic.

Strategic significance of EEF for Russia

  • Gateway to Asia: The RFE is geographically placed at a strategic location; acting as a gateway into Asia.
  • Negating the Ukrainian war impact: The Ukraine war is a worrying issue as it affects the economic growth of the country.
  • Surviving sanctions: Although, the EEF is an annual gathering, the forum comes at an opportune time for Russia who is dealing with the impact of the sanctions.
  • Supply chain resilience: The IPEF will also play a key role in building resilient supply chains.

Will India be able to strike a balance between the EEF and IPEF?

  • Both are incomparable: The US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) and the EEF are incomparable based on its geographic coverage and the partnership with the host-countries.
  • India values both: India has not shied away from investing in the Russia-initiated EEF despite the current international conditions.
  • India is firm for its purpose: At the same time, India has given its confirmation and acceptance to three of the four pillars in the IPEF.


  • India understands the benefits of being involved in the development in the RFE but it also perceives the IPEF as a vital platform to strengthen its presence in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • India’s participation in the forum will help in disengaging from supply chains that are dependent on China and will also make it a part of the global supply chain network.


Also read:

[Sansad TV] Perspective: Russia’s Far East- Opportunities for India



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Medical Education Governance in India

Centre cites law to deny medical seats to Ukraine-returnees


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: NA

Mains level: Medical education pursuance in foreign and issues


The Centre has told the Supreme Court that the law does not allow undergraduate medical students, who fled the “war-like situation” in Ukraine, to be accommodated in Indian medical colleges.

Which laws is the govt talking about?

  • There are no provisions either under the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, or the National Medical Commission Act, 2019 to accommodate or transfer medical students.
  • Till now, no permission has been given by the National Medical Commission to transfer or accommodate any foreign medical students in any Indian medical institute/university.

Why foreign undergraduates are not permitted?

  • Absence of law: The extant regulations in India do not permit migration of students from foreign universities to India.
  • No backdoor entry: The public notice cannot be used as a back door entry into Indian colleges offering undergraduate courses.
  • Merit issue: The students had left for foreign universities for two reasons, poor marks in the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) and affordability of medical education in foreign countries.
  • High cost: Besides, these students, if admitted in Indian colleges, would again face the problem of affordability.

Why do Indians go abroad for medical studies?

  • According to estimates from Ukraine, reported in the media, around 18,000 Indian students are in Ukraine (before Operation Ganga).
  • Most of them are pursuing medicine.
  • This war has turned the spotlight on something that has been the trend for about three decades now.

Preferred countries for a medical degree

  • For about three decades now, Indian students have been heading out to Russia, China, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Philippines to pursue a medical degree.

Hype of becoming a Doctor

  • Prestige: The desire to study medicine still holds a lot of value in the Indian community (the other is becoming an IAS officer).
  • Shortages of Doctor: In many rural areas, people still look at doctors as god’s incarnate.
  • Rarity of opportunity: The lack of equal opportunities exacerbated by the caste factor in the Indian context, has a great deal of impact on the prestige still associated with being a doctor.
  • Social upliftment ladder: For years, certain communities were denied the opportunities, and finally they do have a chance at achieving significant educational status.

Why do Indians prefer going abroad?

  • No language barrier: The medium of education for these students is English, a language they are comfortable with.
  • Affordability: The amount spent on living and the medical degree are far more affordable than paying for an MBBS seat in private medical colleges in India.
  • Aesthetics and foreign culture: People are willing to leave their home to study far away in much colder places and with completely alien cultures and food habits.
  • Practice and OPD exposure: It broadens students’ mind and thinking, expose them to a whole range of experiences, and their approach to issues and crises is likely to be far better.

Doesn’t India have enough colleges?

(a) More aspirants than seats

  • There are certainly far more MBBS aspirants than there are MBBS seats in India.
  • In NEET 2021, as per a National Testing Agency press release, 16.1 lakh students registered for the exam, 15.4 lakh students appeared for the test, and 8.7 lakh students qualified.
  • As per data from the National Medical Commission (NMC), in 2021-22, there were 596 medical colleges in the country with a total of 88,120 MBBS seats.
  • While the skew is in favour of Government colleges, it is not greatly so, with the number of private medical institutions nearly neck-to-neck with the state-run ones.

(b) Fees structure

  • That means over 50% of the total seats are available at affordable fees in Government colleges.
  • Add the 50% seats in the private sector that the NMC has mandated must charge only the government college fees.
  • In fully private colleges, the full course fees range from several lakhs to crores.

(c) Uneven distribution of colleges

  • These colleges are also not distributed evenly across the country, with States such as Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala having many more colleges.

What about costs?

  • The cost factor on both sides of an MBBS degree is significant.
  • The costs of an MBBS degree in a Government college tot up to a few lakhs of rupees for the full course, but in a private medical college, it can go up to ₹1 crore for the five-year course.
  • In case it is a management seat, capitation fees can inflate the cost by several lakhs again.
  • Whereas, an MBBS course at any foreign medical university in the east and Eastern Europe costs far less (upto ₹30lakh-₹40 lakh).

Way forward

  • While PM Modi emphasised that more private medical colleges must be set up in the country to aid more people to take up MBBS, medical education experts have called for pause on the aspect.
  • If the aim is to make medicine more accessible to students of the country, the path ahead is not in the private sector, but in the public sector, with the Central and State governments’ involvement.
  • Starting private medical colleges by reducing the strict standards set for establishing institutes may not actually be the solution to this problem, if we think this is a concern.


  • Creating more medical colleges will be beneficial for the country, if access and availability can be ensured.
  • This will not be possible by resorting to private enterprise only.
  • The State and Central governments can start more medical colleges, as recommended by NITI Aayog, by utilising district headquarters hospitals, and expanding the infrastructure.
  • This way, students from the lower and middle socio-economic rung, who are otherwise not able to access medical seats, will also benefit.


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Primary and Secondary Education – RTE, Education Policy, SEQI, RMSA, Committee Reports, etc.

Tamil Nadu’s new Breakfast Scheme in Schools


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Meal schemes for students

Mains level: Not Much


Tamil Nadu CM has launched the Chief Minister’s Breakfast Scheme for students of Class I to V in government schools.

CM’s Breakfast Scheme

  • The scheme covers around 1.14 lakh students in 1,545 schools which include 417 municipal corporation schools, 163 municipality schools and 728 taluk and village panchayat-level schools.
  • The inauguration of the scheme marks an important milestone in the State’s history of providing free meals to school students.

How has the idea evolved?

(a) Pre-independence

  • In November 1920, the Madras Corporation Council approved a proposal for providing tiffin to the students of a Corporation School at Thousand Lights at a cost not exceeding one anna per student per day.
  • Theagaraya Chetty, the then President of the Corporation and one of the stalwarts of the Justice Party, said the boys studying at the school were poor, which affected the strength of the institution ‘greatly’.
  • The scheme, which was extended to four more schools and facilitated higher enrollment of students.

(b) Post-independence

  • The concept saw a Statewide application in 1956 when the then CM K. Kamaraj decided to provide free noon meal to poor children in all primary schools across the State.
  • The Budget for 1956-57 contained a provision for supplying mid-day meals to schoolchildren for 200 days a year, initially covering 65,000 students in 1,300 feeding centres.
  • In July 1982, it was left to the then CM MG Ramachandran to extend the programme to children in the 2-5 age group in Anganwadis and those in 5-9 age group in primary schools in rural areas.
  • Subsequently, the scheme now called Puratchi Thalaivar MGR Nutritious Meal Programme — was extended to urban areas as well.
  • Since September 1984, students of standards VI to X have been covered under the scheme.

Beneficiaries of the programme

  • As of now, there are nearly 7 lakh beneficiaries spread over 43,190 nutritious meal centres.
  • This includes around 3,500 students of National Child Labour Project (NCLP) special schools.
  • Besides, as a consequence of the collaborative implementation of the Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) and the nutritious meal programme, around 15.8 lakh children in the age group of 2+ to 5+ years receive nutritious meals.

Impact on school education

  • Rise in enrolment: After the improved version of the mid-day meal scheme in 1982, the Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) at primary level (standards I to V) went up by 10% during July-September, 1982 as compared to the corresponding period in 1981.
  • Girls’ enrolment: The rise in boys’ enrollment was 12% and in the case of girls, 7%, according to a publication brought out by the Tamil Nadu government on the occasion of the launch of the Scheme.
  • Increase in attendance: Likewise, attendance during July-September 1982 rose by 33% over the previous year’s figure.

Focus areas programme

  • Anaemia is a major health problem in Tamil Nadu, especially among women and children, says the 2019-21 National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5’s report.
  • From 50% during the period of the 2015-16 NFHS-4, the prevalence of anaemia in children now went up to 57%.
  • This and many other health issues can be addressed through the combined efforts of the departments of School Education, Public Health and Social Welfare and Women Empowerment.
  • Besides, a continuous and rigorous review of the progress of the scheme and nutritious meal programme should be carried out in a sustained manner.


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Wildlife Conservation Efforts

What are the Big Seven Cats?


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Big cats

Mains level: NA

We often get confused to differentiate between Cheetah/Bagh/Sher/Puli. The cheetah, which is being re-introduced to India from Africa, is not to be confused with the leopard, which too has spots that look somewhat similar.

How are all Big Cats differentiated?

[A] Genus Panthera

  • This is the genus of large wild cats that can roar but can’t purr.
  • Among them, the lion, the leopard, and the jaguar are more closely related, while the other strand has the tiger and the snow leopard.
  • The snow leopard is an exception to the rest of the group in that it can’t roar.

(1) Tiger (Panthera Tigris)

Size: 75-300 kg | IUCN status : Endangered

  • Jim Corbett’s “large-hearted gentleman with boundless courage”, the solitary and strongly territorial tiger is the largest of all wild cats and also the earliest Panthera member to exist.
  • Primarily a forest animal, they range from the Siberian taiga to the Sunderban delta.
  • The national animal of India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, and South Korea, the tiger was voted the world’s favourite animal ahead of the dog in a 2004 Animal Planet global online poll.

(2) Lion (Panthera Leo

Size: 100-250 kg | IUCN status: Vulnerable

  • Native to Africa and Asia, the lion is the most social cat, and lives in groups called prides.
  • They prefer open forests such as scrubland, and adult males have a prominent mane.
  • The lion is arguably the most widely recognised animal symbol in human culture — be it the Ashoka pillar in Sarnath, the main entrance to Buckingham Palace, or the 20th Century Fox and MGM logo.

(3) Jaguar (Panthera Onca)

Size: 50-110 kg | IUCN status: Near Threatened

  • The largest cat in the Americas, the Jaguar has the strongest bite force of all wild cats, enabling it to bite directly through the skull of its prey.
  • Melanistic (black) Jaguars are common and are often called black panthers.
  • Jaguar was a powerful motif in the Mayan and Aztec civilisations.

(4) Leopard (Panthera Pardus)

Size: 30-90 kg | IUCN status: Vulnerable

  • Similar in appearance to the Jaguar with a rosette patterned coat, the leopard was described by Jim Corbett as “the most beautiful of all animals” for its “grace of movement and beauty of colouring”.
  • The most adaptable of all big cats, they occupy diverse habitats at all altitudes across Africa and Asia.
  • Like black jaguars, melanistic leopards are called black panthers.
  • In some African cultures, leopards are considered to be better hunters than lions.

(5) Snow leopard (Panthera Uncia)

Size: 25-55 kg | IUCN status : Vulnerable

  • The ghost of the mountains, this smokey-grey cat lives above the snow line in Central and South Asia.
  • The most elusive of all big cats, it cannot roar, and has the longest tail of them all — which comes in handy for balance while hunting along the cliffs, and also gives warmth when wrapped around the body.
  • The snow leopard is the state animal of Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh.

[B] Genus Puma

  • Closely related to the domestic cat, this genus has only one extant species, the cougar.

Cougar (Puma concolor)

Size: 40-100 kg | IUCN status: Least Concern

  • The cougar is the second-largest cat in the Americas. (The Jaguar is the largest.)
  • Cougars are also called ‘mountain lion’ and ‘panther’ across their range from the Canadian Yukon to the Southern Andes.
  • Concolor is latin for “of uniform colour”. The Incas designed the city of Cusco in the shape of a cougar.

[C] Genus Acinonyx

  • This is a unique genus within the cat family, with only one living member, the cheetah.

Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)

Size: 20-70 kg | IUCN status: Vulnerable

  • The fastest land mammal, the cheetah is the only cat without retractable claws — the grip helps it accelerate faster than any sports car (0-100 km/hr in 3 seconds).
  • Cheetahs are not aggressive towards humans, and they have been tamed since the Sumerian era.
  • They don’t breed well in captivity — picky females play hard to get.
  • Cheetahs are not really big, and they hunt during the day to avoid competing with other big cats.

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Housing for all – PMAY, etc.

Delay in govt.’s flagship PMAY-G scheme to invite penalty


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: PMAY- Urban and Rural

Mains level: Housing for All

Pulling up the States for the delay in completion of the government’s flagship rural household scheme — Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana –Gramin (PMAY-G) — the Union Ministry of Rural Development has come up with a set of penalties that the State governments will have to bear for any further delay.

About PMAY-G Scheme

  • In pursuance of the goal – Housing for all by 2022, the rural housing scheme Indira Awas Yojana was revamped to PMAY-G and approved during March 2016.
  • The main aim of the PMAY-G scheme is to provide pucca house with some of the basic amenities.
  • This scheme is meant for people who do not own a house and people who live in kutcha houses or houses which are severely damaged.
  • At present, the minimum size of the houses to be built under the PMAY-G scheme has been increased to 25 sq. mt. from 20 sq. mt.
  • Under PMAY, the cost of unit assistance is to be shared between Central and State Governments in the ratio 60:40 in plain areas and 90:10 for North Eastern and hilly states.

Subsidies under PMAY – G scheme

There are various subsidies offered under PMAY G. These include:

  • Loans up to Rs. 70,000 from financial institution
  • Interest subsidy of 3%
  • Subsidy for the maximum principal amount is Rs. 2 lakh

Why in news?

  • Opposition-ruled states such as West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Odisha are the leading four States who are far behind their targets.
  • The initial deadline for the scheme was March 2022, which owing to the COVID-19 pandemic was extended by another two years till March 2024.

What are the penalty provisions?

  • If the sanction of the house is delayed for more than one month from the date of issue of the target, the State government will be penalised.
  • The penal fees are per week ₹10 per house for the first month of delay and ₹20 per house for each subsequent month of delay.
  • Similarly, if the first instalment due to the beneficiary is delayed for more than seven days from the date of sanction, then the State governments will have to pay ₹10 per house per week of delay.


Also read:

Govt. extends PMAY-Urban scheme


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Climate Change Negotiations – UNFCCC, COP, Other Conventions and Protocols

UNEP launches Green Fins Hub


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: Green Fins Hub

Mains level: NA


The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) has launched the Green Fins Hub, a global digital platform to give sustainable marine tourism a ‘major boost’.

Green Fins Hub

  • The Green Fins Global Hub will be a first-of-its-kind online support system to motivate scuba operators to improve their daily environmental practices at scale.
  • It aims to help diving and snorkeling operators worldwide to make simple, cost-efficient changes to their daily practices by utilizing tried and tested solutions.
  • It would also help them keep track of their annual improvements and communicate with their communities and customers.

Membership of Green Fins Hub

  • It will host two types of membership. One would be digital membership available for diving, snorkelling and liveaboard operations globally.
  • Throughout every year of membership, operators will receive environmental scores based on a detailed online self-evaluation and progress made on their action plans.
  • The Certified Members will continue to be assessed annually and trained in person at their operation.
  • The platform will be for operators around the world to raise industry needs, discuss environmental issues and share lessons and ideas with like-minded industry leaders, non-profits and governments.


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Parliament – Sessions, Procedures, Motions, Committees etc

Parliamentary Standing Committees


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: CCI

Mains level: deliberation for effective democracy

Parliamentary CommitteesContext

  • In the recent monsoon session of Parliament (July-August) the Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2022 and the Electricity (Amendment) Bill, 2022 sent to the Parliamentary Committees for detailed examination and a report thereon.


  • Parliament had only limited legislative time this session and could pass only five pieces of legislation
  • Oppositions stand: opposition alleging that the Government has been trying to steamroll various pieces of legislation in the last few sessions.
  • Governments stand: Government worries that so much time is lost in disruptions in Parliament that the legislative process, as it is, becomes unduly delayed and therefore, referring the bills to the Standing Committees.

Parliamentary CommitteesParliamentary Committees

  • Need of parliamentary committees: The functions of the Parliament are varied, complex and voluminous. Moreover, it has neither the adequate time nor necessary expertise to make a detailed scrutiny of all legislative measures.
  • Function: To assist parliament to discharge of its duties.
  • Mandate: To examine various legislations referred to it, the budget proposals of different Ministries, and also to do policy thinking on the vision, mission and future direction of the Ministries concerned.
  • Composition: Members of the Parliament of both the LokSabha and the RajyaSabha in the ratio 2:1,
  • Authority: constituted by the Speaker of the LokSabha and the Chairman of the RajyaSabha, jointly.
  • Classification: Broadly, two kinds–Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Standing Committees are permanent (constituted every year or periodically) and work on a continuous basis, while Ad Hoc Committees are temporary and cease to exist on completion of the task assigned to them.
  • Parliament has 24 Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committees (DRSC).

Relevance of parliamentary committees

  • Withdrawal of farm law bills shows that if bills are not discussed thoroughly, these laws are just bizarre pieces of legislation from point of view consumers and stakeholders.
  • Parliamentary committee’s discussions are held closed door. Members can express their opinion freely.
  • Members of DRSC always try reach to consensus despite political differences. Such practices are essential for healthy democracy.
  • To strengthen the relevance of parliamentarians the parliamentary committees are crucial tools.

Parliamentary CommitteesHow to improve Efficacy of committees?

  • Compulsory process: The Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha have powers to refer Bills to a DRSC of Parliament. Making the process of reference of Bills to these committees compulsory/an automatic process will be useful. An exemption could be made with the specific approval of the Speaker/ Chairman after detailed reasons for the same.
  • No whip: All discussions in the Parliamentary Standing Committee should be frank and free. No whip of the party would apply to them during the discussion.
  • Time bound: fixed timeline to come up with the recommendation and present its report which can be decided by the Speaker/Chairman. In case the committee if fails to give its recommendation within the approved/extended time, the Bill may be put up before the House concerned directly.
  • Inviting filed Expertise: To ensure quality work in the committees, experts in the field may be invited who could bring with them the necessary domain knowledge and also help introduce the latest developments and trends in that field from Some subject matter experts/young researchers could be associated with the committee for a short period would be fruitful.
  • Authority: The Speaker/Chairman should have the right to fix a time limit, sometimes even stringent, if the government of the day asks for it and the demand is found to be reasonable by the Speaker/Chairman.
  • Organized work in the gap: Between two sessions, there is generally enough time to organise committee meetings for discussions on Bills in the parliamentary committees. It is important for the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs in collaboration with the committee chairmen to get these parliamentary works organized during the intersessional period, in advance.
  • Other than Budget Proposals: The committees should not limit themselves to discussing just the budget proposals and endorsing them with a few qualifications here or amendments there. They should also come up with suggestions for the Ministry to take up new initiatives and people friendly measures.


  • Discussion is not a stumbling block but an indispensable preliminary of any wise actions.
  • Discussion is soul of democracy.
  • Parliamentary committees are truly democratic institutions in India due to its consensus and bonhomie while functioning.
  • Government of the day should take step to strengthen DRSC and refer more bills to committees. 

Other related information

Parliamentary sessions

  • The president from time to time summons each House of Parliament to meet.
  • The maximum gap between two sessions of Parliament cannot be more than six months.
  • In other words, the Parliament should meet at least twice a year.
  • There are usually three sessions in a year: 1. The Budget Session (February to May); 2. The Monsoon Session (July to September); and 3. The Winter Session (November to December).

Competition Commission of India (CCI)

  • CCI is the chief national competition regulatorin India.
  • The commission was established on 14 October 2003. It became fully functional in May 2009
  • It is a statutory body within the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
  • Responsibility: To enforce the Competition Act, 2002 to promote competition and to prevent activities that effects negatively on competition in India.
  • The CCI looks into cases and investigates them if the same has a negative impact on competition.
  • CCI also approves combination under the act so that two merging entities do not overtake the market.

Mains Question Q.

Evaluate the significance of parliamentary standing committee in parliamentary democracy. Suggest the steps to strengthen the parliamentary committees.


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Electric and Hybrid Cars – FAME, National Electric Mobility Mission, etc.

FAME India


From UPSC perspective, the following things are important :

Prelims level: FAME India scheme

Mains level: sustainable mobility


  • Centralized procurement of 5,450 electric buses and subsequent increase in ambition to have 50,000 e-buses on the country’s roads by 2030 under FAME scheme.
  • With the shared aim to rapidly electrify a key pillar of India’s public transportation, recent governance efforts of Union and state governments have created a new business model for e-buses.

Status of State-owned buses

  • Status: There are currently around 1,40,000 registered public buses on India’s roads.
  • Condition: Large numbers of them having sputtering engines which emits planet-warming fumes into the atmosphere. At least 40,000 of these buses are at the end of their lifespan and must be taken off the roads
  • Operators: Most buses are owned and operated by State transport undertakings, which are in poor financial health.
  • Revenue loss: They incur large losses because of the subsidized fares to crores of Indians each day.
  • Problem: problems of fragmented demand and high prices.
  • Limitation: As State governments control issues such as transit, urban governance and pollution control so there’s a limitation for the nation-wide action on this issue.

FAMEWhat is FAME India scheme?

  • The National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020: Is a National Mission document providing the vision and the roadmap for the faster adoption of electric vehicles and their manufacturing in the country.
  • FAME: As part of the NEMMP 2020, Department of Heavy Industry formulated a Scheme viz. Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles in India (FAME India) Scheme in the year 2015 to promote manufacturing of electric and hybrid vehicle technology and to ensure sustainable growth of the same.
  • FAME Phase-II: Government has approved Phase-II of FAME Scheme with an outlay of Rs. 10,000 Crore for a period of 3 years commencing from 1st April 2019.
  • Out of total budgetary support, about 86 percent of fund has been allocated for Demand Incentive so as to create demand for EVs in the country.
  • This phase aims to generate demand by way of supporting 7000 e-Buses, 5 lakh e-3 Wheelers, 55000 e-4 Wheeler Passenger Cars (including Strong Hybrid) and 10 lakh e-2 Wheelers. However, depending upon off-take of different category of EVs, these numbers may vary as the provision has been made for inter as well as intra segment wise f
  • Incentives: Only advanced battery and registered vehicles will be incentivized under the scheme.
  • Coverage: With greater emphasis on providing affordable & environment friendly public transportation options for the masses, scheme will be applicable mainly to vehicles used for public transport or those registered for commercial purposes in e-3W, e-4W and e-bus segments. However, privately owned registered e-2Ws are also covered under the scheme as a mass segment. 

FAMEObstacles in electric vehicle mobility

   EV Cost and Battery cost:

  • The cost is the most concerning point for an individual when it comes to buying an electric vehicle.
  • However, there are many incentives given off by central and state governments. But the common condition in all policies is that the incentives are only applicable for up to a certain number of vehicles only and after removing the discount and incentives the same EV which was looking lucrative to buy suddenly becomes unaffordable

   Beta version of vehicles:

  • Right now, both the technology and companies are new to the market and the products they are manufacturing are possibly facing real costumers for the first time.
  • It’s nearly impossible to make such a complex product like an automobile perfect for the customers in the first go, and as expected the buyers faced many issues. Vehicles like RV400, EPluto 7G, Nexon all them has to update their vehicle up to a very high extent after customer feedback and reviews.

   Poor Infrastructure and range anxiety:

  • Poor infrastructure is among the most pressing issue among people thinking to opt for electric vehicles.
  • Poor infra doesn’t only include a lack of charging stations but also the lack of proper charging set up in their home.

 No Universal charger and Ecosystem (Lack of standardization):

  • Every second electric vehicle-making company has its own different charging port which is becoming a hurdle to setting up a proper charging ecosystem.
  • Also, many EV users complained about facing moral trouble for charging their vehicle in different EV-making Company’s charging stations which can impact the growth of the EV industry.

   Temperature Issues:

  • Temperature can affect the performance of an EV battery at a large extent which makes EV’s inappropriate for too cold (Uttarakhand, Meghalaya) or too hot regions like (Rajasthan, Kerala). The battery can give its ideal performance when it’s in use under the temperature range of 15-40 degrees.

   Environmental concerns:

  • The EV revolution is necessary for the most populated and polluted parts of India like Delhi, Mumbai, etc. but in such cities the major chunk of electricity is generated through burning fossil fuels which are equivalent to spreading the pollution through the ICE vehicle smoke, even most of the charging stations are reportedly operating upon diesel-driven electricity generator.

Way ahead

  • With anything new, there will always be challenges.
  • The EV industry is still in a nascent stage in India but developing at a rapid pace. Catching up to speed are the infrastructure requirements to support the EV demand.
  • Even with the current challenges, electric vehicles present huge potential to reduce our carbon footprints and provide a cost-effective system of transportation.
  • And one way to contribute towards this growth is to buy an electric vehicle.


Mains Question

Q. What do you understand by FAME India scheme? How it will help tackling climate change? What are the obstacles in implementation of this scheme?

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